Jodi Rell on Energy & Oil
Republican CT Governor
Energy and heating assistance for families in need
In August, with the cost of gasoline and home heating oil rising past $4 a gallon, we knew we needed to do something to help, long before the first cold winds of autumn or winter blew.We produced a package of proposals aimed at providing energy
and heating assistance for families in need, as well as for the elderly, schools and non-profits. And we paid outright for these proposals. And while prices have come down, regrettably, more and more people still need our help.
Source: 2009 State of the State Speech to the CT General Assembly
, Jan 7, 2009
20% alternative fuels by 2020
Connecticut’s Energy Vision: For a Cleaner, Greener State- A Vision for the Next Generation
- Lower prices for consumers
- Less reliance on foreign energy
- Environmentally sound technology
- Becoming a center for economic development
Governor Rell’s energy plan starts with a vision for the next generation--and deals at the same time with current price spikes, while keeping our state at the forefront of clean-energy and energy-efficient technologies. In addition, Governor
Rell proposes these longer-term steps: - 20% of all energy used and sold in Connecticut to come from clean or renewable resources by 2020
- A 20% reduction in peak electric demand by 2020
- A 20% reduction in fossil fuel consumption by 2020
Commercial transportation fuels sold in Connecticut to contain a mixture of 20% alternative fuels by 2020
- Residential and commercial heating oil used in Connecticut to contain a mix of 20% alternative fuels by 2020
Source: Campaign website, www.jodirell06.com, “Issues”
, Sep 18, 2006
Page last updated: Nov 23, 2011