Bruce Skarin on Civil Rights
Don't use religious values to restrict civil right to love
I am a strong advocate for protecting our civil rights to love, health, safety, and privacy. As a country founded on the principle of separation of church and state,
we cannot adopt policies that use the law to discriminate or force individuals to adhere to the religious values of others.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website, bruce2014.org "Social Policy"
, Mar 15, 2014
Not just supporter, but advocate for gay rights
There are many politicians that have come to support gay rights in recent years, but in most cases "support" is a nebulous concept that is more often used as political cover from both sides of a heated debate. In other words, there is a stark difference
between being a supporter of gay rights and being an advocate for gay rights. Let me now explain why I am not just a supporter, but an advocate for the estimated 9 million Americans suffering through the final major civil rights battle our country will
ever face.I expect fights for complete equality will continue as they do for gender and racial equality today, but it is time to end this last battle to end legal discrimination. Since the founding of our country, generations past have been on the
wrong side of equal rights. We were once wrong on slavery, women's suffrage, racial discrimination, and we are now on the wrong side of history for LGBT rights.
Source: Skarin article on Independent Voter Network
, Feb 21, 2014
In secular society, cannot discriminate on religious grounds
If the last standing argument against marriage equality is based on the separation of church and state, then which religion gets to decide which side the state upholds? This is not to say that churches that do not condone same-sex marriage should be
forced to perform them, but rather that in a secular society, we cannot discriminate legal rights on religious grounds.There are many pundits that would call taking a strong stance on such a divisive issue like this political suicide,
but--unlike many other issues that have a variety of complex interpretations--my clarity on this issue is unwavering. We cannot call ourselves the land of the free so long as we continue to tolerate discrimination against our fellow citizens.
It is time we cross the finish line of the entire civil rights movement and ensure that there is equality for all, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation.
Source: Skarin article on Independent Voter Network
, Feb 21, 2014
I am not just a supporter, but an advocate for gay rights
There are many politicians that have come to support gay rights in recent years, but in most cases "support" is a nebulous concept that is more often used as political cover from both sides of a heated debate. In other words, there is a stark difference
between being a supporter of gay rights and being an advocate for gay rights.I am not just a supporter, but an advocate for the estimated 9 million Americans suffering through the final major civil rights battle our country will ever face.
I expect fights for complete equality will continue as they do for gender and racial equality today, but it is time to end this last battle to end legal discrimination. Since the founding of our country, generations past have been on
the wrong side of equal rights. We were once wrong on slavery, women's suffrage, racial discrimination, and we are now on the wrong side of history for LGBT rights.
Source: Bruce Skarin on IVN.us blog: 2014 Massachusetts Senate race
, Feb 21, 2014
Page last updated: Aug 23, 2017