End blind support for predatory banks and corporations
We do not have a foreign policy, just blind support for predatory banks and corporations, Israel, dictators, and oil despots
Ron Paul has it right--we need a foreign policy of peace, commerce, and friendship
Department of
State is an empty shell--need to move $200 billion a year from military to State
Stabilization & Reconstruction is how we keep illegal immigrants home--eradicating corruption and no longer giving aid to governments but to projects will help
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jan 2, 2012
Hold corporations responsible for supporting American labor
FULL EMPLOYMENT in the USA must be our single greatest economic objective, and we must hold corporations--
that operate under public incorporation charters--responsible to their country, their employees, and the communities of consumers that should be support American labor, not foreign labor.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jan 2, 2012
Wealthiest 1% responsible for 22% unemployment
The social contract between We the People and our governments at all levels demands that we all take the long view--think out Seven Generations.
The concentration of wealth to the
1% has been made possible by Congressional corruption and is the primary reason our economy is hosed, unemployment is at 22% (not the lie of 9%), and hence Social Security is at risk.
Source: Email interview on presidential race with OnTheIssues.org
, Jan 2, 2012