Dan Bongino on Corporations
Lessen the tax burden on residents and businesses
Cardin said a bipartisan plan to address the national deficit needs to be the top priority. Cardin underscored that he believes revenues need to be a part of the plan. "Everybody should be paying their fair share,"
Cardin said. "We should eliminate the deductions that allow businesses to send our jobs overseas, and we shouldn't be giving to oil industries special breaks that are not available to other aspects of the energy sector."
Bongino said government needs to get out of the way and lessen the tax burden on residents and businesses. "Put the money back in Marylanders' pockets,"
Bongino said. "They know what to do with it."
Source: Cumberland Times-News on 2012 Maryland Senate debate
, Oct 25, 2012
Predictable tax code benefits economy more than revenue loss
Q: Since 1981, the federal government has offered a tax credit to businesses pursuing research and development activities. However, because the tax credit is temporary and must be reauthorized periodically,
businesses are never certain about receiving the benefits of the credit for longer-term investments. Do you support or oppose making the R&D tax credit permanent, even if that means a permanent reduction in tax revenues?
Bongino selected, "Support."
Bongino added, "A predictable and simple tax code is vital for businesses planning their capital expenditures and long term investments.
The benefit throughout the economy from R&D far outweighs the consequence of a relatively small tax revenue loss."
Source: Your Candidates Your Health profile: 2012 MD Senate debates
, Jun 15, 2012
Page last updated: Nov 04, 2012