Joni Ernst on Energy & Oil
Voted to repeal 2015 Clean Power Plan
Q: Opinion on EPA rules?Joni Ernst: Voted to uphold new EPA rule on carbon emissions for power plants that repealed the 2015 Clean Power Plan. Has supported federal funding for wind energy job training and more biofuel use.
Theresa Greenfield: "Will fight for good-paying clean energy jobs and defend and strengthen our environmental laws that are under attack." Supports expanded renewable fuel market.
Source: CampusElect on 2020 Iowa Senate race
, Oct 10, 2020
Fight for ethanol and biodiesel, not electric vehicles
Q: Can Iowa continue to bet on the future of ethanol given movement towards electric vehicles and away from fossil fuels?Ernst: As long as I am in the Senate I will be fighting to ensure the future for biofuels. The party on the left is moving
towards electric vehicles. That is not something we should be supporting in Iowa. I have been endorsed by the Iowa Corn Growers, I have also been endorsed by Iowa Farm Bureau because they know how hard I have been fighting for ethanol and for biodiesel.
Source: Iowa Public Television transcript of 2020 Iowa Senate debate
, Sep 28, 2020
Keystone Jobs Bill: many jobs; minimal environmental impact
You've probably heard about the Keystone jobs bill. President Obama has been delaying this bipartisan infrastructure project for years. The President's own State Department has said Keystone's construction could support thousands of jobs and pump
billions into our economy, and do it with minimal environmental impact.We worked with Democrats to pass this bill through the House & now the Senate. President Obama will soon have a decision to make: will he sign the bill, or block good American jobs
Source: GOP response to the 2015 State of the Union address
, Jan 20, 2015
Drives hybrid car, but doubts climate change is man-made
Ernst said she does not know if climate change is man-made. Braley attacked her for wanting to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency and the Clean Water Act. "I do
believe in protecting our environment," said Ernst. "I drive a hybrid car, and my family recycles everything. So I don't know the science behind climate change.
I do believe in protecting our environment, but without the job killing regulations that are coming out of the EPA."
Source: Politico.com e-zine on 2014 Iowa Senate debate
, Sep 28, 2014
Meeting with Big Oil doesn't make me feel uncomfortable
Billionaire Tom Steyer's new ad against Republican Joni Ernst slams the Senate hopeful for opposing the renewable fuel mandate in Iowa. The 30-second ad buy by Steyer's NextGen Climate group highlights a meeting between Ernst, ExxonMobil and the American
Petroleum Institute (API).While ExxonMobil and API oppose the mandate, which requires refiners to mix a set amount of ethanol and other biofuels into the nation's fuel supply, Ernst is quoted in a clip stating the meeting with industry didn't make
her "feel uncomfortable."
The ad scolds Ernst for "her big oil backers," which NextGen claims are "trying to gut Iowa renewables."
While the ad blasts Ernst for being against the renewable fuel standard, Steyer has criticized ethanol in the past.
In an interview in 2010, Steyer said ethanol was not the way to go. NextGen also has routinely criticized any expansion of fossil fuels, and continued use of them in order to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Source: The Hill PacWatch on 2014 Iowa Senate debate
, Aug 19, 2014
Page last updated: Dec 26, 2021