
John MacGovern on Principles & Values



Runs the Hanover Institute, a Dartmouth alumni group

MacGovern, 61, a graduate of Dartmouth College, served in the Massachusetts Legislature during the 1980s. He moved to Vermont in 1999. He currently runs the Hanover Institute, which he describes as an independent group of Dartmouth alumni formed to protect their voice in an expanded governing board. This is his first run for statewide elected office in Vermont.
Source: Boston Globe on 2012 Vermont Senate debate , Oct 18, 2012

Served four terms in the Massachusetts legislature

MacGovern grew up on a vegetable farm in Massachusetts, graduated from Dartmouth College and then pursued a business career. In the mid-1980s he served four terms in the Massachusetts legislature, lost a close race for a U.S. House seat in Massachusetts and moved with his wife to Vermont in the 1990s. He has since unsuccessfully run for the Vermont legislature three times and is president of the Hanover Institute.
Source: Burlington Free Press, on 2012 Vermont Senate debate , Aug 27, 2012

Raised on an organic communal dairy farm

According to the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine profile, MacGovern grew up on a dairy farm that "bore a striking resemblance to a hippie commune. Children wore robes, milked cows, tilled an organic farm." MacGovern told the magazine: "The goal was to be totally self-sufficient. There was no contact with the outside; no newspapers, no radio, no television."

MacGoverns' parents belonged to the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, according to the magazine article, which is a Catholic sect founded by a Jesuit activist who was ultimately ex-communicated. MacGovern's father died when he was young, the article says, and his mother became a nun within the order. "Which might not have been as traumatic as it would have been in a secular context," the article's author writes, "given that the order's common practice was to dissolve the parental bond early anyway."

Source: SevenDaysVT.com on 2018 Vermont Senate race , Mar 9, 2012

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Shap Smith
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VT Senatorial:
Al Giordano
Bernie Sanders
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Scott Milne

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