
Bill de Blasio on Energy & Oil

NYC Mayor; Democratic Presidential Challenger (withdrawn)


Supports Green New Deal & Paris Climate Accords

The mayor recently rolled out his Green New Deal-like plan for New York. He also opposes natural gas pipelines and wants the U.S. back in the Paris Climate Accords.
Source: Townhall.com: "The 2020 Democrats" (presidential hopefuls) , May 18, 2019

40% reduction in emissions by 2030

The policies laid out in "OneNYC 2050: Building a Strong and Fair City," will achieve a 40% reduction in emissions from a 2005 baseline by 2030--the breaking point to turn back the most irreversible consequences of climate change. The announcements today will reduce our emissions by the following percentages from a 2005 baseline:The above actions will account for a 23% reduction in emissions. Previous actions taken by the de Blasio administration have already resulted in a 5% reduction, totaling 28%.
Source: Mayoral press release, "Green New Deal," NYC.gov , Apr 22, 2019

NYC Green New Deal: energy-efficient buildings

Q: Talk about New York's Green New Deal, obviously the one presented in congress caused a riff even among Democrats?

A: We are actually making the Green New Deal come alive here in New York City. So we have our own Green New Deal, it's very basic ideas. The biggest source of emissions in NYC is buildings. We are putting clear, strong mandates, the first of any major city, to say to building owners, you got to clean up your act, you got to retrofit, you got to save energy, if you don't do it by 2030 there will be serious fines, as high as a million dollars or more for the biggest buildings. And this mandate is going to guarantee that we reduce emissions. We are going to ban the classic glass and steel skyscrapers which are incredibly inefficient. If someone wants to build one of those things [we'll allow it only if] they take a whole lot of steps to make it energy efficient. And the City of New York, we are going to get all of our energy from renewable sources in the next five years.

Source: Transcript of "Morning Joe," NBC News morning news , Apr 22, 2019

Divest $5B from Big Oil; invest in renewable energy

We took on Big Oil. We're divesting $5 billion of our workers' hard-earned retirement savings, taking that $5 billion out of the fossil fuel companies that are destroying this planet. And we're putting billions where it belongs--into renewable energy that will save us all.
Source: 2019 State of the City address , Jan 10, 2019

No to fracking; yes to wind, solar, & geothermal

Source: 2013 Mayoral campaign website, www.billdeblasio.com , Oct 22, 2013

  • Click here for definitions & background information on Energy & Oil.
  • Click here for a profile of Bill de Blasio.
  • Click here for VoteMatch responses by Bill de Blasio.
  • Click here for AmericansElect.org quiz by Bill de Blasio.
Other big-city mayors on Energy & Oil: Bill de Blasio on other issues:

Tom Barrett (D,Milwaukee)
Bill de Blasio (D,NYC)
Rahm Emanuel (D,Chicago)
Bob Filner (D,San Diego)
Steven Fulop (D,Jersey City)
Eric Garcetti (D,Los Angeles)
Mike Rawlings (D,Dallas)
Marty Walsh (D,Boston)

Former Mayors:
Rocky Anderson (I,Salt Lake City)
Tom Barrett (D,Milwaukee,WI)
Mike Bloomberg (I,New York City)
Cory Booker (D,Newark,NJ)
Jerry Brown (D,Oakland,CA)
Julian Castro (D,San Antonio,TX)
Rudy Giuliani (R,New York City)
Phil Gordon (D,Phoenix)
Tom Menino (D,Boston)
Dennis Kucinch (D,Cleveland,OH)
Michael Nutter (D,Philadelphia)
Sarah Palin (R,Wasilla,AK)
Annise Parker (D,Houston)
Jerry Sanders (R,San Diego)
Antonio Villaraigosa (D,Los Angeles)
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Page last updated: Mar 07, 2022