Bob Massie on Environment
Green Bank: capitalize on what nature provides us
My energy plan will build a prosperous and sustainable future for the commonwealth, where everyone gets to participate while we protect the future of our planet. We will:- Stop sending billions of our dollars out of state to pay for polluting
fossil fuel
- Remove regulatory barriers that choke off smart changes in utility regulation, like net metering caps, opening the way for more solar installations
- Provide income tax adjustments and job retraining to ease the transition, and drive
the majority of renewables jobs to our gateway cities
- Create an Energy Innovation Roundtable to bring our best ideas quickly to the forefront and implement funding innovations like a Green Bank
We can harvest the biggest growth opportunity the
Commonwealth has ever seen, by capitalizing on what nature provides us. Massachusetts has some of the best off-shore wind potential in the nation. We could turn renewables into the largest single sector in the state's economy.
Source: 2018 MA gubernatorial campaign website BobMassie2018.com
, Aug 4, 2017
Climate injustice is another form of social injustice
Q: How do we make the conversation about climate justice, the concept of resilience, a central part of the conversation about economic inequality and racial injustice?A: [Climate] is often seen as a white, middle-class issue, and not directly
connected to social-justice questions. That is a mistake. First of all, the people who are being harmed, and will be harmed, by climate change are overwhelmingly poor people and people of color, around the world and in the United States.
All of the problems that poor communities are already facing are going to become dramatically worse. And yet, it will be the relatively privileged groups that will go to the legislature and say, bail us out first.
So this tension is between people who say, rescue us from climate, and those who are under the severe impact of disenfranchisement and low income, who say, this is a social-justice issue that is just going to get worse, unless we address it now.
Source: Commonwealth Magazine on 2018 Massachusetts governor race
, Jun 16, 2017
Integrate thinking: environment, transportation, & housing
Q: Can you give an example of something that's both social resilience and climate resilience?A: One is, you can invest in local neighborhoods and make them more energy efficient, and plant more trees, and make them more resistant to flood damage--
and that also increases their social resilience because you're making safer communities, you're making more beautiful communities. The 21st century must entirely be about integrated thinking, the relationship between all of these pieces--employment,
education, job creation, wages, environment, climate change, transportation, housing, all of these pieces, they all fit together--and as long as you keep them in
different boxes and pursue policies that are unaware of each other, you are going to lose the thread and start doing things that are even counterproductive.
Source: Commonwealth Magazine on 2018 Massachusetts governor race
, Jun 16, 2017
Page last updated: Jun 14, 2018