"Our campaign has committed itself this year to talking about Mike Pence, and about what Mike Pence believes," Pence said in his first TV ad, in a straight-on shot to the camera. The footage was gauzy, almost like it was glowing. Then: "I've learned a lot in the past ten years: I've seen my children born; I've built a business." The business he was talking about was his radio show. " What I've learned is that negative personal attacks have no place in public life."
The Mike Pence of the finely crafted television spots was a good Christian who never stuck his neck out on divisive social issues. But the Mike Pence of the internet had no problem going there.
When a mother cannot spend time with her newborn child during the first weeks and months of that baby's life, and is forced back to work because her employer doesn't offer paid family leave and she can't afford not to work, that is not a family value. That is an attack on everything that a family is supposed to stand for.
When a husband cannot get time off from work to care for his cancer stricken wife or gravely ill child, that is not a family value. That is an attack on everything that a family is supposed to stand for. And it should be an embarrassment to anyone who claims to speak for family values in this country.
In 1972 and 1976, when Bernie first ran for office in Vermont, he was an outspoken ally of the LGBTQ community; as a plank of his platform, he proposed the abolishment of all discriminatory laws pertaining to sexuality. In 1983, after he was elected to be mayor of Burlington, Vt., Bernie backed the city's first-ever pride march.
Throughout his decades of public service, Bernie has voted against measures that impede the LGBTQ community's rights and has supported those that protect them from discrimination.
LGBTQ Values Are Family Values: Bernie was an early supporter and continue to be a committed advocate for LGBTQ families. He has regularly fought for them to have the same rights as families formed by heterosexual couples, publicly equating family values with LGBTQ values.
When a wife is diagnosed with cancer and a husband cannot get time off of work to take care of her, that is not a family value.
When a mother is forced to send her sick child to school because she cannot afford to stay home with her that is not a family value.
Those are attacks on everything that a family is supposed to stand for. It is time to join the rest of the industrialized world by showing the people of this country that we are not just a nation that talks about family values, but that we are a nation that is prepared to live up to these ideals by making sure that workers in this country have access to paid family leave, paid sick time and paid vacations just like workers in every other wealthy country on earth.
The basic purpose of a parent is to train his replacement. Where are kids going to learn what a family looks like, what a marriage looks like, if most the marriages in this country end in divorce?
I want us to be very careful that we don't come across as having some type of animosity or hatred toward people, even those whose lifestyles are inexplicable to us. But by the same token, as a Christian, we are obligated to stand for that institution that is the only institution from which there really is the definition of family, and that's mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, people related by blood, marriage, or adoption.
As one cover story asserted, "American women have been sold a bill of goods. Instead of making life easier, or better, or even more just for women, the sundry programs of social engineering have made it harder, worse, and more unjust. They have broken down traditional family structures. They have contributed to epidemic irresponsibility. They have opened a Pandora's box of social ills not the least of which is the progressive impoverishment of the very women it is supposed to liberate.
Evidence of the feminization of poverty everywhere abounds. 70% of today's women in the labor force work out of economic necessity. More often than not, they are single, widowed, or divorced. And more often than not, they are poor. A full 77% of this nation's poverty is now borne by women and their children.