
Governor, Mayors and Pundits:
Kevin Bryant on Government Reform
Republican candidate for governor:
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- Reforms should include eliminating current ethics loopholes. (Apr 2018)
- No limits on campaign donations nor campaign spending. (Nov 2008)
Lindsey Graham on Government Reform
Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative (SC-3):
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- 10-day process to fire Russia probe special prosecutor. (Apr 2018)
- Overwhelming evidence that Russians stole emails from DNC. (Jan 2018)
- Supreme Court decided gay marriage; it's the law of the land. (Sep 2015)
- 2016 election will determine judiciary for decades to come. (Sep 2015)
- Constitutional amendment to limit spending by super PACs. (Jun 2015)
- Increase campaign contribution limits; but no foreigners. (Nov 2000)
- Voted NO on Congressional pay raise. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on providing a US House seat for the District of Columbia. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections. (Jul 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Sponsored bill allowing individual votes on each earmark. (Feb 2006)
- Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
- Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements. (Feb 2013)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Restrict campaign donations from foreigners or 3rd parties. (May 1999)
- Require all laws to cite Constitutional authorization. (Jun 2009)
- Strict Constitutionalist, according to CC survey. (Sep 2020)
- Limit punitive damages; term limits on Congress. (Sep 1994)
- Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money. (Sep 1994)
- Rated Voted NO on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
Yancey McGill on Government Reform
Republican candidate for Governor:
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Henry McMaster on Government Reform
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- Magistrate judges should be lawyers, publicly screened. (Jan 2021)
- Rules for public registration and transparency. (Jan 2019)
- Served on state Commission on Ethics Reform. (Jan 2017)
- Cited by Ethics Commission for excessive donations of $51K. (Sep 2015)
- Register all lobbyists; speed up FOIA. (Jan 2013)
- Full disclosure of campaign funding & fines for violators. (Jan 2013)
Tommy Pope on Government Reform
Republican candidate for Governor (withdrew):
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Mark Sanford on Government Reform
Republican SC Governor; previously Representative (SC-1); GOP Presidential Challenger (withdrawn):
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- Trump not releasing returns hurts democracy's transparency. (Aug 2016)
- I was against earmarks before being anti-earmark was cool. (Apr 2013)
- Get legislative "voice votes" on the record. (Apr 2012)
- End unlimited and undisclosed campaign donations. (Jan 2010)
- Change rules of governorship and state officers. (Jan 2010)
- Bring horse-and-buggy government into the 21st century. (Nov 2006)
- Limit campaign contributions but not campaign spending. (Nov 2002)
- Term-limited Congressmen do behave differently. (Nov 2000)
- Cut his own staff and returned funds for staff pay annually. (Nov 2000)
- Supported 6- year congressional term-limits. (Nov 2000)
- Pledged never to take any PAC money. (Nov 2000)
- 1995 government shutdown was a good thing, not a crisis. (Nov 2000)
- Require that congressional pay raises have open votes. (Nov 2000)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2014)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
- Limit punitive damages; term limits on Congress. (Sep 1994)
- Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money. (Sep 1994)
James Emerson Smith on Government Reform
Democratic candidate for governor:
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- Voted NO on requiring photo ID in order to vote. (Jan 2011)
Catherine Templeton on Government Reform
Republican candidate for South Carolina Governor:
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- Fight corruption & waste & good ol' boy system in Columbia. (Apr 2017)
John Warren on Government Reform
Democratic candidate for governor:
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SC 2022: 2022 SC Governor's race
Lee Bright on Government Reform
Republican Challenger:
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- Photo ID for voting. (Jul 2014)
- Require photo ID, and inspection of ID, in order to vote. (May 2011)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2014)
Joyce Dickerson on Government Reform
Democratic Senate Challenger:
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- Transparency and availability are both my virtues. (Jan 2012)
Thomas Dixon on Government Reform
Democratic candidate for Senate:
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- Voting rights need to be protected from attack. (Aug 2016)
Lindsey Graham on Government Reform
Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative (SC-3):
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- 10-day process to fire Russia probe special prosecutor. (Apr 2018)
- Overwhelming evidence that Russians stole emails from DNC. (Jan 2018)
- Supreme Court decided gay marriage; it's the law of the land. (Sep 2015)
- 2016 election will determine judiciary for decades to come. (Sep 2015)
- Constitutional amendment to limit spending by super PACs. (Jun 2015)
- Increase campaign contribution limits; but no foreigners. (Nov 2000)
- Voted NO on Congressional pay raise. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on providing a US House seat for the District of Columbia. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections. (Jul 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Sponsored bill allowing individual votes on each earmark. (Feb 2006)
- Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
- Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements. (Feb 2013)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Restrict campaign donations from foreigners or 3rd parties. (May 1999)
- Require all laws to cite Constitutional authorization. (Jun 2009)
- Strict Constitutionalist, according to CC survey. (Sep 2020)
- Limit punitive damages; term limits on Congress. (Sep 1994)
- Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money. (Sep 1994)
- Rated Voted NO on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
Jaime Harrison on Government Reform
Democratic 2020 Senate Challenger:
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- Overturn Citizens United, end decade of Dark Money. (Sep 2020)
- Judicially liberal, according to CC survey. (Sep 2020)
Brad Hutto on Government Reform
Democratic Challenger:
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- Limit corporate and PAC campaign contributions. (Nov 2012)
Nancy Mace on Government Reform
Republican Senate challenger:
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- Term limits are the only way to stop the ruling elitists. (Nov 2013)
- Term limits of 12 years for Senate; 6 years for House. (Nov 2013)
- I don't trust this government; it overreached its boundaries. (Jul 2013)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2014)
- Anti-CFR, according to PVS survey. (Sep 2020)
Thomas Ravenel on Government Reform
Republican Senate challenger:
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- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2014)
Jay Stamper on Government Reform
Republican Challenger:
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Gloria Bromell Tinubu on Government Reform
Democratic 2020 Senate Challenger:
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Rick Wade on Government Reform
Democratic Senate Challenger:
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- Washington is broken. (Dec 2013)
- Government doesn't invent but does create business framework. (Apr 2010)
James Clyburn on Government Reform
Democratic Representative (SC-6):
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- Voted YES on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted YES on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted YES on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
- Voted NO on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Voted NO on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted YES on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Election reform is #1 priority to prevent disenfranchisement. (Jan 2001)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
- Require full disclosure of independent campaign expenditures. (Feb 2012)
- Full disclosure of campaign spending. (Jan 2013)
- No photo IDs to vote; they suppress the vote. (Jun 2014)
- Establish "My Voice Voucher" small campaign contributions. (Feb 2014)
- Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Jan 2015)
- Statehood for the District of Columbia. (Jan 2015)
- Automatic voter registration for all citizens. (Mar 2015)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Holiday on election day; revamp for easier voting access. (Mar 2019)
Elizabeth Colbert-Busch on Government Reform
Democrat (District 1):
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- Will return 10% of congressional salary to the government. (Apr 2013)
- If Congress were a business, our leaders would be fired. (Apr 2013)
Joe Cunningham on Government Reform
Democrat (District 1):
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- PVS:Regulate campaign donations from corporations. (Aug 2018)
- Holiday on election day; revamp for easier voting access. (Mar 2019)
Jeff Duncan on Government Reform
Republican (District 3):
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- No Pork Pledge: decrease earmarking; increase transparency. (Aug 2010)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Require Congressional certification of president's "Czars". (Jan 2011)
- Require defining constitutional authority for every new law. (Jan 2011)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
- Rated No holiday on election day; no same-day registration. (Mar 2019)
Trey Gowdy on Government Reform
Republican (District 4):
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- Read the 9th and 10th Amendments; stick to enumerated powers. (Aug 2010)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Member of House Judiciary Committee. (Mar 2011)
- Member of House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform. (Mar 2011)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
- No recess appointments without Congressional approval. (Jan 2012)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
Mick Mulvaney on Government Reform
Republican (District 5):
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- Chief of staff job is to help the president, not undo him. (Jan 2021)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- No recess appointments without Congressional approval. (Jan 2012)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
Ralph Norman on Government Reform
Republican (District 5):
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- Term limits to end the rein of career politicians. (May 2017)
- Rated No holiday on election day; no same-day registration. (Mar 2019)
Tommy Pope on Government Reform
Republican (District 5):
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Tom Rice on Government Reform
Republican (District 7):
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- Fight for Term Limits. (Nov 2012)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
- Rated No holiday on election day; no same-day registration. (Mar 2019)
Mark Sanford on Government Reform
Republican SC Governor; previously Representative (SC-1); GOP Presidential Challenger (withdrawn):
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- Trump not releasing returns hurts democracy's transparency. (Aug 2016)
- I was against earmarks before being anti-earmark was cool. (Apr 2013)
- Get legislative "voice votes" on the record. (Apr 2012)
- End unlimited and undisclosed campaign donations. (Jan 2010)
- Change rules of governorship and state officers. (Jan 2010)
- Bring horse-and-buggy government into the 21st century. (Nov 2006)
- Limit campaign contributions but not campaign spending. (Nov 2002)
- Term-limited Congressmen do behave differently. (Nov 2000)
- Cut his own staff and returned funds for staff pay annually. (Nov 2000)
- Supported 6- year congressional term-limits. (Nov 2000)
- Pledged never to take any PAC money. (Nov 2000)
- 1995 government shutdown was a good thing, not a crisis. (Nov 2000)
- Require that congressional pay raises have open votes. (Nov 2000)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2014)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
- Limit punitive damages; term limits on Congress. (Sep 1994)
- Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money. (Sep 1994)
Tim Scott on Government Reform
Republican (Appointed Senator) (District 1):
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- Photo ID for voting. (Sep 2014)
- Look to Constitution for greatness, not to Executive Orders. (Mar 2014)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Member of House Rules Committee. (Mar 2011)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
- No recess appointments without Congressional approval. (Jan 2012)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Feb 2015)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
- Rated Voted NO on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
William Timmons on Government Reform
Republican (District 4):
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- Supports term limits; pledges to serve only 6 terms. (May 2020)
- PVS:Don't regulate campaign donations from corporations. (Aug 2018)
- Rated No holiday on election day; no same-day registration. (Mar 2019)
Joe Wilson on Government Reform
Republican Representative (SC-2):
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- Voted NO on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted NO on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted YES on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted YES on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Voted YES on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
- No recess appointments without Congressional approval. (Jan 2012)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Rated No holiday on election day; no same-day registration. (Mar 2019)
Former candidates & officeholders:
Nikki Haley on Government Reform
Former UN Ambassador 2017-2018:
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- Register all lobbyists; speed up FOIA. (Jan 2013)
- Full disclosure of campaign funding & fines for violators. (Jan 2013)
- Legislative mission: get "voice votes" on the record. (Apr 2012)
- Real-time online check registers for government spending. (Apr 2012)
- Term limits force real change in leadership. (Apr 2012)
- Weakened governorship today set up in Reconstruction. (Apr 2012)
- Fought S.C. House leadership for roll-call voting. (Apr 2012)
- Good old work replaces pork-barrel politics. (Apr 2012)
- Voter ID is a no-brainer to protect election integrity. (Apr 2012)
- We capped lawsuit damages; next tort reform is loser-pays. (Jan 2012)
- Require photo ID, and inspection of ID, in order to vote. (May 2011)
- Endorsed as commonsense conservative "Mama Grizzly". (Nov 2010)
- Strongly in favor of term limits at all levels of government. (Nov 2010)
Mick Mulvaney on Government Reform
Former Budget Director/Chief of Staff:
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- Chief of staff job is to help the president, not undo him. (Jan 2021)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- No recess appointments without Congressional approval. (Jan 2012)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
Jim Hodges on Government Reform
Former Democratic Governor (1999-2002):
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- Reforms must respect state's rights to select electors. (Aug 2001)
David Beasley on Government Reform
2004 former Republican challenger; former Governor:
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Fritz Hollings on Government Reform
Former Democratic Sr Senator; retired 2004:
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- Voted YES on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads. (Mar 2002)
- Voted NO on require photo ID (not just signature) for voter registration. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations. (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on funding for National Endowment for the Arts. (Aug 1999)
- Voted YES on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (Oct 1997)
- Voted NO on Approving the presidential line-item veto. (Mar 1996)
- Voted YES on banning more types of Congressional gifts. (Jul 1995)
Bob Inglis on Government Reform
Republican Representative (SC-4, retook seat in 2004):
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- Voted NO on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted NO on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted NO on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted YES on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Prohibit non-legislated earmarks. (Jul 2005)
- Sunset Act: review every federal agency every 12 years. (Jan 2009)
- Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
- Limit punitive damages; term limits on Congress. (Sep 1994)
- Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money. (Sep 1994)
Alex Sanders on Government Reform
2002 Democratic Candidate (SC):
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Inez Tenenbaum on Government Reform
2004 former Democratic challenger:
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Strom Thurmond on Government Reform
Former Republican Senator:
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- Voted NO on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads. (Mar 2002)
- Voted YES on require photo ID (not just signature) for voter registration. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations. (Apr 2001)
- Voted NO on funding for National Endowment for the Arts. (Aug 1999)
- Voted NO on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (Oct 1997)
- Voted YES on Approving the presidential line-item veto. (Mar 1996)
- Voted YES on banning more types of Congressional gifts. (Jul 1995)
Gresham Barrett on Government Reform
Republican Representative (SC-3):
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- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted NO on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted NO on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted YES on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Voted YES on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Prohibit non-legislated earmarks. (Jul 2005)
- Require all laws to cite Constitutional authorization. (Jun 2009)
Henry Brown on Government Reform
Republican Representative (SC-1):
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- Voted NO on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted NO on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted YES on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted YES on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Voted YES on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
Michael Cone on Government Reform
Democratic Challenger:
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Bob Conley on Government Reform
Democratic Senate challenger:
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Jim DeMint on Government Reform
Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative (SC-4):
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- Politicians &bureaucrats systematically violate Constitution. (Feb 2013)
- Feds have shut down kids' lemonade stands!. (Jan 2012)
- Kept pledge for six-year Congressional term limit. (Jan 2012)
- Not federal government's job to do good deeds. (Jan 2012)
- Earmarks are how lobbyists grease the skids. (Sep 2010)
- 1970s government did too much, and caused today's problems. (Jul 2009)
- Government can't manage economy without restricting freedom. (Jul 2009)
- I'm a recovering earmarker on a crusade to stop earmarks. (Jul 2009)
- 2008: pushed one-year moratorium on earmarks. (Jul 2009)
- We all benefit from government founded on Christian values. (Jul 2009)
- Personal responsibility counterbalances central control. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on Congressional pay raise. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on providing a US House seat for the District of Columbia. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections. (Jul 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted NO on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted NO on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Sponsored bill allowing individual votes on each earmark. (Feb 2006)
- Ensure delivery of absentee ballots for troops overseas. (May 2008)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Restrict campaign donations from foreigners or 3rd parties. (May 1999)
- Ban paid voter registration. (May 2009)
- Require all laws to cite Constitutional authorization. (Jun 2009)
Alvin Greene on Government Reform
2010 Democratic Challenger:
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- Keep campaign donation limits; no voluntary spending limits. (Oct 2010)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
Mark McBride on Government Reform
Independent Senate challenger:
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Mullins McLeod on Government Reform
2010 Democratic challenger:
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Floyd Spence on Government Reform
Republican (District 2):
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- Voted YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted NO on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Restrict campaign donations from foreigners or 3rd parties. (May 1999)
- Limit punitive damages; term limits on Congress. (Sep 1994)
- Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money. (Sep 1994)
John Spratt on Government Reform
Democratic Representative (SC-5):
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- Voted YES on Senate pay raise. (Jun 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring lobbyist disclosure of bundled donations. (May 2007)
- Voted YES on granting Washington DC an Electoral vote & vote in Congress. (Apr 2007)
- Voted YES on protecting whistleblowers from employer recrimination. (Mar 2007)
- Voted NO on requiring photo ID for voting in federal elections. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on restricting independent grassroots political committees. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits about obesity against food providers. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on limiting attorney's fees in class action lawsuits. (Feb 2005)
- Voted NO on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted YES on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Establish the United States Public Service Academy. (Mar 2007)
Jim DeMint on Government Reform
Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative (SC-4):
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OR click here for Jim DeMint on other issues.
- Politicians &bureaucrats systematically violate Constitution. (Feb 2013)
- Feds have shut down kids' lemonade stands!. (Jan 2012)
- Kept pledge for six-year Congressional term limit. (Jan 2012)
- Not federal government's job to do good deeds. (Jan 2012)
- Earmarks are how lobbyists grease the skids. (Sep 2010)
- 1970s government did too much, and caused today's problems. (Jul 2009)
- Government can't manage economy without restricting freedom. (Jul 2009)
- I'm a recovering earmarker on a crusade to stop earmarks. (Jul 2009)
- 2008: pushed one-year moratorium on earmarks. (Jul 2009)
- We all benefit from government founded on Christian values. (Jul 2009)
- Personal responsibility counterbalances central control. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on Congressional pay raise. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on providing a US House seat for the District of Columbia. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections. (Jul 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted NO on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on restricting frivolous lawsuits. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted NO on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Sponsored bill allowing individual votes on each earmark. (Feb 2006)
- Ensure delivery of absentee ballots for troops overseas. (May 2008)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Restrict campaign donations from foreigners or 3rd parties. (May 1999)
- Ban paid voter registration. (May 2009)
- Require all laws to cite Constitutional authorization. (Jun 2009)
Lindsey Graham on Government Reform
Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative (SC-3):
Click here for 25 full quotes
OR click here for Lindsey Graham on other issues.
- 10-day process to fire Russia probe special prosecutor. (Apr 2018)
- Overwhelming evidence that Russians stole emails from DNC. (Jan 2018)
- Supreme Court decided gay marriage; it's the law of the land. (Sep 2015)
- 2016 election will determine judiciary for decades to come. (Sep 2015)
- Constitutional amendment to limit spending by super PACs. (Jun 2015)
- Increase campaign contribution limits; but no foreigners. (Nov 2000)
- Voted NO on Congressional pay raise. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on providing a US House seat for the District of Columbia. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections. (Jul 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on campaign finance reform banning soft-money contributions. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Sponsored bill allowing individual votes on each earmark. (Feb 2006)
- Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
- Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements. (Feb 2013)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Restrict campaign donations from foreigners or 3rd parties. (May 1999)
- Require all laws to cite Constitutional authorization. (Jun 2009)
- Strict Constitutionalist, according to CC survey. (Sep 2020)
- Limit punitive damages; term limits on Congress. (Sep 1994)
- Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money. (Sep 1994)
- Rated Voted NO on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
Nancy Mace on Government Reform
Republican (District 1):
Click here for 5 full quotes
OR click here for Nancy Mace on other issues.
- Term limits are the only way to stop the ruling elitists. (Nov 2013)
- Term limits of 12 years for Senate; 6 years for House. (Nov 2013)
- I don't trust this government; it overreached its boundaries. (Jul 2013)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2014)
- Anti-CFR, according to PVS survey. (Sep 2020)
Tim Scott on Government Reform
Republican Senator-Appointee:
Click here for 13 full quotes
OR click here for Tim Scott on other issues.
- Photo ID for voting. (Sep 2014)
- Look to Constitution for greatness, not to Executive Orders. (Mar 2014)
- Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill. (Jul 2010)
- Audit federal agencies, to reform or eliminate them. (Jul 2010)
- Moratorium on all earmarks until budget is balanced. (Jul 2010)
- Member of House Rules Committee. (Mar 2011)
- Ban stock trading based on Congressional insider knowledge. (Nov 2011)
- No recess appointments without Congressional approval. (Jan 2012)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Public financing of federal campaigns by voter vouchers. (Feb 2015)
- Signed term limit pledge: 6 years House; 12 years Senate. (Nov 2010)
- Constitutional amendment for Congressional term limits. (Jan 2017)
- Rated Voted NO on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)