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Robert Steele on Health Care |
A: Oppose. Federal programs are out of control and largely corrupt, with over 50% of every dollar shown to be fraud, waste, or abuse. PriceWaterhouseCooper's report, "The Price of Excess," documents this. In addition, because of Congressional corruption, Medicare drugs cost us 90% more than the rest of the world because Congress will not allow negotiation. Health is four-part challenge: individuals must be responsible for their own fitness; organizations must provide healthy environments free of toxins; alternative and nature cures must be well-integrated in all health practices, and medical and pharmaceutical remediation must be both a last resort, and honestly intelligently administered.
A: Strongly Oppose. 4% of the force (the infantry) takes 80% of the casualties (dead and wounded, many amputated, 18 a day committing suicide once released from active duty) and receives 1% of the budget. N Secretary of Defense in recent memory, including the current incumbent, has had the intelligence & integrity to get their job right. We need to cut the military-industrial complex back to a maximum of $300 billion a year, placing emphasis on the infantry and everything in direct support of the infantry, on a 450-ship Navy of many small distributed ships, on a long-haul Air Force that allows us to close all of our overseas bases, and on creating four forces after next, each coherent and capable: Big War Force, Small War Force, Peace & Stabilization Force, and Homeland Restoration Force. The US Department of Defense is completely broken at the policy, acquisition, and operational levels, as is the rest of the government. It needs a leader with INTEGRITY.