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2016 Democratic contenders:
Joe Biden
(Vice President)
Lincoln Chafee
(Governor Lincoln Chafee,RI)
Hillary Clinton
(Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,and NY Senator)
Martin O`Malley
(Governor Martin O`Malley,MD)
Bernie Sanders
(Vermont Senator)
Elizabeth Warren
James Webb
(Former Senator,VA)

2016 Republican contenders:
Jeb Bush
(Former Florida Governor)
Ben Carson
(Tea Party favorite and M.D.)
Chris Christie
(New Jersey Governor)
Ted Cruz
(Texas Senator)
Carly Fiorina
(California CEO)
Jim Gilmore
(Former Virginia Governor)
Lindsey Graham
(South Carolina Senator)
Mike Huckabee
(Former Arkansas Governor)
Bobby Jindal
(Louisiana Governor)
John Kasich
(Former Ohio Governor)
Sarah Palin
(Former Alaska Governor)
George Pataki
(Former N.Y. Governor)
Rand Paul
(Kentucky Senator)

Ted Cruz MyOcracy topics and responses

    Civil Rights

    Support marriage rights between a man and a woman only

  • 2014-02-12: Sponsored state definition of marriage supersedes federal gay marriage
  • 2012-10-31: Supports defining traditional marriage
  • 2012-10-31: Supports banning military gay marriage
  • 2012-02-23: Opposes gay pride parades and opposes gay marriage
  • 2011-07-17: One-man-one-woman marriage is building block of society

    Support for gun rights

  • 2013-09-25: Oppose the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty
  • 2013-04-17: Voted NO on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets
  • 2012-10-31: Opposes restricting the Second Amendment
  • 2011-07-17: Opposes unreasonable and burdensome gun restrictions

    Ban abortions except in limited cases

  • 2012-10-31: Opposes churches providing birth control
  • 2012-10-31: Opposes public abortion funding
  • 2012-04-16: Companies can deny insuring birth control

    Abortion rights: Ban all abortions

  • 2011-07-17: Protect innocent human life with partial-birth ban

    Economic Issues

    Taxes for wealthier tax payers: Less

  • 2012-10-31: Opposes increasing tax rates
  • 2012-10-31: Supports eliminating the inheritance tax
  • 2012-04-01: Permanent Washington elite protects the tax code

    Support a balanced federal budget by constitutional amendment

  • 2012-10-31: Supports a constitutional BBA
  • 2012-01-01: Supports the Cut-Cap-and-Balance Pledge
  • 2010-07-08: Demand a Balanced Budget amendment

    Invest money in more public projects to improve infrastructure

  • 2014-03-07: Balanced budget amendment to stop bankrupting our country

    Increase taxes for all tax payers

  • 2010-07-08: Repeal tax hikes in capital gains and death tax

    Reduce taxes for all tax payers

  • 2012-01-01: Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge

    Implement a flat tax

  • 2010-07-08: Adopt a single-rate tax system

    Education Issues

    Reduce federal government involvement with public education

  • 2014-02-06: Denounce the Common Core State Standards
  • 2012-06-06: Education decisions best made at local level

    Environmental Issues

    Oppose cap-and-trade programs to address industrial emissions

  • 2010-11-02: Signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by AFP
  • 2010-07-08: Cap-and-trade has no impact on global temperatures

    Support domestic continental drilling to tap new oil sources

  • 2010-07-08: Explore proven energy reserves & keep energy prices low

    Support off-shore drilling to tap new oil sources

  • 2011-07-17: Fight against Gulf moratorium on offshore exploration

    Healthcare Issues

    Eliminate financial penalty from Obamacare for taxpayers that do not have health insurance

  • 2012-10-02: Vow to repeal ObamaCare
  • 2012-04-03: Throw my body in front of a train to stop ObamaCare
  • 2011-07-17: Defeat ObamaCare; rein in the federal government

    Reduce government involvement in the provision of health insurance for taxpayers

  • 2010-07-08: Defund, repeal, & replace federal care with free market
  • 2010-07-04: Repeal any federal health care takeover

    Lower eligibility age for Medicare to increase coverage of older taxpayers

  • 2012-08-24: Save Medicare by raising eligibility age


    Oppose amnesty for undocumented individuals

  • 2012-10-02: No path to citizenship for 1.65 million illegals in Texas
  • 2012-06-22: Give police more power to ask about immigration status
  • 2012-04-18: Boots on the ground, plus a wall
  • 2012-03-29: Triple the size of the Border Patrol

    Improve enforcement of existing immigration laws

  • 2011-07-17: Strengthen border security and increase enforcement


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