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Governor, Mayors and Pundits:

Diane Black on Principles & Values
Republican candidate for Tennessee Governor: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Diane Black on other issues.
  • Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
  • Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
Karl Dean on Principles & Values
Democratic candidate for Governor: Click here for the full quote OR click here for Karl Dean on other issues.
  • Pro-business centrist: good things happen in the middle. (Feb 2017)
David French on Principles & Values
Conservative political commentator: Click here for the full quote OR click here for David French on other issues.
  • Robust religious liberty protections help Americans. (Jun 2016)
Bill Haslam on Principles & Values
Republican Governor: Click here for the full quote OR click here for Bill Haslam on other issues.
  • Tennessee--America at Its Best: we are a model to the nation. (Feb 2014)


TN 2018: 2018 TN Governor's race

Terry Adams on Principles & Values
Democratic Challenger: Click here for Terry Adams on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Lamar Alexander on Principles & Values
Republican Sr Senator (TN); previously candidate for President: Click here for 7 full quotes OR click here for Lamar Alexander on other issues.
  • Declined to debate in Republican primary. (Jul 2014)
  • Voted with Republican Party 88.1% of 319 votes. (Sep 2007)
  • Pledge Plus Three: daily patriotic affirmation in schools. (May 2002)
  • Campaign focus: Education; lower taxes; strong defense. (May 1999)
  • Voted YES on confirming of Sonia Sotomayor to Supreme Court. (Aug 2009)
  • Voted YES on confirming Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice. (Jan 2006)
  • Voted YES on confirming John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Sep 2005)
Gordon Ball on Principles & Values
Democratic Challenger: Click here for Gordon Ball on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Joe Carr on Principles & Values
Republican Challenger: Click here for the full quote OR click here for Joe Carr on other issues.
  • Endorsed by Tea Party Patriots on anti-amnesty grounds. (Jul 2014)
Mark Clayton on Principles & Values
Democratic Nominee: Click here for Mark Clayton on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Zach Poskevich on Principles & Values
Republican Senate Challenger: Click here for Zach Poskevich on other issues.
    No stance on record.


Diane Black on Principles & Values
Republican (District 6): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Diane Black on other issues.
  • Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
  • Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
Marsha Blackburn on Principles & Values
Republican Representative (TN-7): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Marsha Blackburn on other issues.
  • Rated C by the Club for Growth, pro-growth but not targeted. (Sep 2004)
  • Member of the House Republican Young Guns. (Sep 2010)
  • Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2010)
  • Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
Steve Cohen on Principles & Values
Democrat: Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Steve Cohen on other issues.
  • Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. (Oct 2001)
  • Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. (Nov 2007)
  • Religious freedom means no religious registry. (May 2016)
  • Question Trump on Emoluments clause. (May 2017)
Jim Cooper on Principles & Values
Democratic Representative (TN-5): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Jim Cooper on other issues.
  • Member of the "Blue Dog" Coalition of conservative Democrats. (Nov 2007)
  • Question Trump on Emoluments clause. (May 2017)
Scott DesJarlais on Principles & Values
Republican (District 4): Click here for 3 full quotes OR click here for Scott DesJarlais on other issues.
  • Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
  • Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
  • Member of the House Freedom Caucus. (Jan 2017)
Jimmy Duncan on Principles & Values
Republican Representative (TN-2): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Jimmy Duncan on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Presbyterian. (Nov 2000)
  • Member of the Republican Liberty Caucus. (Dec 2000)
  • Member of the House Republican Young Guns. (Sep 2010)
  • Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Stephen Fincher on Principles & Values
Republican (District 8): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Stephen Fincher on other issues.
  • A farmer who's concerned about where this country's going. (Sep 2010)
  • Member of the House Republican Young Guns. (Sep 2010)
  • Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
  • Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
Chuck Fleischmann on Principles & Values
Republican (District 3): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Chuck Fleischmann on other issues.
  • America leads with values & freedom; thank troops & God. (Jul 2011)
  • Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)
Phil Roe on Principles & Values
Republican (District 1): Click here for 3 full quotes OR click here for Phil Roe on other issues.
  • Member of the House Republican Young Guns. (Sep 2010)
  • Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
  • Member of the Republican Study Committee. (Jan 2016)

Former candidates & officeholders:

Phil Bredesen on Principles & Values
Democratic TN Governor: Click here for Phil Bredesen on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Mark Green on Principles & Values
Republican candidate for Governor: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Mark Green on other issues.
  • Conservative Christian and State Senator. (Jan 2017)
  • Religious affiliation: Catholic. (Nov 2000)
Don Sundquist on Principles & Values
Former Republican Governor (1995-2002): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Don Sundquist on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Lutheran. (Nov 2000)
  • Member, National Governors Association/Economic Development. (Jan 2001)
  • Member of Republican Governors Association. (Aug 2001)
  • Member of Southern Governors' Association. (Sep 2001)
Ed Bryant on Principles & Values
Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Ed Bryant on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Protestant. (Nov 2000)
  • Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Bob Clement on Principles & Values
Former Democratic Senate Nominee (2002): Click here for 3 full quotes OR click here for Bob Clement on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Methodist. (Nov 2000)
  • Member of Democratic Leadership Council. (Nov 2000)
  • New Democrat: "Third Way" instead of left-right debate. (Nov 2000)
Bill Frist on Principles & Values
Republican Senate Majority Leader (TN, retiring 2006): Click here for 7 full quotes OR click here for Bill Frist on other issues.
  • VOLPAC supports Republican candidates since 1998. (Dec 2006)
  • Separate church & state doesn’t mean separate God & state. (Dec 2006)
  • Doctoring improves a life; public service improves many. (Nov 2006)
  • Voted YES on confirming Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice. (Jan 2006)
  • Voted YES on confirming John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Sep 2005)
  • Religious affiliation: Presbyterian. (Nov 2000)
  • Fund the 50 States Commemorative Coin Program. (Dec 1997)
Tipper Gore on Principles & Values
Democratic Candidate (Former): Click here for Tipper Gore on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Van Hilleary on Principles & Values
Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep: Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Van Hilleary on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Presbyterian. (Nov 2000)
  • Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Bill Jenkins on Principles & Values
Republican (Retired 2006) (District 1): Click here for the full quote OR click here for Bill Jenkins on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Baptist. (Nov 2000)
Rosalind Kurita on Principles & Values
Former Democratic challenger (2006): Click here for the full quote OR click here for Rosalind Kurita on other issues.
  • Not persuadable once she decides something is right or wrong. (Feb 2006)
James Quillen on Principles & Values
Republican Former (1994-) (District 1): Click here for the full quote OR click here for James Quillen on other issues.
  • Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Fred Thompson on Principles & Values
Former Republican Senator; 2004 candidate for Pres.: Click here for 22 full quotes OR click here for Fred Thompson on other issues.
  • Need a president who feels no need to apologize for America. (Sep 2008)
  • Obama is the most liberal and inexperienced nominee ever. (Sep 2008)
  • Worked for law firm that worked in Libya; but not personally. (Jan 2008)
  • Not consumed by politics; running for future of kids & US. (Dec 2007)
  • Declined to answer Boston Globe questions on Executive Power. (Dec 2007)
  • Married at age 17 while still in high school. (Dec 2007)
  • 100% free & clear of cancer; will release all health records. (Nov 2007)
  • Giuliani sides with Hillary on abortion, guns. & immigration. (Oct 2007)
  • Consistent since reading “Conscience of a Conservative”. (Oct 2007)
  • Free markets, free people, free enterprise. (Oct 2007)
  • Absent from Values Voter Presidential Debate. (Sep 2007)
  • What kind of country for our kids? And can I affect it? (Sep 2007)
  • Same sound conservative First Principles in 1994 as today. (Sep 2007)
  • Announces candidacy for president on Jay Leno show. (Sep 2007)
  • Voters don’t pay attention to elections this early. (Sep 2007)
  • Enjoys campaigning despite reputation of being lazy. (Sep 2007)
  • Made movie about his role in case of corrupt governor. (Jun 2007)
  • I want to do some things that only a president can do. (Jun 2007)
  • Split decision on Clinton; some offenses not impeachable. (Jun 2007)
  • Never lusted for presidency but the man has to fit the times. (Jun 2007)
  • Reveals he suffers from cancer, but it won’t affect campaign. (Jun 2007)
  • Religious affiliation: Protestant. (Nov 2000)
Ed Bryant on Principles & Values
Republican (District 7): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Ed Bryant on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Protestant. (Nov 2000)
  • Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Bob Clement on Principles & Values
Democrat (District 5): Click here for 3 full quotes OR click here for Bob Clement on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Methodist. (Nov 2000)
  • Member of Democratic Leadership Council. (Nov 2000)
  • New Democrat: "Third Way" instead of left-right debate. (Nov 2000)
David Davis on Principles & Values
Republican: Click here for the full quote OR click here for David Davis on other issues.
  • Recognize Christianity's importance to western civilization. (Dec 2007)
Lincoln Davis on Principles & Values
Democratic Representative (TN-4): Click here for the full quote OR click here for Lincoln Davis on other issues.
  • Member of the "Blue Dog" Coalition of conservative Democrats. (Nov 2007)
Harold Ford on Principles & Values
Democrat (District 9): Click here for 12 full quotes OR click here for Harold Ford on other issues.
  • OpEd: 2003: ambitious stunt to run for House Minority Leader. (May 2012)
  • Attended law school but failed bar exam due to campaigning. (Oct 2006)
  • Campaign should be about ideas, not family political machine. (Oct 2006)
  • This race is about whether we want a rubber stamp for Bush. (Oct 2006)
  • Religious affiliation: Baptist. (Nov 2000)
  • Member of the "Blue Dog" Coalition of conservative Democrats. (Nov 2000)
  • Supports Hyde Park Declaration of "Third Way" centrism. (Aug 2000)
  • Member of Congressional Black Caucus. (Jan 2001)
  • Reject Bush's Florida electors due to election fraud. (Jan 2001)
  • New Democrat: "Third Way" instead of left-right debate. (Nov 2000)
  • Member of the "Blue Dog" Coalition of conservative Democrats. (Nov 2007)
  • Member of Democratic Leadership Council. (Nov 2007)
Harold Ford-TN on Principles & Values
2006 Democratic challenger, Former U.S. Rep: Click here for Harold Ford-TN on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Bart Gordon on Principles & Values
Democratic Representative (TN-6): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Bart Gordon on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Methodist. (Nov 2000)
  • Member of the "Blue Dog" Coalition of conservative Democrats. (Nov 2007)
Bo Heyward on Principles & Values
Independent challenger: Click here for Bo Heyward on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Van Hilleary on Principles & Values
Republican (District 4): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for Van Hilleary on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Presbyterian. (Nov 2000)
  • Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Chris Lugo on Principles & Values
Green challenger: Click here for Chris Lugo on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Mike Padgett on Principles & Values
Democratic Challenger: Click here for the full quote OR click here for Mike Padgett on other issues.
  • Small business owner, then public service since 1984. (Apr 2008)
John Tanner on Principles & Values
Democratic Representative (TN-8): Click here for 5 full quotes OR click here for John Tanner on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Disciples of Christ. (Nov 2000)
  • Supports Hyde Park Declaration of "Third Way" centrism. (Aug 2000)
  • New Democrat: "Third Way" instead of left-right debate. (Nov 2000)
  • Member of the "Blue Dog" Coalition of conservative Democrats. (Nov 2007)
  • Member of Democratic Leadership Council. (Nov 2007)
Bob Tuke on Principles & Values
Democratic challenger: Click here for Bob Tuke on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Zach Wamp on Principles & Values
Republican Representative (TN-3): Click here for 4 full quotes OR click here for Zach Wamp on other issues.
  • Religious affiliation: Baptist. (Nov 2000)
  • Member of the Republican Liberty Caucus. (Dec 2000)
  • Member of the Tea Party movement. (Aug 2012)
  • Contract with America: 10 bills in 1st 100 days of Congress. (Sep 1994)
Phil Bredesen on Principles & Values
Democratic TN Governor: Click here for Phil Bredesen on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Bob Corker on Principles & Values
Republican Jr Senator: Click here for 5 full quotes OR click here for Bob Corker on other issues.
  • Voted with Republican Party 89.2% of 324 votes. (Sep 2007)
  • Ford’s family lobbies Ford in Congress. (Oct 2006)
  • I’ve lived a TN life; my opponent has lived a DC life. (Oct 2006)
  • Keep “one nation under God” in US Senate. (Jan 2006)
  • Voted NO on confirming of Sonia Sotomayor to Supreme Court. (Aug 2009)
Larry Crim on Principles & Values
Democratic candidate for Tennesee U.S. Senator: Click here for Larry Crim on other issues.
    No stance on record.
Kenneth Eaton on Principles & Values
Democratic Senate challenger: Click here for Kenneth Eaton on other issues.
    No stance on record.
David Kustoff on Principles & Values
Republican (District 8): Click here for 2 full quotes OR click here for David Kustoff on other issues.
  • Supports Judeo-Christian framework of morality. (Nov 2016)
  • Supports religious liberty and sees it at risk. (Nov 2016)
James Mackler on Principles & Values
Democratic candidate for Tennessee Senator (withdrew): Click here for James Mackler on other issues.
    No stance on record.


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