
Mike Bouchard on Energy & Oil

Republican Challenger


Conflicted on whether global warming is from human sources

Q: Do you believe in global warming from human sources, and should it drive our policies?

BOUCHARD: Yes, there’s conflicting reports. We could be in a position to lead away from fossil fuels. She filibustered the comprehensive energy package in Congress. We need someone who will lead on that - she hasn’t. She has only one bill authored -- to rename a federal building. I wrote legislation to close incinerators while in the S state Senate.

STABENOW: Global Warming is real and I’m focused on solving it. I cite nineteen provisions which I authored, many bi-partisan. Global Warming is too important for partisan politics. I supported the energy bill from two years ago -- it created real energy boom in Michigan. We have strong agriculture, and ability to tell world to buy fuel here in Michigan instead of Middle East.

Source: 2006 Michigan Senate Debate in Grand Rapids , Oct 15, 2006

Kyoto agreement is restrictive & extraordinarily expensive

Regulations can impose extraordinary burdens on businesses that outweigh any good they do if they aren’t well thought through. I support using common sense tools, like risk analysis, that evaluate the tradeoffs of regulations to ensure that we understand their costs and are able to make an informed decision.

A good example is the imposition of restrictions on greenhouse gasses in conformity with the Kyoto agreement. Complying with these restrictions would be extraordinarily expensive, costing thousands of jobs. Because many of our competitors are not going to comply, we’d become even less competitive than we are now. Finally, the amount of carbon dioxide that would be released into the atmosphere will be almost the same over the next century, regardles of whether Kyoto is implemented.

In short, the costs would be tremendous, while the benefits would be negligible! Michigan’s Sen. Carl Levin voted against imposing these regulations on US companies. Sen. Stabenow, however, voted in favor of them.

Source: Campaign booklet, “Renewing Michigan’s Economy” , Sep 14, 2006

Supports atomic energy & new nuclear plant construction

One alternative that is becoming more feasible is atomic energy. Many European countries rely heavily on nuclear power, even though they are very pro-environment, because nuclear power presents one very sound approach to the need for more energy coupled with environmental protections. One persistent problem, however, remains: what to do with the spent nuclear rods that fuel these plants? For years, Michigan & other energy ratepayers from around the US have paid into a fund to create a long-term storage facility deep within the earth at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Once again, Senator Stabenow and her liberal allies have blocked the completion of this project. The result is that this waste sits around Michigan plant sites, which have not been constructed to serve as long-term storage sites, and pose the risk that eventually they could contaminate our environment. Senator Stabenow has also voted against other legislation that would fund construction for nuclear power plants.
Source: Campaign booklet, “Renewing Michigan’s Economy” , Sep 14, 2006

Look for energy efficiency & alternative sources

High energy costs affect all Americans, but they’ve hit Michigan especially hard. A sound energy policy does not mean sacrificing our natural resources or the environment. We need to look at other ideas that can promote alternative sources of energy and reduce the amount of energy used by utilizing more energy efficient technologies. There are ways to ensure that we are both meeting our energy needs and protecting the environment. As your Senator, I’ll work to find that balance.
Source: 2006 Senate website, bouchardforussenate.com, “Issues” , Jun 24, 2006

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Page last updated: Mar 27, 2020