Julian Castro on Gun Control
Democratic Presidential Challenger; former HUD Secretary
No mandatory buybacks--it means more cops banging on doors
Q: Sen. Warren supports voluntary buybacks of assault weapons; Sen. Harris supports mandatory buybacks. Rep. O'Rourke supports mandatory buybacks, but said police wouldn't be going door to door. Your opinion?Julian Castro: There are two problems
I have with mandatory buybacks. Number one, folks can't define it, and if you're not going to door to door, then it's not really mandatory. But also, in the places that I grew up in, we weren't exactly looking for another reason for cops to come banging
on the door. And y'all saw a couple of days ago what happened to Tatiana Jefferson in Fort Worth: cops showed up at 2 in the morning at her house when she was playing video games with her nephew. He didn't even announce himself, and within four seconds
he shot her and killed her through her home window. She was in her own home. And so I am not going to give these police officers another reason to go door to door, because police violence is also gun violence and we need to address that.
Source: October Democratic CNN/NYTimes Primary debate
, Oct 15, 2019
Voluntary buyback, despite their mixed success
Julian Castro on Assault Weapons: Support a voluntary buyback program.FIVE CANDIDATES HAVE SIMILAR VIEWS: Steve Bullock; Peter Buttigieg; Beto O`Rourke; Tim Ryan; Andrew Yang.
Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian
Castro, as mayor of San Antonio in 2012, supported renewing the federal assault weapons ban following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Castro said during a CNN town hall that he supports "things like gun buybacks," adding: "I know that they have had mixed success, but
I believe that in some circumstances that's a good policy, and that we can recover some weapons that shouldn't be out there on the street."
Source: Politico "2020Dems on the Issues"
, Jul 17, 2019
Dems can get common sense gun reform in 2021
I believe that, on January 20, 2021, at 12:01 p.m., we're going to have a Democratic president, a Democratic House, and a Democratic Senate. We may not have seen yet legislative action, but we're getting closer. The House took a vote.
In the Senate, the question often is, if the decision is between 60 votes, a filibuster, or passing commonsense gun reform, I'm going to choose commonsense gun reform. So I believe that we're going to be able to get that done in 2021.
Source: June Democratic Primary debate (first night in Miami)
, Jun 26, 2019
Sensible gun laws, and address mental health issues
I have been a strong supporter of commonsense gun reform. We need to make background checks universal. There's no reason that somebody who has committed domestic violence should ever get their hands on a gun. We also need to limit the capacity of
magazines.I also support looking at this issue of gun violence more broadly. We need to invest in mental health as part of health care. It's about things like mental health that touch on what leads people to use guns in a bad way.
Source: CNN Town Hall: 2020 presidential hopefuls
, Apr 11, 2019
Supports background checks at gun shows & assault weapon ban
Castro wants to ensure that background checks and waiting periods are enforced at gun shows. He supported Sen. Dianne Feinstein's, D-Calif., push for an "assault weapons ban." The bill sought to regulate the ownership
of semiautomatic weapons, which include any weapon that only requires the release of its trigger to reload. It also targeted weapons with detachable magazine and certain grips.
Source: Townhall.com: "The 2020 Democrats" (presidential hopefuls)
, Feb 4, 2019
Ban assault weapons
- Gun control: Require universal background checks, ban assault weapons.
- A longtime gun control advocate,
Castro has pushed for renewing the assault weapons ban, limiting high-capacity magazines and requiring background checks at gun shows.
Source: PBS News hour on 2020 Presidential hopefuls
, Jan 12, 2019
Page last updated: Dec 14, 2019