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Governor, Mayors and Pundits:

David Baria-x on Families & Children
Democratic candidate for governor: Click here for David Baria-x on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Phil Bryant on Families & Children
Republican Governor: Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Phil Bryant on other issues.
  • Pro-active on needs of foster children. (Jan 2019)
  • $34M for new Department of Child Protection Services. (Jan 2017)
  • Support Equal Opportunity for Students with Special Needs. (Jan 2015)
  • Healthy Teens for a Better Mississippi: 2-parent families. (Jan 2014)
Robert Foster on Families & Children
Republican challenger for Governor: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Robert Foster on other issues.
  • Refused ride-along with lone female reporter. (Jul 2019)
  • I made a vow to my wife to not be alone with another woman. (Jul 2019)
Jim Hood on Families & Children
Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Jim Hood on other issues.
  • No "Billy Graham rule": Treat female journalists the same. (Jul 2019)
  • 2015: Let same-sex couples divorce. (May 2019)
Trent Lott on Families & Children
Republican Jr Senator (MS): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Trent Lott on other issues.
  • Voted YES on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors. (May 1999)
  • Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
Tate Reeves on Families & Children
Republican candidate for governor: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Tate Reeves on other issues.
  • No "Billy Graham rule": Treat female journalists the same. (Jul 2019)
  • Creating family-friendly environment was a platform priority. (Mar 2018)
Howard Sherman on Families & Children
Democratic candidate for governor: Click here for Howard Sherman on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Bill Waller on Families & Children
Republican Gubernatorial candidate: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Bill Waller on other issues.
  • Follows "Billy Graham rule": never alone with a woman. (Jul 2019)
  • 2015: Let same-sex couples divorce. (May 2019)


MS 2020: 2020 MS Senatorial race

David Baria on Families & Children
Democratic candidate for Mississippi U. S. Senator: Click here for David Baria on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Jensen Bohren on Families & Children
Democratic candidate for Mississippi U. S. Senator: Click here for Jensen Bohren on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Travis Childers on Families & Children
Democratic Senate challenger: Click here for the full quote OR click here for Travis Childers on other issues.
  • Voted YES on four weeks of paid parental leave for federal employees. (Jun 2009)
Mike Espy on Families & Children
Democratic candidate for Mississippi U. S. Senator: Click here for Mike Espy on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Cindy Hyde-Smith on Families & Children
Republican Mississippi U. S. Senator: Click here for 3 full quotes OR click here for Cindy Hyde-Smith on other issues.
  • No funds for family planning service if it includes abortion. (Oct 2018)
  • Emphasis both on consumer protection and safe food supply. (Nov 2016)
  • Pro-parental notification, according to CC survey. (Sep 2020)
Chris McDaniel on Families & Children
Republican challenger: Click here for the full quote OR click here for Chris McDaniel on other issues.
  • Hip-hop culture values prison more than college. (Jan 2014)
Roger Wicker on Families & Children
Republican Jr Senator; previously Republican Representative (MS-1): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Roger Wicker on other issues.
  • Voted YES on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids. (Apr 2003)
  • Voted YES on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years. (Mar 2001)
  • Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Use tax code to reinforce families. (Sep 1994)


Michael Guest on Families & Children
Republican (District 3): Click here for Michael Guest on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Gregg Harper on Families & Children
Republican (District 3): Click here for the full quote OR click here for Gregg Harper on other issues.
  • Voted NO on four weeks of paid parental leave for federal employees. (Jun 2009)
Trent Kelly on Families & Children
Republican House Member (District 1): Click here for Trent Kelly on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Steven Palazzo on Families & Children
Republican (District 4): Click here for Steven Palazzo on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Gene Taylor on Families & Children
Democratic Representative (MS-4): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Gene Taylor on other issues.
  • Voted YES on four weeks of paid parental leave for federal employees. (Jun 2009)
  • Voted YES on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids. (Apr 2003)
  • Voted YES on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years. (Mar 2001)
  • Rated 76% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
Bennie Thompson on Families & Children
Democratic Representative (MS-2): Click here for 7 full quotes OR click here for Bennie Thompson on other issues.
  • Voted YES on four weeks of paid parental leave for federal employees. (Jun 2009)
  • Voted YES on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids. (Apr 2003)
  • Voted NO on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years. (Mar 2001)
  • Member of the Missing & Exploited Children's Caucus. (Jan 2001)
  • Rated 7% by the Christian Coalition: an anti-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • More funding & services for victims of domestic violence. (Feb 2013)
  • Sponsored recognition of National Foster Care Month. (May 2014)

Former candidates & officeholders:

Robert Gray on Families & Children
Democratic 2015 Gubernatorial Nominee: Click here for Robert Gray on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Vicki Slater on Families & Children
Democratic 2015 Gubernatorial candidate (lost primary): Click here for Vicki Slater on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Tate Reeves on Families & Children
Lt. Gov; Republican possibility for 2018 special US Senator: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Tate Reeves on other issues.
  • No "Billy Graham rule": Treat female journalists the same. (Jul 2019)
  • Creating family-friendly environment was a platform priority. (Mar 2018)
Alan Nunnelee on Families & Children
Republican (deceased 2015) (District 1): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Alan Nunnelee on other issues.
  • Encourage adoption of children in foster care. (Nov 2012)
  • Sponsored recognition of National Foster Care Month. (May 2014)
Roger Wicker on Families & Children
Republican Jr Senator; previously Republican Representative (MS-1): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Roger Wicker on other issues.
  • Voted YES on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids. (Apr 2003)
  • Voted YES on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years. (Mar 2001)
  • Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Use tax code to reinforce families. (Sep 1994)
Haley Barbour on Families & Children
Former Republican Governor (2004-2012): Click here for the full quote OR click here for Haley Barbour on other issues.
  • Supports dyslexia screening and early childhood education. (Jan 2008)
Kirk Fordice on Families & Children
Former Republican Governor (1992-1999): Click here for Kirk Fordice on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Ronnie Musgrove on Families & Children
2008 Senate challenger; previously Democratic MS Governor: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Ronnie Musgrove on other issues.
  • Encourage fathers' participation in child-raising. (Sep 2001)
  • Federal funds & state involvement in fatherhood initiatives. (Aug 2001)
Haley Barbour on Families & Children
Former Republican challenger (2006), Governor: Click here for the full quote OR click here for Haley Barbour on other issues.
  • Supports dyslexia screening and early childhood education. (Jan 2008)
Bill Bowlin on Families & Children
Former Democratic Challenger (2006): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Bill Bowlin on other issues.
  • Include contraceptives with AIDS foreign aid. (May 2006)
  • Limit violent and sexual content on television. (May 2006)
Ronnie Musgrove on Families & Children
2008 Senate challenger; previously Democratic MS Governor: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Ronnie Musgrove on other issues.
  • Encourage fathers' participation in child-raising. (Sep 2001)
  • Federal funds & state involvement in fatherhood initiatives. (Aug 2001)
Travis Childers on Families & Children
Democrat (until 2010) (District 1): Click here for the full quote OR click here for Travis Childers on other issues.
  • Voted YES on four weeks of paid parental leave for federal employees. (Jun 2009)
Erik Fleming on Families & Children
Democratic Senate Challenger: Click here for Erik Fleming on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Trent Lott on Families & Children
Republican Jr Senator (MS): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Trent Lott on other issues.
  • Voted YES on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors. (May 1999)
  • Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
Charles Pickering on Families & Children
Republican Representative (MS-3): Click here for Charles Pickering on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Chip Pickering on Families & Children
Republican challenger, U.S. Rep.: Click here for 3 full quotes OR click here for Chip Pickering on other issues.
  • Voted YES on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids. (Apr 2003)
  • Voted YES on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years. (Mar 2001)
  • Rated 92% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
Ronnie Shows on Families & Children
Democrat (District 4): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Ronnie Shows on other issues.
  • Voted YES on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years. (Mar 2001)
  • Member of the Missing & Exploited Children's Caucus. (Jan 2001)
Gene Taylor on Families & Children
Democratic Representative (MS-4): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Gene Taylor on other issues.
  • Voted YES on four weeks of paid parental leave for federal employees. (Jun 2009)
  • Voted YES on establishing nationwide AMBER alert system for missing kids. (Apr 2003)
  • Voted YES on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years. (Mar 2001)
  • Rated 76% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
Thad Cochran on Families & Children
Republican Sr Senator (MS): Click here for 3 full quotes OR click here for Thad Cochran on other issues.
  • Voted YES on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors. (May 1999)
  • Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
  • Sponsored recognition of National Foster Care Month. (May 2014)
Albert N. Gore on Families & Children
Democratic Challenger: Click here for Albert N. Gore on other issues.
    No stance on record.


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