
Mike Leavitt on Social Security

Maintain long-term solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

Leavitt adopted the National Governors Association position paper:

The Issue

With the first federal budget surplus in a generation and estimates of non-Social Security surpluses ranging from $750 billion to $1.9 trillion over the next decade, the issue is whether Congress and the President will agree to dedicate a portion of the projected surplus to tax cuts and, if so, what the impacts on states might be.

NGA’s Position

NGA opposes reductions from current discretionary spending levels or changes that could risk the long-term solvency of the nation’s Social Security and Medicare systems. NGA supports provisions to ensure reduced barriers to state and local capital finance through tax-exempt bonds and to ensure maximum flexibility in setting and maintaining state retirement plans and programs.
Source: National Governors Association "Issues / Positions" 01-NGA16 on Aug 1, 2001

Maintain federal funding of Social Services Block Grants.

Leavitt adopted a letter to Senate leaders from 4 Governors:

We are writing in strong opposition to the cuts to the Title XX/Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) program as included in the fiscal 2000 appropriations bill.

Over the past few years, SSBG has taken more than its share of cuts in federal funding. As part of the 1996 welfare reform deal, Congress made a commitment to Governors that SSBG would be level funded at $2.38 billion each year. In fact, Governors reluctantly accepted a 15% cut in SSBG funds at that time in exchange for the commitment for stable funding in the future. However, repeated cuts in SSBG have been enacted regardless of that commitment. For fiscal 2000, SSBG is funded at $1.05 billion, which is over a 50% cut from its mandatory authorized level. Such a drastic reduction in funding for SSBG will result in cuts to vital human services for our most vulnerable citizens.

SSBG provides services to needy populations, including low-income children and families, the elderly, and the disabled. While SSBG does have a strong connection with welfare reform efforts in states by providing valuable resources for child care and transportation, it also provides services to many individuals who are not considered welfare recipients. For example, in many states, SSBG funding is used to provide foster care assistance, meals on wheels for the elderly, and independent living services for the disabled -- programs which are not allowable uses of welfare funds such as TANF.

In addition, as Congress finalizes this bill, we reiterate our adamant opposition to cutting funding for other vital health and human services programs which would adversely affect millions of Americans -- with the greatest impact on children and the elderly in the greatest need. The Governors are not seeking increased federal funding; we are simply requesting that you fulfill your commitments and reject cuts in programs such as SSBG that would jeopardize our strong state-federal partnership.

Source: National Governor's Association letter to Congress 99-NGA23 on Sep 29, 1999

Other gubernatorial candidates on Social Security: Mike Leavitt on other issues:
AK-D Fran Ulmer
AK-R Frank Murkowski
AL-D Don Siegelman
AL-R Bob Riley
AR-D Jimmie Lou Fisher
AR-R Mike Huckabee
AZ-D Janet Napolitano
AZ-R Matt Salmon
CA-D Gray Davis
CA-R Bill Simon
CT-D Bill Curry
CT-R John Rowland
FL-D Bill McBride
FL-D Janet Reno
FL-R Jeb Bush
GA-D Roy Barnes
GA-R Sonny Perdue
HI-D Mazie Hirono
HI-R Linda Lingle
IA-D Tom Vilsack
IA-R Doug Gross
ID-D Jerry Brady
ID-R Dirk Kempthorne
IL-D Rod Blagojevich
IL-R George Ryan
KS-D Kathleen Sebelius
KS-R Tim Shallenburger
MA-D Shannon O'Brien
MA-D Robert Reich
MA-R Mitt Romney
MD-D Kathleen Townsend
MD-R Bob Ehrlich
ME-D John Baldacci
ME-R Peter Cianchette
MI-D Jennifer Granholm
MI-R Dick Posthumus
MN-D Roger Moe
MN-I Tim Penny
MN-R Tim Pawlenty
NE-D Stormy Dean
NE-R Mike Johanns
NH-D Mark Fernald
NH-R Craig Benson
NM-D Bill Richardson
NM-R John Sanchez
NV-D Joe Neal
NV-R Kenny Guinn
NY-D Carl McCall
NY-D Andrew Cuomo
NY-R George Pataki
OH-D Tim Hagan
OH-R Bob Taft
OK-D Brad Henry
OK-R Steve Largent
OR-D Ted Kulongoski
OR-R Kevin Mannix
PA-D Mike Fisher
PA-R Ed Rendell
RI-D Myrth York
RI-R Don Carcieri
SC-D Jim Hodges
SC-R Mark Sanford
SD-D Jim Abbott
SD-R Mike Rounds
TN-D Phil Bredesen
TN-R Van Hilleary
TX-D Tony Sanchez
TX-R Rick Perry
VT-D Doug Racine
VT-R Jim Douglas
WI-D Jim Doyle
WI-L Ed Thompson
WI-R Scott McCallum
WY-D Dave Freudenthal
WY-R Eli Bebout
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