
Haley Barbour on War & Peace

Former Republican MS Governor (until 2012)

Don't place US forces under UN command

When our armed forces are committed, they should be commanded by the officers with whom they have undergone their training and in whom they have the greatest faith-their American or NATO commanders. We would not place American forces under UN command.
Source: Agenda for America, by Gov. Haley Barbour, p.169 , Apr 25, 1996

Deny rogue countries access to WMD

The US will take all necessary measures to prevent the proliferation and threat of weapons of mass destruction around the world. Countries such as North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and Libya are rogue regimes with the financial means to buy and develop the technology of mass destruction. That, coupled with their demonstrated support of international terrorism, makes them a direct threat to the US and its allies.

The US must pursue active and aggressive diplomacy in dealing with the proliferation of WMD, as the Bush administration did against Iraq in the aftermath of the Gulf War. Together with our allies if possible, but unilaterally if necessary, we must deny rogue countries, ethnic, political or religious fanatics, or other aggressors access to WMD. Moreover, the US must develop a military capability to protect it & its allies against this threat. It must be clear to both the US and potential adversaries that the US military can and will prevail even under the threat or use of WMD against our forces

Source: Agenda For America, by Haley Barbour, p.167 , Apr 25, 1996

Other governors on War & Peace: Haley Barbour on other issues:
MS Gubernatorial:
Phil Bryant
MS Senatorial:
Roger Wicker
Thad Cochran

Newly elected Nov. 2012:
IN: Mike Pence (R)
NC: Pat McCrory (R)
NH: Maggie Hassan (D)
MT: Steve Bullock (D)
WA: Jay Inslee (D)

Re-elected 2012:
DE: Jack Markell (D)
MO: Jay Nixon (D)
ND: Jack Dalrymple (R)
UT: Gary Herbert (R)
VT: Peter Shumlin (D)
WI: Scott Walker (R)
WV: Earl Ray Tomblin (D)

Up for re-election 2013:
NJ: Chris Christie
VA: Bob McDonnell
Up for re-election 2014:
AK: Sean Parnell
AL: Robert Bentley
AR: Mike Beebe
AZ: Jan Brewer
CA: Jerry Brown
CO: John Hickenlooper
CT: Dan Malloy
FL: Rick Scott
GA: Nathan Deal
HI: Neil Abercrombie
IA: Terry Branstad
ID: Butch Otter
IL: Pat Quinn
KS: Sam Brownback
MA: Deval Patrick
MD: Martin O'Malley
ME: Paul LePage
MI: Rick Snyder
MN: Mark Dayton
NH: Maggie Hassan
NM: Susana Martinez
NV: Brian Sandoval
NY: Andrew Cuomo
OH: John Kasich
OK: Mary Fallin
OR: John Kitzhaber
PA: Tom Corbett
RI: Linc Chafee
SC: Nikki Haley
SD: Dennis Daugaard
TN: Bill Haslam
TX: Rick Perry
VT: Peter Shumlin
WI: Scott Walker
WY: Matt Mead
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Page last updated: Apr 25, 2013