
Heritage Foundation on War & Peace



Stop ISIS from presenting itself as a credible government

The ISIS threat has mutated and will continue to mutate. While the loss of the "Caliphate" damages the ISIS brand, it maintains sufficient cachet to inspire attacks abroad. ISIS also has options for alternative safe havens that could allow it to recover.

Therefore, the Trump administration should accept that a huge amount of work lies ahead in the next three (or seven) years. The military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies will be at the forefront of the response. Yet stopping ISIS from presenting itself as a credible government in areas where it still retains a presence is also an important task. In those areas, the United States must help promote responsive and representative governance.

The administration must also frame the problem correctly. The Islamist threat will transcend any one presidency. Victory is not just around the corner. Nevertheless, the Trump administration could lay the groundwork for a strategy that will one day deliver it.

Source: Heritage Commentary on 2018 Trump Administration , Jan 29, 2018

Hold Assad accountable for his war crimes

There are several actions that the United States can take to limit and ultimately to defeat the threat of Islamist terrorism, both in the U.S. and in Europe. Specifically:
Source: Heritage Action Terrorism Report: 2017 voting recommendation , Feb 22, 2017

Obama deal will marginally slow, but not halt, Iranian nukes

Q: Will the interim agreement stop Iran's nuclear weapons program?

A: The agreement will marginally slow, but not halt, Iran's nuclear efforts. It has been incorrectly described as a "freeze," but many elements of Iran's nuclear program will continue. Iran is allowed to enrich uranium, despite the fact that this explicitly violates U.N. resolutions. The agreement does nothing to reduce Iran's stockpile of low enriched uranium, despite the fact that reactor will be fueled by the Russians for at least 10 years anyway.

Q: What is wrong with using this agreement as a first step?

A: This is a flawed deal that risks reducing sanctions pressure on Iran over the next six months in return for easily reversible Iranian pledges, some of which Iran has given before but subsequently reneged on. The nuclear deal requires Iran to curb some, but not all, of its nuclear activities in return for about $7 billion in sanctions relief over six months.

Source: Heritage Action 2013 voting recommendation on Iranian nukes , Nov 26, 2013

UN should authorize use of force against North Korea

Source: Heritage research report by Bruce Klingner , Jan 28, 2013

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Page last updated: Apr 30, 2021