Arvin Vohra on Foreign PolicyLibertarian candidate for President; Libertarian Party Vice-Chair | |
A: Strongly support. America should be the greatest country on earth. That will come from ending the welfare state, including government schools, shutting down foreign military bases and bringing the troops home, and abolishing the income tax. Let American genius and innovation, not welfarism, guide America to legitimate greatness.
Normally, when you buy land, you don't also buy sovereignty rights. You cannot treat your house like a private country, setting your own laws, regulations, and taxes. But any country can theoretically sell you those sovereignty rights. Sovereign rights over land have been sold many times in history.
Most countries have huge amounts of unused, state-owned land. Selling sovereign rights to that land to private companies would quickly raise billions of dollars in capital.
Of course, the creation of new, private countries would benefit everyone else. How much would a hundred new Hong Kongs help the global economy? As private nations competed with public nations to offer better services, lower taxes, and lower regulations, it would force all countries to improve.