Rebekah Kennedy on Health CareGreen Senate challenger |
A: While science has an important roll to play in the future of health care, our current health crisis is not caused by a lack of scientific advancement. It is caused by waste and profiteering in the health care industry. All of the best technology in the world will not improve outcomes for the average citizen if only a lucky few have access to health care when they need it. That is why I support universal single payer health care also known as National Health Insurance. I believe this can be done in a way that avoids problems noted in the English and Canadian systems, including concerns about health care choices and compensation of medical professionals. Other industrialized nations, such as Japan have had reasonable success in dealing with these issue.
The private system of health insurance and providers has utterly failed America. It does not need to be reworked or reformed, it needs to be replaced with a National Health Insurance program that works for all Americans. Such a solution would have the additional benefit of removing healthcare costs from the overhead of employers, including small businesses for whom healthcare is sometimes an overwhelming expense. Increased productivity due to a healthier workforce and less business overhead would help to offset the costs to taxpayers.
A: Do Support. I support Universal Single Payer National Health Care/ National Health Insurance.