No waiting periods nor limits on particular procedures
I support a woman's right to make her own choices about reproduction and health. In the New Hampshire Senate, I have voted against efforts to limit this important constitutional right.
I do not support waiting periods, limitations on particular procedures, or other measures that would insert the state between a woman and her doctor. A woman?s decision about her own body should be treated with the same respect as a man?s about his.
Source: Campaign web site, "Issues"
Sep 9, 2002
Pro-choice; contraceptives for all women, including students
I'm pro-choice: Abortions should be legal, safe and rare.
We need to do more to educate our children about the consequences of early sexuality, and to make contraceptive methods available to all women of child-bearing age who want them.
Source: Campaign web site, "Issues"
Sep 9, 2002