
Jodi Rell on Jobs

Republican CT Governor

$600K to upgrade unemployment insurance system

Gov. Jodi Rell and Rep. Nancy Johnson (R-New Britain) announced today that the Connecticut Department of Labor has received a $603,269 grant to upgrade its unemployment insurance system to better serve out-of-work individuals and businesses that are part of the system.

“Protecting the integrity of our unemployment insurance system and improving the services we offer to businesses and individuals is a win-win situation for all of our residents,” Governor Rell said. “Our goal is to make sure that workers who are eligible for benefits get them as easily as possible. The information they receive must be complete and accurate. This grant should result in lower administrative costs and fewer erroneous payments. It should also save employers time and money when it comes to tax and wage reporting.“

The grant is part of an $18.6 million package announced by U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao.

Source: Press Release, “Unemployment Insurance” , Sep 22, 2004

Increase small business access to credit.

Rell signed Letter from 12 Governors to leaders in Congress

State Small Business Credit Initiative, which would strengthen innovative state programs that support small business lending. In our states, these programs are facing increased demand, yet the budgetary pressures we face have limited their ability to fill the credit gap left by the financial crisis. These innovative programs include those that augment collateral values for small businesses and manufacturers who have seen them decline as a result of the financial crisis, capital access programs that contribute to loan loss reserves that allow banks to expand credit to more businesses, and loan guarantee and other programs that help share risk with lenders that are willing to extend credit to viable small businesses, manufacturers and farms that are crucial to a strong recovery. By supporting these programs, the State Small Business Credit Initiative would leverage Federal funds several times over to enable billions in new lending to small businesses that can support new job creation. We urge you to take immediate action to increase small business lending in the United States. While our nation's economy continues to recover from this great recession, small businesses in our states continue to struggle to gain access to the credit they need to create jobs. We believe federal action is necessary to remedy this issue.

We strongly support a comprehensive package being considered that would include expanding the size of Small Business Administration loans and temporarily extending successful Recovery Act provisions reducing fees and raising guarantees for SBA loans, enacting tax incentives for small business investment, and a proposal for a $30 billion Small Business Lending Fund that would provide community banks with capital and incentives to increase lending to small businesses.

In addition, we especially want to convey our support for a new proposal for a

Source: Letter from 12 Governors to leaders in Congress 100519-Gov on May 19, 2010

Other governors on Jobs: Jodi Rell on other issues:
CT Gubernatorial:
Dan Malloy
CT Senatorial:
Richard Blumenthal

Newly seated 2010:
NJ Chris Christie
VA Bob McDonnell

Term-limited as of Jan. 2011:
AL Bob Riley
CA Arnold Schwarzenegger
GA Sonny Perdue
HI Linda Lingle
ME John Baldacci
MI Jennifer Granholm
NM Bill Richardson
OK Brad Henry
OR Ted Kulongoski
PA Ed Rendell
RI Donald Carcieri
SC Mark Sanford
SD Mike Rounds
TN Phil Bredesen
WY Dave Freudenthal
Newly Elected Nov. 2010:
AL: Robert Bentley (R)
CA: Jerry Brown (D)
CO: John Hickenlooper (D)
CT: Dan Malloy (D)
FL: Rick Scott (R)
GA: Nathan Deal (R)
HI: Neil Abercrombie (D)
IA: Terry Branstad (R)
KS: Sam Brownback (R)
ME: Paul LePage (R)
MI: Rick Snyder (R)
MN: Mark Dayton (D)
ND: Jack Dalrymple (R)
NM: Susana Martinez (R)
NV: Brian Sandoval (R)
NY: Andrew Cuomo (D)
OH: John Kasich (R)
OK: Mary Fallin (R)
PA: Tom Corbett (R)
RI: Lincoln Chafee (I)
SC: Nikki Haley (R)
SD: Dennis Daugaard (R)
TN: Bill Haslam (R)
VT: Peter Shumlin (D)
WI: Scott Walker (R)
WY: Matt Mead (R)
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Page last updated: Nov 23, 2011