Mike Johanns on Civil Rights
Secretary of Agriculture; previously Republican NE Governor
Nebraska values include traditional marriage
Government has strayed too far from the conservative values we hold dear in Nebraska. It's about important priorities like protecting life and traditional marriage, values I hold very deeply. It is also about ending the partisan hostility and political
gamesmanship that is holding the people's business hostage. As I did as Governor, I will work tirelessly to promote our conservative values by bringing people together to focus on the priorities that will make our state and nation stronger.
Source: Campaign website, www.XXX.com, "Issues"
Mar 2, 2008
Support principles embodied in the Equal Rights Amendment.
Johanns adopted the National Governors Association policy:
In 1976 the National Governors Association expressed support for ratification and implementation of the Equal Rights Amendment, which would constitutionally guarantee full citizenship rights and opportunities for women. In 1982 the drive for ratification fell short, and efforts to initiate the amendatory process were taken.
The National Governors Association reaffirms its support for the principles embodied in the Equal Rights Amendment, i.e., that equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on the basis of gender.
Source: NGA Executive Committee Policy EC-14: Equal Rights Policy 01-NGA1 on Feb 15, 2001
Page last updated: 3/27/2008