Mark Earley today unveiled Expel, his plan to protect Virginia’s children by cracking down on drug dealers in our schools and communities and by increasing parental involvement, education, and treatment effort. “I will coordinate a statewide effort
of mentoring, tougher penalties for dealers, increased parental involvement, expanded access to treatment and increased education to protect our children from those who would poison them to illegal drugs,” said Mark Earley. “My plan establishes stiff
penalties for those who illegally peddle prescription and designer drugs and offers hope for those seeking treatment.“ [The Expel plan includes:]
Recruiting 21,00 Mentors During First Year in Office
Tough New Penalties for Drug Dealers who Target
Children and Schools
Including Ecstasy and Prescription Narcotic Drugs for Tough Penalties in Kingpin and Distribution
Continued Expansion of Class Action
Making Drug Dealers Pay Their Victims
Expanded Treatment Options
Source: Campaign web site,
Nov 6, 2001