
Mark Earley on Budget & Economy

Former Republican Candidate VA Governor

Task Force on Economic Development: close VA deals

Establish “New Century Task Force on Economic Development” within the First 100 Days: This task force will be comprised of members of the business community, cabinet secretaries, legislators and other experts to develop a long-term strategy to meet Virginia’s economic infrastructure needs including water, energy, technology, transportation and communication needs. The first task of this group will be to begin an immediate assessment of Virginia’s infrastructure We will begin by assessing and then addressing every aspect of our security-our schools, our communities, our critical infrastructure, every potential target.

Create a “Virginia Deal Closing Team”: Mark will be the Commonwealth’s chief business recruiter. He will create a closing team of some of Virginia’s top CEO’s, celebrities and sports stars to help sell Virginia to new prospects and use Virginia’s most recognizable businessmen and personalities to sell the virtues of working and living in the Commonwealth.

Source: Campaign web site, MarkEarley.com Nov 6, 2001

Tourism: Virginia is open for business

Virginia’s vibrant tourism industry is one of the most important economic development sectors in the Commonwealth. In this time of economic uncertainty, we must restore consumer confidence and remind visitors that Virginia is open for business. By increasing our focus on tourism, we can raise the profile and stature of the tourism industry as an economic development engine that will in turn increase visitors and development. As Governor, Mark Earley will seek innovative ways to expand tourism.
Source: Campaign web site, MarkEarley.com Nov 6, 2001

Other governors on Budget & Economy: Mark Earley on other issues:
AK Frank Murkowski
AL Bob Riley
AR Mike Huckabee
AZ Janet Napolitano
CA Arnold Schwarzenegger
CO Bill Owens
CT Jodi Rell
DE Ruth Ann Minner
FL Jeb Bush
GA Sonny Perdue
HI Linda Lingle
IA Tom Vilsack
ID Dirk Kempthorne
IL Rod Blagojevich
IN Mitch Daniels
KS Kathleen Sebelius
KY Ernie Fletcher
LA Kathleen Blanco
MA Mitt Romney
MD Bob Ehrlich
ME John Baldacci
MI Jennifer Granholm
MN Tim Pawlenty
MO Matt Blunt
MS Haley Barbour
MT Brian Schweitzer
NC Mike Easley
ND John Hoeven
NE Dave Heineman
NH John Lynch
NJ Jon Corzine
NM Bill Richardson
NV Kenny Guinn
NY George Pataki
OH Bob Taft
OK Brad Henry
OR Ted Kulongoski
PA Ed Rendell
RI Don Carcieri
SC Mark Sanford
SD Mike Rounds
TN Phil Bredesen
TX Rick Perry
UT Jon Huntsman
VA Tim Kaine
VT Jim Douglas
WA Christine Gregoire
WI Jim Doyle
WV Joe Manchin III
WY Dave Freudenthal
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