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Jeb Bush
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Ben Carson
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Ted Cruz
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Carly Fiorina
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John Kasich
(Former Ohio Governor)
Sarah Palin
(Former Alaska Governor)
George Pataki
(Former N.Y. Governor)
Rand Paul
(Kentucky Senator)

Sarah Palin MyOcracy topics and responses

    Criminal Justice

    Use of treatment centers for violators of criminal laws targeting drug-use

  • 2008-09-22: Rejected making Wasilla bars close earlier than 5 AM
  • 2006-08-06: Smoked marijuana when it was legal under Alaska law

    Support for the construction of prisons or detention centers

  • 2006-11-03: Strong public safety presence, via police, courts & prisons

    Civil Rights

    Ban abortions except in limited cases

  • 2008-08-30: Opposes embryonic stem cell research
  • 2008-08-30: Rejected sympathy for Down`s Syndrome son, as gift from God
  • 2008-08-29: Praised by pro-life groups for keeping Down syndrome baby
  • 2007-10-22: Adoption is best plan for permanency for foster care kids
  • 2006-10-22: Opposes use of public funds for abortions
  • 2006-08-06: Pro-contraception, pro-woman, pro-life
  • 2006-07-31: Only exception for abortion is if mother`s life would end

    Support marriage rights between a man and a woman only

  • 2008-10-02: Non-support of anything but traditional marriage
  • 2006-11-07: Marriage only between one man and one woman
  • 2006-08-06: Ok to deny benefits to homosexual couples
  • 2006-07-31: No spousal benefits for same-sex couples
  • 2006-07-31: Top priorities include preserving definition of marriage

    Support for gun rights

  • 2013-03-16: Gun laws just take away the good guys' freedom
  • 2011-09-20: 1996: Allow concealed carry in bars, banks, & schools
  • 2008-08-29: Hunts as much as she can; freezer-full of wild game
  • 2008-06-26: Supports ending D.C.`s 32-year-old ban on handguns
  • 2008-02-08: Lifelong NRA member & champion of right to bear arms
  • 2006-11-07: Supports Constitutional right to bear arms

    Prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation

  • 2011-09-20: 2006: No choice but to comply with same-sex partner benefits
  • 2009-11-17: Respected court ruling allowing same-sex state benefits
  • 2009-11-17: College roommate openly lives in same-sex marriage
  • 2008-08-29: Vetoed bill denying benefits to gays, as unconstitutional
  • 2008-03-04: HIV/AIDS among Alaska Natives is public health crisis

    Abortion rights: Ban all abortions

  • 2008-08-29: Every baby is created with a future and potential
  • 2006-11-07: Pro-life
  • 2006-11-03: Choose life, even if her own daughter were raped

    Abortion rights: Women should choose

  • 2009-11-17: Choose life even in case of rape or teenage pregnancy

    Economic Issues

    Taxes for wealthier tax payers: Less

  • 2010-02-06: Core GOP belief is limited government and limited taxation
  • 2008-09-03: Raising taxes hurts small business and hurts jobs
  • 2008-08-30: Elected mayor based on tax cut promise
  • 2008-08-04: Windfall oil profits tax prevents investment
  • 2008-03-12: $60M annually for municipal revenue sharing
  • 2008-01-15: Eliminate taxes that inhibit business
  • 2006-10-22: No income tax; no taking the people`s dividends

    Taxes for wealthier tax payers: More

  • 2009-11-17: ACES: equitable share of oil profits go to state
  • 2008-08-29: As mayor, cut property taxes & increased sales tax
  • 2007-01-17: Repeal nuisance taxes including the tire tax
  • 2006-10-22: Would support a seasonal sales tax, but no income tax

    Taxes for large corporations: Decrease

  • 2006-11-03: Encourage small business growth by reducing business taxes

    Education Issues

    Support school vouchers

  • 2008-08-20: 294 Alaska public schools progressed under NCLB
  • 2006-11-03: Supports parental choice for what is best for their children
  • 2006-07-31: Parents know best, about school spending & school age

    Support privatization of mass education

  • 2006-11-03: Supports charter schools, home schools, & other alternatives
  • 2006-10-22: Support charters & home schools; not private school vouchers

    Increase per pupil funding

  • 2006-11-03: Target early education programs to at-risk groups

    Environmental Issues

    Support domestic continental drilling to tap new oil sources

  • 2009-11-17: Sued ExxonMobil to drill next to ANWR, or give up lease
  • 2008-06-27: Unlock ANWR; we`re ready, willing and able to contribute
  • 2008-04-29: Bush is right: drill ANWR & develop our own supplies
  • 2007-01-17: Convince the rest of the nation to open ANWR
  • 2006-11-07: Get ANWR open

    Eliminate tax incentives and/or subsidies to the fossil fuel industry

  • 2009-01-22: Goal of 50% of Alaska electric power from renewable sources
  • 2008-10-02: I do support capping carbon emissions
  • 2008-07-01: Exxon-Mobil should pay $507 million for Exxon Valdez spill
  • 2007-10-30: Fund cellulosic biofuel research in Farm Bill

    Use tax incentives for wind energy development and use

  • 2009-11-17: Renewable Energy Fund for hydropower, wind, biomass
  • 2008-01-15: $250M for proven alternative energy, including wind & hydro

    Support off-shore drilling to tap new oil sources

  • 2008-07-31: Lift moratorium on offshore drilling

    Healthcare Issues

    Reduce government involvement in the provision of health insurance for taxpayers

  • 2008-01-15: Take personal responsibility for personal health & all areas
  • 2008-01-15: Doctors should manage health care, not bureaucracies
  • 2008-01-15: Personal responsibility & choices key to good health
  • 2006-11-07: Flexibility in government regulations to allow competition


    Provide amnesty for undocumented individuals

  • 2008-10-26: Supports a path to citizenship, but no amnesty for illegals
  • 2006-09-05: Took no action on Alaska`s sanctuary cities

    Oppose amnesty for undocumented individuals

  • 2008-03-10: OpEd: Palin is sick to death of this immigration nonsense
  • 2006-09-05: Tightened restrictions on illegal alien`s drivers licenses


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