
Governor, Mayors and Pundits:
Steve Bullock on Government Reform
Democratic Presidential Challenger (withdrawn); MT Governor:
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- Elevate the issue of campaign finance. (Jun 2019)
- Elections should be decided by people, not corporations. (Jun 2019)
- Overturn Citizens United; ban SuperPACs. (May 2019)
- Unlimited corporate spending has impacted our elections. (Sep 2018)
- Signed the Montana Disclose Act into law. (Sep 2018)
- Primary allows spending $667K instead of returning it. (Mar 2016)
- Dark money makes our elections into auctions. (Jan 2013)
Mike Cooney on Government Reform
Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger :
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- Limit campaign contributions; adopt statewide voting rules. (Nov 2006)
Tim Fox on Government Reform
Republican Gubernatorial Challenger:
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Greg Gianforte on Government Reform
Republican Gubernatorial Challenger:
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- Red Tape Relief Task Force to review all regulations. (Jan 2021)
- Rolling back regulations leads to prosperity. (Feb 2019)
- Donated to groups opposing MT Disclose Act. (Nov 2018)
- Eliminate excessive regulations that burden businesses. (Feb 2016)
- Rated No holiday on election day; no same-day registration. (Mar 2019)
Reilly Neill on Government Reform
Democratic 2020 Gubernatorial Challenger:
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Albert Olszewski on Government Reform
Republican Gubernatorial Challenger:
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- Term limits set for members of Congress. (Jan 2018)
- Require photo ID to vote. (Jan 2018)
Gary Perry on Government Reform
Republican Gubernatorial Challenger:
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- Term limits for Governor but not legislature. (Nov 2006)
Casey Schreiner on Government Reform
Democratic 2020 Gubernatorial Challenger:
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Brian Schweitzer on Government Reform
Democratic MT Governor:
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- Used cattle brand saying "VETO" to publicly burn bad bills. (Dec 2013)
- Refuses special interest & PAC money for his campaign. (Nov 2004)
Corey Stapleton on Government Reform
Republican Gubernatorial Challenger:
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- Limit political contributions; plus full disclosure. (Nov 2000)
Whitney Williams on Government Reform
Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger :
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MT 2020: 2020 MT Governor's race
John Bohlinger on Government Reform
Democratic Senate Challenger:
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- Supports term limits & campaign contribution limits. (Nov 1998)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2014)
Steve Bullock on Government Reform
Democratic Presidential Challenger (withdrawn); MT Governor:
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- Elevate the issue of campaign finance. (Jun 2019)
- Elections should be decided by people, not corporations. (Jun 2019)
- Overturn Citizens United; ban SuperPACs. (May 2019)
- Unlimited corporate spending has impacted our elections. (Sep 2018)
- Signed the Montana Disclose Act into law. (Sep 2018)
- Primary allows spending $667K instead of returning it. (Mar 2016)
- Dark money makes our elections into auctions. (Jan 2013)
Wilmot Collins on Government Reform
Democratic 2020 Senate Challenger:
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Mike Cooney on Government Reform
Democratic 2020 Gubernatorial Challenger:
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- Limit campaign contributions; adopt statewide voting rules. (Nov 2006)
Amanda Curtis on Government Reform
Democratic Challenger:
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- When wealthy in Congress, playing field tilts to wealthy. (Aug 2014)
- Limit campaign contributions; and no photo ID's to vote. (Nov 2012)
Steve Daines on Government Reform
Republican Senate challenger:
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- Supports Citizen United as free speech issue. (Oct 2020)
- Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Feb 2015)
- Elected to Senate with pledge of 12-year term limit. (Nov 2014)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
- Rated Voted NO on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
John Driscoll on Government Reform
Republican Senate Challenger:
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- Big focus on limiting donations to campaigns. (Apr 2020)
Champ Edmunds on Government Reform
Democrat Challenger:
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- Photo ID for voting. (Jul 2014)
- No limits on political contributions. (Nov 2012)
Susan Good Geise on Government Reform
Libertarian Senate Challenger:
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- Wants to stop influence of dark money on elections. (Apr 2020)
- Mail-in ballots allow everyone to vote. (Mar 2020)
- Stop the partisan circus in county elections. (Nov 2019)
John Mues on Government Reform
Democratic Senate Challenger:
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Albert Olszewski on Government Reform
Republican candidate for Montana U.S. Senator:
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OR click here for Albert Olszewski on other issues.
- Term limits set for members of Congress. (Jan 2018)
- Require photo ID to vote. (Jan 2018)
Matt Rosendale on Government Reform
Republican candidate for Montana U. S. Senator:
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- No campaign donor disclosure; yes Citizens United. (Oct 2018)
- Voted to repeal same-day voter registration. (Oct 2018)
- D.C. corrupts; commits to serving only two terms. (May 2018)
- Get Feds out of the way of the states. (Aug 2017)
- Yes voter ID; but also independent redistricting. (Nov 2012)
- CC:Appoint strict Constitutionalist judges. (Jul 2018)
- Strongly supports Electoral College, according to AFA survey. (Sep 2020)
- Anti-CFR, according to PVS survey. (Sep 2020)
Corey Stapleton on Government Reform
Republican Challenger:
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- Limit political contributions; plus full disclosure. (Nov 2000)
Jon Tester on Government Reform
Democratic Jr Senator:
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- Spotlight Act: no dark money in campaigns. (Oct 2018)
- Introduced bill to ensure Native American voting access. (Oct 2018)
- Citizens United is scary for democracy. (Oct 2012)
- Oppose Citizens United: limit corporate political spending. (Oct 2012)
- Citizens United ruling puts democracy at risk. (Jun 2012)
- Earmarks without transparency are wrong for democracy. (Oct 2006)
- K-Street cronies control Congressional spending decisions. (Oct 2006)
- End policymaking for those with the biggest campaign checks. (Aug 2006)
- End the “pay-to-play” culture of Washington. (Jan 2006)
- Ban lobbyist gifts, and more, starting with my own campaign. (Jan 2006)
- Voted YES on Congressional pay raise. (Jul 2009)
- Voted YES on providing a US House seat for the District of Columbia. (Feb 2009)
- Voted YES on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007)
- Voted NO on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections. (Jul 2007)
- Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
- Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements. (Feb 2013)
- Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Feb 2015)
- CC:Oppose strict Constitutionalist judges. (Jul 2018)
- Sponsored bill for election holiday & easier voting access. (Mar 2019)
- Repeal automatic Congressional pay raises. (Jan 2009)
- Voted YES on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
John Edward Walsh on Government Reform
Democratic Senate Challenger:
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- Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements. (Feb 2014)
Greg Gianforte on Government Reform
Republican (District 0):
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- Red Tape Relief Task Force to review all regulations. (Jan 2021)
- Rolling back regulations leads to prosperity. (Feb 2019)
- Donated to groups opposing MT Disclose Act. (Nov 2018)
- Eliminate excessive regulations that burden businesses. (Feb 2016)
- Rated No holiday on election day; no same-day registration. (Mar 2019)
Former candidates & officeholders:
Brad Johnson on Government Reform
Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate:
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- Require photo ID to vote; eliminate same-day registration. (Nov 2012)
Bill McChesney on Government Reform
Democratic 2016 Gubernatorial candidate:
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- Limit all types of state campaign contributions. (Nov 2010)
Mark Perea on Government Reform
Republican 2016 Gubernatorial candidate:
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- No need to make voter registration easier. (Nov 2015)
Ryan Zinke on Government Reform
Secretary of Interior 2017-2019:
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- Work with states and rebuild national parks. (Jan 2017)
- Limit PAC, corporate, and individual campaign donations. (Nov 2008)
Sam Rankin on Government Reform
2000 Reform Challenger for Senate (MT):
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- Special interests support the status quo; Americans don't. (Jul 2014)
- Eliminate earmarks; 3-year federal pay freeze. (Jul 2014)
- Excessive campaign money is our country's greatest problem. (Nov 2012)
Steve Daines on Government Reform
Republican (Senate run 2014) (District 0):
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- Supports Citizen United as free speech issue. (Oct 2020)
- Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Feb 2015)
- Elected to Senate with pledge of 12-year term limit. (Nov 2014)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
- Rated Voted NO on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
Dennis Rehberg on Government Reform
Republican Representative (MT-At-Large):
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- It's not about campaign spending; it's government spending. (Oct 2012)
- Citizens United ok: political free speech is most important. (Oct 2012)
- Supports cutting Public Broadcasting Service & Americorps. (Oct 2012)
- There should be nothing more free than political free speech. (Jun 2012)
- Citizens United: nothing more free than political speech. (Jun 2012)
- Voted NO on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted NO on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted NO on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted YES on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Voted YES on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Require Congressional certification of president's "Czars". (Jan 2011)
- Require defining constitutional authority for every new law. (Jan 2011)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
Judy Martz on Government Reform
Former Republican Governor (2001-2005):
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- Reforms must respect state's rights to select electors. (Aug 2001)
Marc Racicot on Government Reform
Former Republican Governor (1993-2000):
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Conrad Burns on Government Reform
Former Republican Senator (MT, 1989-2007):
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- Earmarks let me bring Montana a share of federal money. (Oct 2006)
- Voted NO on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity. (Mar 2006)
- Voted NO on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads. (Mar 2002)
- Voted YES on require photo ID (not just signature) for voter registration. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations. (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on funding for National Endowment for the Arts. (Aug 1999)
- Voted NO on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (Oct 1997)
- Voted YES on Approving the presidential line-item veto. (Mar 1996)
- Voted YES on banning more types of Congressional gifts. (Jul 1995)
- Restrict lobbyist gifts & disclose lobbyist info on Internet. (Dec 2005)
Bob Keenan on Government Reform
Former Republican Challenger (2006), state senator:
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- End pork barrel spending and earmarks. (May 2006)
John Morrison on Government Reform
Former Democratic challenger (2006); state Auditor:
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- Major ethics reforms needed to end cronyism. (May 2006)
Mike Taylor on Government Reform
2002 Republican Senate Challenger (MT):
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Max Baucus on Government Reform
Democratic Sr Senator (MT):
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- Voted YES on Congressional pay raise. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on providing a US House seat for the District of Columbia. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007)
- Voted NO on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections. (Jul 2007)
- Voted NO on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads. (Mar 2002)
- Voted NO on require photo ID (not just signature) for voter registration. (Feb 2002)
- Voted YES on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations. (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on funding for National Endowment for the Arts. (Aug 1999)
- Voted YES on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (Oct 1997)
- Voted YES on Approving the presidential line-item veto. (Mar 1996)
- Voted NO on banning more types of Congressional gifts. (Jul 1995)
- Voluntary public financing for all general elections. (Aug 2000)
- Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements. (Feb 2013)
Kirk Bushman on Government Reform
Republican Senate Challenger:
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Rick Hill on Government Reform
Republican (District AL):
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- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
Stan Jones on Government Reform
Libertarian Challenger:
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- Earmarks are unconstitutional incumbency protection. (Oct 2006)
- Increase individual limits on campaign donations; & no PACs. (Aug 2006)
- Drastically reduce state government. (Jan 2006)
- All elected offices should have term limits. (Jan 2006)
- No public finance of political campaigns. (Jan 2006)
- No public financing of the arts, but encouragement ok. (Jan 2006)
- Privatize all possible government services. (Jan 2006)
Bob Kelleher on Government Reform
Republican challenger:
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- Political priority: more accountable government. (Jul 2008)
- Limit all types of political contributions, and spending. (Nov 2004)
Michael Lange on Government Reform
Republican Senate challenger:
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- Limit PAC donations, and full public disclosure. (Nov 2008)
Pat Williams on Government Reform
Former Democrat (1978-1996) (District 0):
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Dennis Rehberg on Government Reform
Republican Representative (MT-At-Large):
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OR click here for Dennis Rehberg on other issues.
- It's not about campaign spending; it's government spending. (Oct 2012)
- Citizens United ok: political free speech is most important. (Oct 2012)
- Supports cutting Public Broadcasting Service & Americorps. (Oct 2012)
- There should be nothing more free than political free speech. (Jun 2012)
- Citizens United: nothing more free than political speech. (Jun 2012)
- Voted NO on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted NO on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted NO on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted YES on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Voted YES on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Require Congressional certification of president's "Czars". (Jan 2011)
- Require defining constitutional authority for every new law. (Jan 2011)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
Matt Rosendale on Government Reform
Republican (District 0):
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OR click here for Matt Rosendale on other issues.
- No campaign donor disclosure; yes Citizens United. (Oct 2018)
- Voted to repeal same-day voter registration. (Oct 2018)
- D.C. corrupts; commits to serving only two terms. (May 2018)
- Get Feds out of the way of the states. (Aug 2017)
- Yes voter ID; but also independent redistricting. (Nov 2012)
- CC:Appoint strict Constitutionalist judges. (Jul 2018)
- Strongly supports Electoral College, according to AFA survey. (Sep 2020)
- Anti-CFR, according to PVS survey. (Sep 2020)
Corey Stapleton on Government Reform
Republican (District 0):
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- Limit political contributions; plus full disclosure. (Nov 2000)
Ryan Zinke on Government Reform
Republican House Member (District 0):
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- Work with states and rebuild national parks. (Jan 2017)
- Limit PAC, corporate, and individual campaign donations. (Nov 2008)