OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Chris Murphy: I'm more pro-choice than opponent; but no late-term abortion.
Linda McMahon: I'm a pro-choice woman; not part of anti-woman agenda.
Budget & Economy
Susan Bysiewicz: Tax securities transactions $150B to fund mortgage relief.
Chris Dodd: The next generation may be less well-off than us.
Civil Rights
Linda McMahon: I'm proud of WWE history; it's not a "war on women".
Linda McMahon: We need more business people like me in Washington.
Susan Bysiewicz: Close Wall Street's hedge fund loophole.
Susan Bysiewicz: Hold Wall Street accountable and end corporate welfare.
Susan Bysiewicz: Too few politicians fail to take on Wall Street.
Chris Murphy: OpEd: Campaign coffers overflow with Wall Street donations.
Chris Murphy: Keep preferential tax for hedge funds; costs too much to cut.
Susan Bysiewicz: End preferential tax treatment for hedge fund gains.
Susan Bysiewicz: Use fees on selling securities to help under-water mortgages.
Linda McMahon: Businesses need regulatory certainty to risk hiring workers.
Richard Blumenthal: Defend small businesses against wrongdoing, & defend record.
Chris Murphy: Admits past marijuana usage.
Susan Bysiewicz: Never smoked marijuana.
Linda McMahon: 1989: WWE exonerated unanimously of steroid doctor misdeeds.
Susan Bysiewicz: Hold colleges accountable for rising tuition.
Susan Bysiewicz: Tie federal aid to schools' efforts to control tuition costs.
Chris Murphy: Keep student loan rates at 3.4% instead of 6%.
Jack Orchulli: Increasing education funding for No Child Left Behind.
Timothy Knibbs: Eliminate the Department of Education.
Energy & Oil
Chris Murphy: Cap oil prices; let market decide green technology.
Susan Bysiewicz: Require energy buybacks from solar panels and windmills.
Chris Murphy: Energy reform is my holy grail.
Chris Murphy: End oil speculation to drive down gas prices.
Susan Bysiewicz: Security transactional tax to invest in green technology.
Linda McMahon: Cap-and-trade is an energy tax.
Richard Blumenthal: Cap-and-trade OK; fuel cells & clean energy better.
Families & Children
Richard Blumenthal: McMahon's WWE is adult entertainment marketed to children.
Foreign Policy
Susan Bysiewicz: Two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Chris Murphy: US support of Israel is in our national security interest.
Linda McMahon: Sustainable 2-state solution in Israel; no settlement freeze.
Richard Blumenthal: 2-state solution in Israel after Palestine stops terrorism.
Free Trade
Susan Bysiewicz: Make changes to NAFTA; close loopholes to send jobs overseas.
Chris Murphy: Buy American Act for government purchasing.
Susan Bysiewicz: Renegotiate NAFTA; it cost 1 million manufacturing jobs.
Government Reform
Susan Bysiewicz: Repeal Citizens United; end loopholes for special interests.
Susan Bysiewicz: Public financing for federal elections.
Lenny Rasch: Big government programs don’t work.
Gun Control
Chris Murphy: NRA has more control over Congress than any other group.
Health Care
Christopher Shays: ObamaCare takes away $500 billion from Medicare.
Chris Murphy: I'm a huge supporter of the public option.
Susan Bysiewicz: Many are just one bad medical test away from losing all.
Linda McMahon: ObamaCare will increase costs; repeal it.
Richard Blumenthal: ObamaCare is a start to national reform.
Homeland Security
Chris Murphy: Concerned about Patriot Act's impact on citizens' rights.
Chris Murphy: Impose a war tax to give citizens a stake in battle.
Susan Bysiewicz: If we had a draft, Iraq & Afghan wars would be shorter.
Chris Murphy: US aid to Israel had nothing to do with 9/11.
Chris Murphy: Keep Groton submarine base open.
Susan Bysiewicz: Close bases overseas and bring troops home.
Richard Blumenthal: Apologizes again for having said he served in Vietnam.
Linda McMahon: Terrorists only need to succeed once; we must succeed always.
Chris Dodd: Voted for 20 pay increases for the military.
Christopher Shays: Issue "blue cards" for undocumented workers.
Linda McMahon: More merit-based system for green card & citizenship.
Linda McMahon: No amnesty; enforce immigration laws.
Richard Blumenthal: Enact comprehensive solution; piecemeal approach fails.
Christopher Shays: I was part of the solution in Congress on creating jobs.
Linda McMahon: Minimum wage increases harm small businesses.
Richard Blumenthal: More job training and more R&D tax credits.
Linda McMahon: WWE has created 20 jobs annually for 28 years.
Richard Blumenthal: Contractors without health insurance aren't good jobs.
Principles & Values
Linda McMahon: Blumenthal insults millions of WWE viewers by dismissing WWE.
Richard Blumenthal: Seven of McMahon's WWE wrestlers have died this year.
Richard Blumenthal: I have spent my life helping people build their futures.
Social Security
Chris Murphy: To do nothing about entitlements is irresponsible.
Chris Murphy: Earnings cap for Soc.Sec.; and means-testing for Medicare.
Linda McMahon: Can't offer specifics or I'll be ''demagogued'' by press.
Linda McMahon: Debate & analyze entitlement reform, but no budget cuts.
Chris Murphy: Raise debt ceiling instead of privatizing Social Security.
Tax Reform
Linda McMahon: Economy is fragile; don't raise taxes in a recession.
Linda McMahon: Don't raise taxes on anyone, including middle class.
Richard Blumenthal: Nation's wealthiest don't need extension of Bush tax breaks.
Richard Blumenthal: Don't hold middle-income tax cut hostage to wealthiest 2%.
Linda McMahon: Make Bush tax cuts permanent or CT loses 8.500 jobs.
Richard Blumenthal: Extending Bush tax cuts for wealthiest 2% is wrong.
Chris Murphy: Invest in local infrastructure & stronger Buy American laws.
Chris Murphy: Massive infrastructure spending; great deals now.
Richard Blumenthal: Engage private sector to gather intel for homeland security.
War & Peace
Chris Murphy: Economic sanctions as main tactic against Iran.
Susan Bysiewicz: War only as a last resort against Iran.
Chris Murphy: Stark differences with Lieberman about the Iraq War.
Susan Bysiewicz: We should get troops out of Afghanistan yesterday.
Chris Murphy: Ending Iraq & Afghan wars saves $2B per week.
Linda McMahon: Support sanctions on Iran; keep all options on table.
Richard Blumenthal: Strengthen sanctions on Iran, adding an arms embargo.