Tom Alciere on Budget & Economy
Adopt the gold standard, & metric system for monetary policy
Congress should adopt the gold standard, the silver standard and the metric system for monetary policy. Federal and State government contracts should be denominated in gold or silver. Coins should be ten grams of 0.999 fine gold and
10 grams of 0.999 fine silver, and of designs not specific to our country. Such coins could be minted in any country (provided they apply some distinguishing mark to identify their mint,) and would be recognized and accepted world-wide.
A problem would arise when coins circulate, because gold and silver are too soft to withstand the rigors of circulation. In most cases, ownership of such coins, stored in bank vaults,
would be transferred with banknotes or accounting transactions (such as debit cards). Private citizens and companies could price their dealings in silver or in gold.
Source: Campaign website, www.tomalciere.us
Feb 28, 2010
Against all un-Constitutional federal spending
Tom Alciere on domestic policy:
[Does Kelly Ayotte make her positions this clear?] - Tom Alciere is against all un-Constitutional federal spending.
- Tom Alciere is against bailouts.
- Tom Alciere opposes all federal grants to
State and local governments.
- Tom Alciere is pro-life since killing a baby violates the rights of the baby.
- Tom Alciere is against government interference in health insurance.
Source: Campaign website, www.tomalciere.us
Feb 28, 2010
Against FDIC bank deposit insurance
Bank deposits are private contracts between the bank and the customer. If the bank fails, there's no reason why you should have to pay off the depositors.
Many of them might have far more money than you. Tom Alciere is against FDIC and NCUSIF insurance. There is no authority under the constitution for such insurance.
Source: Campaign website, www.tomalciere.us
Feb 28, 2010
Liberty Candidate: End the Federal Reserve.
Alciere signed 2010 Congressional endorsement list
A Liberty Candidate will Defend the Great American Principles of Sound Money and Constitutional Government, [such as the views of] Peter Schiff, Senate 2010 candidate from Connecticut, on the Economy: "Strong fiscally conservative principles and beliefs that our economic recovery should be left to the free market through businesses and individuals--not the federal government."
And [such as the views of] R.J. Harris, Congress 2010 candidate from Oklahoma on Ending the Federal Reserve: "What goes on at the Fed is a clear example of the infringement upon our liberty and national sovereignty through Congressional delegation of its authority. Now, the Fed refuses to even let us see how much and to whom our money has been loaned or how much they have indebted the American People. They do so by rightly asserting that they are a private entity and therefore do not have to comply with orders to open their books. Our Congress has completely lost control over the creation of money and credit and now we are all going to pay the price of that abrogation of their duty."
Source: 2010 Congressional endorsement list 2010-LC-BE on Sep 1, 2010
Page last updated: Oct 29, 2010