
Randy Neugebauer MyOcracy topics and responses
Criminal JusticeSupport for the construction of prisons or detention centers - 11/13/2007: Voted NO on expanding services for offenders' re-entry into society
Civil RightsBan abortions except in limited cases - 03/13/2013: Prohibit abortion information at school health centers
- 01/04/2013: No family planning assistance that includes abortion
- 05/05/2011: Prohibit federal funding for abortion
- 01/07/2011: Prohibit federal funding to groups like Planned Parenthood
- 07/29/2010: Bar funding for abortion under federal Obamacare plans
- 04/27/2005: Voted YES on restricting interstate transport of minors to get abortions
- 02/26/2004: Voted YES on making it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime
- 10/02/2003: Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortion except to save mother`s life
Support marriage rights between a man and a woman only - 01/09/2014: State definition of marriage supersedes federal gay marriage
- 04/02/2009: Voted NO on enforcing against anti-gay hate crimes
- 06/25/2008: Amend Constitution to define traditional marriage
- 11/13/2007: Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation
- 12/31/2006: by the HRC, indicating an anti-gay-rights stance
- 07/18/2006: Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman
- 09/30/2004: Voted YES on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage
Support for gun rights - 10/12/2011: Loosen restrictions on interstate gun purchases
- 01/25/2011: Allow veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad
- 02/03/2009: Apply concealed carry permit to all other states where legal
- 10/20/2005: Voted YES on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers
Abortion rights: Ban all abortions - 12/01/2011: Ban abortions for sex selection or race selection
- 05/04/2011: Voted YES on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion
- 01/07/2011: Congress shall protect life beginning with fertilization
- 02/04/2009: Declare preborn as persons under 14th amendment
Economic IssuesTaxes for wealthier tax payers: Less - 12/31/2006: by the CTJ, indicating opposition to progressive taxation
- 12/08/2005: Voted YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends
Support a balanced federal budget by constitutional amendment - 01/05/2011: Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution
- 01/06/2009: Balanced Budget Amendment with 3/5 vote to override
Reduce taxes for all tax payers - 01/01/2012: Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge
- 08/12/2010: Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new taxes
Implement a flat tax - 01/06/2009: Replace income tax & employment tax with FairTax
- 09/23/2004: Voted YES on providing tax relief and simplification
Implement national sales tax instead of income-based tax code - 01/05/2011: Replace income tax & estate tax with 23% sales tax
- 07/30/2003: Abolish IRS--replace income tax with national sales tax
Taxes for large corporations: Decrease - 05/11/2010: No European-style VAT (value-added tax)
Reduce taxes for small businesses - 12/31/2003: by the US COC, indicating a pro-business voting record
Increase taxes for all tax payers - 01/06/2009: Repeal the Death Tax
Education IssuesSupport school vouchers - 03/30/2011: Voted YES on reauthorizing the DC opportunity scholarship program
Support privatization of mass education - 12/31/2003: by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes
Environmental IssuesSupport off-shore drilling to tap new oil sources - 05/12/2011: Voted YES on opening Outer Continental Shelf to oil drilling
- 01/18/2007: Voted NO on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies
- 06/29/2006: Voted NO on keeping moratorium on drilling for oil offshore
Oppose cap-and-trade programs to address industrial emissions - 11/02/2010: Signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by AFP
- 06/26/2009: Voted NO on enforcing limits on CO2 global warming pollution
- 01/09/2009: Bar greenhouse gases from Clean Air Act rules
Reduce or remove environmental regulations that address oil refinement - 09/18/2008: Voted NO on environmental education grants for outdoor experiences
- 09/29/2005: Voted YES on deauthorizing "critical habitat" for endangered species
Use tax incentives for wind energy development and use - 01/17/2007: Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025
Eliminate tax incentives and/or subsidies to the fossil fuel industry - 02/12/2008: Voted NO on tax incentives for renewable energy
Healthcare IssuesReduce government involvement in the provision of health insurance for taxpayers - 04/15/2011: Voted YES on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts
- 07/04/2010: Repeal any federal health care takeover
- 01/23/2008: Voted NO on Veto override: Extend SCHIP to cover 6M more kids
- 10/25/2007: Voted NO on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility
- 12/31/2003: by APHA, indicating a anti-public health voting record
Eliminate financial penalty from Obamacare for taxpayers that do not have health insurance - 01/05/2011: Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Law
ImmigrationIncrease border security between U.S. and Mexico - 09/14/2006: Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border
- 06/06/2006: Voted YES on preventing tipping off Mexicans about Minuteman Project
Allow in-state tuition at public universities and colleges for undocumented students - 05/20/2004: Voted NO on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment