End wars by removing greed motivation & cultural alienation
Wars will almost be entirely eliminated because the cause of greed, weapon sales, nuclear power elimination and cultural alienation will have been eliminated. In rare instances of upheaval, due to dictators, or ethnic cleansing within a country,
will there be necessary to have a minimum security apparatus. Peace will be more accessible, and war less perennial, with only the human instincts of selfishness and possession that will have to be defeated and challenged.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
Apr 3, 2008
Stop the Iraq War immediately
Important Issues:
Stop the Iraq War, bring the troops home immediately. Brian supports these summary positions from the Socialist Party Platform:
close all
U.S. military facilities that train foreign military and paramilitary personnel.
immediately withdrawal from Iraq & Afghanistan
end U.S. occupation of Guantanamo, Cuba
Source: Campaign website, www.votebrianmoore.com, "Issues"
Dec 23, 2007