Karen Handel on Tax Reform | |
I had pledged to be a leader who could get things done--no tax increases; strong ethics. First up: a new budget. Finally, after some losses, some compromises, and an effective parliamentary strategy, the budget passed. The deficit was closed. The budget was balanced. There was NO tax increase that year.
I would have to beat back tax increases each year. And somehow, with the help of a great team and the support of Fulton County citizens, we balanced the county budget without tax increases each and every year under my tenure as chairman.
Karen will push Congress to enact the FairTax and also encourage the repeal of the 16th Amendment, which would take away the federal government's authority to levy income taxes. This would return the powers to tax to the American people.
Karen will work with the state, county, and city officials to re-evaluate our entire tax structure. Her fundamental belief is that all tax rates should be lower, so Georgia's families and businesses can keep as much of their hard-earned money as possible, a basic principal of fairness
Government can and should get by with less. Many of our tax laws were written over 50 years ago and need to be reviewed.