
Carly Fiorina on Principles & Values

Republican primary challenger and former CEO


We need a president NOT from professional political class

Q: You've said that you can get the tax code down to 3 short simple pages. What do you do about opposing lobbyists?

FIORINA: You know, we have a professional, political class of both parties. We have been talking about the same issues for election cycle after election cycle. Yeah, government is big and out of control, and the only way to get it under control is to ask the federal government to budget the way you do, to examine every dollar. The fancy word for that is zero-base budgeting. I call it common sense. That 3-page tax code I talk about all the time? It's been around for 20 years. But nobody wants to vote on a three-page tax code or zero-base budgeting, because if you get those two things done, you are goring everybody's ox.

Gov. Jim GILMORE: I disagree with Carly when she says that it's just a political class in Washington. The truth is that the country has changed. And there are powerful forces at this point that are really controlling our lives. And that's why people are so angry.

Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa , Jan 28, 2016

People care about issues, not GOP internal affairs

Q: Is your party in crisis?

A: I have done over 150 events in Iowa. Now, by the way, Someone asked me, what's the biggest surprise to you on the campaign trail? I will tell you what the biggest surprise is: the chasm between what the national media talks about and what the people of Iowa talk about. The people of Iowa never ask me about a crisis in the GOP, they never ask me about the polls. They never ask me about the other candidates.

Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa , Jan 28, 2016

Hillary should be prosecuted; not be president

Hillary Clinton will do anything to gain and hang on to power. If my husband did what Bill Clinton did, I would have left him long ago. Hillary Clinton has been climbing the ladder to try and get power and here now she is trying for the White House. She is probably more qualified for the big house. She has escaped prosecution more times than El Chapo. The woman should be prosecuted.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa , Jan 28, 2016

Come help me take our country back

The people of Iowa know this ain't working anymore. The government no longer works for those who pay for it. The professional political class says and does whatever they need to do to win. We need to return to a citizen government. That is why I am running for President. The media, the establishment, they want to tell you they know who's going to win it, except that you haven't cast a single vote yet. Iowa, stand with me, fight with me. Caucus for me. It is time to take our country back.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa , Jan 28, 2016

It's time to take our country back

We have to restore a citizen government. We have to end crony capitalism. The crony capitalism that starts with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton sits inside government and rakes in millions, handing out access and favors. Donald Trump sits outside government and rakes in billions buying people like Hillary Clinton. We have working families whose wages have stagnated while the rich get richer. Citizens, it's time to take our country back.
Source: Fox Business 2016 Republican Undercard debate , Jan 14, 2016

I will not sit down and be quiet

All of my life, I have been told to sit down and be quiet. That's what the American people are being told now and we have been told that for too long. Sit down and be quiet about our God, about our guns, about the abortion industry, settle for illegal immigration that's been a problem for decades, as so many of our problems have festered for decades. Accept a system of government and politics that no longer works for us. I will not sit down and be quiet. And neither will you.
Source: Fox Business 2016 Republican Undercard debate , Jan 14, 2016

Take back government and restore security and prosperity

Imagine a Clinton presidency. Our military will deteriorate. Our veterans will not be cared for. The rich will get richer. The poor will get poorer. The middle class will continue to get crushed. A Clinton presidency will corrode the character of this nation. Because of the Clinton way: lie as long as you can get away with it. We will restore the character of this nation, the security of this nation, the prosperity of this nation, because as citizens, we will take our government back.
Source: Fox Business/WSJ Second Tier debate , Nov 10, 2015

Nothing has changed despite decades of discussion

Every election we hear a lot of talk. We hear a lot of good plans. We hear actually a lot of good intentions. But somehow for decades, nothing really has changed. What we need now is a proven leader who has produced results. That's how you go from secretary to CEO. You lead and you produce results. I will cut this government down to size and hold it accountable, simplify the tax code, roll back the regulations that have been spewing out of Washington, D.C.
Source: GOP "Your Money/Your Vote" 2015 CNBC 1st-tier debate , Oct 28, 2015

Look to Lady Liberty and Lady Justice

What this nation can be is symbolized by Lady Liberty and Lady Justice. Lady Liberty doesn't shield her eyes from the realities of the world -- she faces outward, as we always must. Lady Justice holds a sword because she is a warrior for the values and the principles that have made this nation great. She holds a scale in her other hand. With that scale she says all of us are equal in the eyes of God. All of us must be equal in the eyes of the law and the government.
Source: 2015 Republican two-tiered primary debate on CNN , Sep 16, 2015

I started as a secretary and became CEO

Q: You said "Margaret Thatcher was not content to manage a great nation in decline, and neither am I." Given your current standings in the polls, is the Iron Lady comparison a stretch?

FIORINA: Well, I would begin by reminding people that at this point in previous presidential elections, Jimmy Carter couldn't win, Ronald Reagan couldn't win, Bill Clinton couldn't win, and neither could've Barack Obama. I started as a secretary and became ultimately the chief executive of the largest technology company in the world, almost $90 billion in over 150 countries. I know personally how extraordinary and unique this nation is.

Most importantly, I think I understand leadership, which sometimes requires a tough call in a tough time. But mostly, the highest calling of leadership is to challenge the status-quo and unlock the potential of others. We need a leader who will lead the resurgence of this great nation and unlock its potential once again.

Source: Fox News/Facebook Second Tier debate transcript , Aug 6, 2015

Conservatives see people as gifted by God;progressives don't

We have been debating right here the core difference between conservatism and progressivism. I am a conservative because I believe no one of us is any better than any other one of us. Every one of us is gifted by God, whether it is those poor babies being picked over or it's someone whose life is tangled up in a web of dependence.

Progressives don't believe that. They believe some are smarter than others, some are better than others, so some are going to need to take care of others.

That is the fight we have to have, and we have to undo a whole set of things that President Obama has done that get at the heart of his disrespect and disregard for too many Americans.

Source: Fox News/Facebook Second Tier debate transcript , Aug 6, 2015

Started "Unlock Your Potential PAC" in 2014

A prime speaking slot, a straw poll spot, a new super PAC--the former HP CEO is set to make a big splash at the GOP confab, and, if everything goes right, take on Hillary Clinton. The annual presidential audition known as the Conservative Political Action Conference has long been a place where a candidate can go from "who?" to "oh, right, that person." And if all goes according to plan, "that person" at the 2015 event will be likely Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina. She's also the chair of the American Conservative Union Foundation, the group that puts on CPAC every year.

Fiorina started Unlock Your Potential PAC in 2014 to help the GOP better appeal to women voters. The group spent $512,394 in Senate races last cycle. She'll no doubt be discussing this effort on a CPAC panel called "Lies Told to You by Liberals" and "Countering the 'War on Women' Lie."

Source: TheDailyBeast.com: 2015 Conservative Political Action Conf. , Feb 26, 2015

I'll work across the aisle, including with Sen. Feinstein

Boxer & Fiorina both began airing new ads this week. Fiorina is continuing her efforts to reach out to independent voters by promising to take on dysfunction in Washington.

"California jobs gone and Barbara Boxer plays politics," the ad's narrator says as unemployment figures flicker on the screen. The ad cites criticism of Boxer by the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board, which declined to endorse either candidate and said Californians deserve a senator "able to reach across party lines to achieve progress" adding that Boxer "falls short on those counts."

"When bickering ends, solutions begin. No partisan games," a smiling Fiorina says to the camera. "I'll reach across the aisle, work with others, oppose my party if needed. Your agenda. Not mine."

Fiorina has criticized spending increases under both Democrats & Republicans while praising bipartisan efforts to curb spending. She has also promised to work with Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein to boost water deliveries to the Central Valley.

Source: Los Angeles Times coverage of 2010 CA Senate Debate , Oct 20, 2010

We need purpose to motivate us & confidence to move forward

A big part of my job while I was director of International Strategy and Business development was to build a team that was capable of actually performing the role. When I arrived, I found in the organization many very bright people with no agreed-upon purpose. They were not respected as peers or real players--they were viewed as a free resource.

As human beings, we need both purpose to motivate us and confidence to move us forward. Both are necessary to gain self-respect and the respect of others. Organizations are made up of human beings, so it's not surprising that organizations need exactly the same things. A leader's job is to build an organization's skills and capabilities and to develop its capacity for producing quality results. A leader's job is also to define a worthy purpose and to build the confidence to perform.

Source: Tough Choices, by Carly Fiorina, p.101 , Sep 25, 2007

Great leaders inspire others to do it themselves

Favorite description of leadership (from Sun Tzu, The Art of War): "The good leader is he whom men revere. The evil leader is he whom men despise. The great leader is he of whom the people say, we did it ourselves"
Source: Tough Choices, by Carly Fiorina, p. 24 , Sep 25, 2007

Other candidates on Principles & Values: Carly Fiorina on other issues:
2017 Trump Administration:
Former Obama Administration:
Pres.Barack Obama
V.P.Joe Biden
State:John Kerry
HUD:Julian Castro
State:Hillary Clinton
Staff:Rahm Emanuel

Former Bush Administration:
Pres.George W. Bush
V.P.Dick Cheney
State:Colin Powell
State:Condi Rice

Former Clinton Administration:
Pres.Bill Clinton
V.P.Al Gore
HUD:Andrew Cuomo
Labor:Robert Reich
A.G.:Janet Reno
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

Page last updated: Sep 27, 2018