Marty Walsh on Education
Further raise public confidence in Boston Public Schools
Boston deserves a public education system that provides a high quality education to every child. Under its appointed school committee, graduation rates and student performance have made steady gains, and student enrollment is increasing, suggestive of
rising public confidence in Boston Public Schools. In spite of progress, not all schools and students are experiencing success. For example, 72% of Boston Public Schools are designated level 3 or 4, which are among the lowest 20% of all schools in
Massachusetts. Only 66% of incoming ninth graders graduate high school in four years, and only 33% of high school graduates complete college.
As academic standards are increasing to keep pace globally, disparities in academic performance continue between Asian and White students and Latino/a and African-American students.
Source: 2013 Mayoral campaign website, MartyWalsh.org, "Issues"
, Nov 7, 2013
Supported federal school breakfast supplement
Massachusetts Democratic Party Platform indicates voting YES in Part I: Families & Children:No Child Left Behind. [State Rep. Walsh voted YES].Override Gov. Romney's veto of a Budget Line Item which eliminated a state supplement to the
federally-funded school breakfast program whereby all eligible children shall be provided free, nutritious breakfasts at no cost to them.
Relevant platform section: PART I: FAMILIES & CHILDREN, DIVERSITY & COMMUNITY: No Child Left
Behind: "We believe that young people are our most precious resource, and we see inherent worth and promise in every child. Ours is truly the Party that seeks to "Leave No Child Behind."We endorse, therefore, the goals established under The Children's
Defense Fund initiative of that name, to ensure every child a healthy start [which includes CDF's support of school breakfast programs]."
Source citation: Veto Override ; vote number 252
Source: Massachusetts House voting record via MassScorecard.org
, Jul 10, 2003
Page last updated: Nov 22, 2024; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org