Robert Steele on Abortion
Let states decide birth control and abortion laws
- This is a matter best left to the states
- Birth control medications should be available by prescription across the land, subject to state-based guidelines on age and parental rights.
In cases of rape and incest, woman's right to avoid biological enslavement
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jan 2, 2012
Supports abortion as a woman's right
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Abortion is a woman's right"?A: Support. This is a matter best left to the states, where faith, culture, and law can be responsive to the community.
In cases of rape and incest, the community should be respectful of the woman's right to her own freedom from biological enslavement.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jan 2, 2012
Page last updated: Feb 23, 2012