Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Press releases & proclamations from the Alaska Governor's Office

Click here for 54 full quotes from Sarah Palin in the book Press releases & proclamations from the Alaska Governor's Office.
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
Following is a collection of materials released from the Alaska governor's office while Sarah Palin was governor.
The collection includes press releases, proclamations, and public reports, attributable to Gov. Palin.
We at OnTheIssues.org
consider the pundits to be ridiculous when they assert statements like, "Gov. Palin has no record and is therefore an unknown."
All public officials have substantial paper trails -- as we demonstrate here.
The pundits REALLY mean "We are too lazy to look up Gov. Palin's record."
Yes, it takes substantial digging, but that is the pundits' job.
We similarly located a substantive record from Gov. Palin's election race in 2006:
Gov. Palin fought hard for her governor's seat --
she unseated the incumbent Republican, Frank Murkowski, in the primary,
then went on to beat a former Governor, Tony Knowles, in the general election.
Palin won her seat the hard way -- beating TWO governors -- and accordingly deserves credit for her electoral skills.
Whether you plan to vote for Palin or not, read her record, rather than fall into the pundit's trap of self-imposed ignorance.
-- Jesse Gordon, editor, OnTheIssues.org, Sept. 2008
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Adoption is best plan for permanency for foster care kids.
Budget & Economy
Reduced general fund spending by $124 million.
$7 billion savings plan for education & transportation.
Civil Rights
Comply with same-sex partner benefits despite disagreement.
Recognize Martin Luther King holiday.
HIV/AIDS among Alaska Natives is public health crisis.
Recognize Juneteenth to celebrate the end of slavery.
ADA brings expanded freedom to Americans with disabilities.
Maximum sentence for first-degree murder by police.
Victims’ rights are critical to “justice for all”.
Register sex offenders; & investigate internet sex crimes.
Establish “FBI Day” to support fighting global crime.
Highway fatalities down because of strict drunk driving laws.
Court ruling against NEA: state adequately funds education.
294 Alaska public schools progressed under NCLB.
Energy & Oil
Submitted legislation to build natural AGIA gas pipeline.
Fully fund the Petroleum Systems Integrity Office.
Bush is right: drill ANWR & develop our own supplies.
Energy relief plan: $100 per person monthly, for oil & gas.
Exxon-Mobil should pay $507 million for Exxon Valdez spill.
Agrees with Obama on more Alaska oil & gas production.
Windfall oil profits tax prevents investment.
Resource rebate: suspend AK 8-cent fuel tax for one year.
Gasline Inducement Act: 1,715-mile natural gas pipeline.
Commercialize Alaska’s North Slope natural gas.
Feds shouldn’t list beluga whales as endangered.
Wolf predator control is important for subsistence hunters.
Sue US government to stop listing polar bear as endangered.
Families & Children
Recognize the vital role of family child care homes.
Foreign Policy
Peace Corps strengthens US ties abroad & enriches US at home.
Free Trade
Record-high exports; growth of 12.6% since last year.
Exempt Alaskan cruise ships from customs rule changes.
Allow wineries to ship by mail within state.
Government Reform
Sell previous governor’s jet on eBay--it’s impractical.
Presented comprehensive ethics bill in early 2007.
Comprehensive ethics reform: change politics as usual.
Gun Control
Lifelong NRA member & champion of right to bear arms.
Supports ending D.C.’s 32-year-old ban on handguns.
Health Care
Health care must be market-and business-driven.
Signed up as organ donor; Alaska leads the states.
Homeland Security
Proclaim “Loyalty Day” to reaffirm loyalty to America.
Obligation to support our troops, even if criticizing war.
Visits Kuwait; encourages Alaska big game hunting to troops.
Tightened restrictions on illegal alien’s drivers licenses.
Address jointly with Canada the border security challenges.
Alaska Construction Academy: 2,520 students learn skills.
Principles & Values
Top priorities for AK include ethics & balanced budget.
Recognize America’s historic and founding Christian heritage.
The Bible has profoundly influenced America.
Declare a National Day of Prayer in Alaska.
Denies all allegations in Department of Public Safety affair.
Tax Reform
$60M annually for municipal revenue sharing.
Welfare & Poverty
Recognize Salvation Army and encourage charity to them.
EITC moves thousands of welfare recipients into workforce.
Click for quotations from other sources by:
- Sarah Palin
The above quotations are from Press releases & proclamations from the Alaska Governor's Office.
Gov. Sarah Palin's documents & debates:
- Palin vs. Michele Bachmann On the Issues, by Jesse Gordon, Jan. 2012
- The Rogue, by Joe McGinnis, Oct. 2011
- America By Heart, by Sarah Palin, Nov. 23, 2010
- Going Rogue, by Sarah Palin, Nov. 17, 2009
- The Faith & Values of Sarah Palin, by Stephen Mansfield, Oct, 2010
- V.P. debate, Washington U. in St. Louis, Oct. 2, 2008
- Wasilla resident's view: Palin's mayoral constituent
- Sean Hannity interview: on Fox News "Hannity & Colmes", Sept. 2008
- Katie Couric interview: on CBS News, Sept. 2008
- Republican Convention, Sep. 2-4, 2008
- Gubernatorial documents: Palin's resolutions and proclamations
- New Energy for Alaska, 2006 campaign booklet
- Debate against Gov. Tony Knowles, 2006 general election
- 2006 Candidate Profiles, in Anchorage Daily News