
Mike Leavitt on Infrastructure

Merit pay & scholarships for high-tech teachers

We need 15,000 engineering and computer science students by 2005.Our economic future depends on it. We need to nurture math and technology skills among our students in junior high and high school, especially among young women.

We are losing from our public schools too many teachers in high demand areas of math and technology. It is time to do something unconventional.

I propose a plan of financial incentives similar to those used in private industry to keep the qualified teachers we have in these areas, and add at least 850 teachers who have master’s degrees in learning technology. I propose a one-time benefit of as much as $20,000 on top of their existing salaries in exchange for a commitment to stay in Utah schools for four years. Outstanding teachers in other disciplines willing to retool themselves in these high demand areas are also eligible. The state will pay for their master’s degree in technology or their certificate in math and give them a retention contract when they graduate.

Source: State of the State address to the Utah legislature Jan 16, 2001

Level playing field for Main Street vs. Internet sales tax.

Leavitt wrote a letter to Congress from 44 Governors:

The nation’s governors have a strong and unified message to Congress: deal fairly with Main Street retailers, consumers, and local governments. In a letter sent to all members of Congress late Friday, 44 governors said:

If you care about a level playing field for Main Street retail businesses and local control of states, local governments, and schools, extend the moratorium on taxing Internet access ONLY with authorization for the states to streamline and simplify the existing sales tax system. To do otherwise perpetuates a fundamental inequity and ignores a growing problem.
The current moratorium on Internet access taxes, like those consumers pay to Internet service providers, and multiple and discriminatory taxes is scheduled to expire in October. The moratorium does not apply to sales taxes.

Currently, sales and use taxes are owed on all online transactions, but states are prohibited from requiring “remote sellers” to collect and remit those levies. A 1992 US Supreme Court decision said states can only require sellers that have a physical presence in the same state as the consumer to collect so-called use taxes. In instances when a seller does not have a physical presence, consumers are required to calculate and remit the taxes owed to their home states at the end of the year. The problem is most people are unaware that they’re supposed to pay, and states lack an effective enforcement mechanism. Online and catalog sellers, thereby, have a significant price advantage over Main Street businesses that must collect a sales tax on all transactions.

The loophole creates serious budget problems for schools, states, and local governments. A study estimated that states could lose as much as $14 billion by 2004 if they are unable to collect existing taxes on Web-based sales. Nearly half of state revenues come from sales taxes.

Source: NGA Press Release, "Level Playing Field" 01-NGA18 on Aug 20, 2001

Other gubernatorial candidates on Infrastructure: Mike Leavitt on other issues:
AK-D Fran Ulmer
AK-R Frank Murkowski
AL-D Don Siegelman
AL-R Bob Riley
AR-D Jimmie Lou Fisher
AR-R Mike Huckabee
AZ-D Janet Napolitano
AZ-R Matt Salmon
CA-D Gray Davis
CA-R Bill Simon
CT-D Bill Curry
CT-R John Rowland
FL-D Bill McBride
FL-D Janet Reno
FL-R Jeb Bush
GA-D Roy Barnes
GA-R Sonny Perdue
HI-D Mazie Hirono
HI-R Linda Lingle
IA-D Tom Vilsack
IA-R Doug Gross
ID-D Jerry Brady
ID-R Dirk Kempthorne
IL-D Rod Blagojevich
IL-R George Ryan
KS-D Kathleen Sebelius
KS-R Tim Shallenburger
MA-D Shannon O'Brien
MA-D Robert Reich
MA-R Mitt Romney
MD-D Kathleen Townsend
MD-R Bob Ehrlich
ME-D John Baldacci
ME-R Peter Cianchette
MI-D Jennifer Granholm
MI-R Dick Posthumus
MN-D Roger Moe
MN-I Tim Penny
MN-R Tim Pawlenty
NE-D Stormy Dean
NE-R Mike Johanns
NH-D Mark Fernald
NH-R Craig Benson
NM-D Bill Richardson
NM-R John Sanchez
NV-D Joe Neal
NV-R Kenny Guinn
NY-D Carl McCall
NY-D Andrew Cuomo
NY-R George Pataki
OH-D Tim Hagan
OH-R Bob Taft
OK-D Brad Henry
OK-R Steve Largent
OR-D Ted Kulongoski
OR-R Kevin Mannix
PA-D Mike Fisher
PA-R Ed Rendell
RI-D Myrth York
RI-R Don Carcieri
SC-D Jim Hodges
SC-R Mark Sanford
SD-D Jim Abbott
SD-R Mike Rounds
TN-D Phil Bredesen
TN-R Van Hilleary
TX-D Tony Sanchez
TX-R Rick Perry
VT-D Doug Racine
VT-R Jim Douglas
WI-D Jim Doyle
WI-L Ed Thompson
WI-R Scott McCallum
WY-D Dave Freudenthal
WY-R Eli Bebout
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