
Gil Cisneros on Government Reform



More financial disclosure for political spending

Q: Campaign Finance: Require political ads to disclose their largest funders? Stand on Citizens United decision, which allowed unlimited corporate political donations?

Gil Cisneros (D): Yes. "Increase financial disclosure requirements for political spending. Considers Citizens United "disastrous." Will co-sponsor Constitutional amendment to overturn.

Young Kim (R): No stand found on disclosure laws. Was not public sponsor of CA Proposition 59, which called for Citizens United overturn.

Source: CampusElect.org 2018 Issue Guides: Congress CA-39 election , Oct 9, 2018

Yes to automatic voter registration & same-day registration

Q: Voting Rules: Position on voting rules?

Gil Cisneros (D): Supports automatic voter registration, restoring Voting Rights Act & allowing election day registration.

Young Kim (R): Voted against automatic registration and against requiring CA State University & Community College Systems to allow students to simultaneously enroll & register to vote.

Q: Elections: Support nonpartisan redistricting to address partisan gerrymandering?

Gil Cisneros (D): Yes.

Young Kim (R): No stand found.

Source: CampusElect.org 2018 Issue Guides: Congress CA-39 election , Oct 9, 2018

PVS:Regulate campaign donations from corporations.

Cisneros supports the PVS survey question on regulating campaign donations

Project Vote Smart inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Campaign Finance: Do you support the regulation of indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?' PVS self-description: "The Political Courage Test provides voters with positions on key issues. Historically, candidates have failed to complete our test due to the advice they receive from their advisors and out of fear of negative attack ads."

Source: PVS Survey 18PVS-16 on Aug 1, 2018

Holiday on election day; revamp for easier voting access.

Cisneros voted YEA For the People Act of 2019