
Bill de Blasio on Families & Children

NYC Mayor; Democratic Presidential Challenger (withdrawn)


Signed a paid sick leave and safe leave plan into law

De Blasio believes everyone should be guaranteed the right to health care, including undocumented immigrants.

He has repeatedly called for a national single-payer healthcare plan. De Blasio also signed a paid sick leave and safe leave plan into law, one of his signature accomplishments as mayor.

Source: PBS News Hour 2019 coverage of 2020 Democratic primary , May 17, 2019

Expand mental health services at youth and runaway shelters

Source: 2020 Presidential Campaign website BillDeBlasio.com , May 2, 2019

$7 million program to hold domestic abusers accountable

Domestic Violence Task Force: Under the Mayor's leadership, the City has invested nearly $7 million to help ensure domestic abusers are held accountable and to enhance pathways to safety for survivors.
Source: 2020 Presidential Campaign website BillDeBlasio.com , May 2, 2019

Enforce paid sick leave for temp workers

We know that the people working the hardest often earn the least, and have the fewest protections. In this city, nannies, home health aides, housekeepers, drivers, freelancers--more than 200,000 New Yorkers--receive no benefits at all, and have no security. These are the people who keep this city running. And in return, they get the short end of the stick.

And that's why, today, I am expanding the mission, and in fact, the name of the Department of Consumer Affairs. It will now be the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection.

They'll continue to enforce City laws like paid sick leave and will undertake a new mandate--to protect the most vulnerable workers in our economy. When a home health care aid--when their pay is withheld or any worker is mistreated, the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection will intervene. Whether you're an employee or a temp, whether you're paid by check or cash, whether you're documented or not, if you work in NYC, then we will work for you.

Source: 2019 State of the City address , Jan 10, 2019

Mandated up to ten days of Paid Personal Time every year

Hardworking people every day at big box retailers, at non-union hotels, and yes, even in corporate offices--I'm talking about the half-million New Yorkers who can't take so much as a single day off, not one, to be there when their child needs them or to gather with their family for a wedding or just to take care of themselves. We all need to recharge sometimes, don't we? Our health depends on it. And the facts prove it. Employees who get regular time off have fewer health problems, they suffer fewer injuries, they make fewer mistakes, and their productivity goes up. That's why literally every other industrialized country on Earth gives workers the fundamental right of paid vacation. Literally not a single city or state in this country provides this right. This will be the first time, right now. New York City will become the first city in the nation to mandate Paid Personal Time for all our workers. Full-time or part-time, you will earn up to ten days of Paid Personal Time every year.
Source: 2019 State of the City address , Jan 10, 2019

Signs legislation protecting against sexual harassment

"Society has been stacked in favor of men for far too long, leading many to believe they can harass women without fear of punishment," said Mayor de Blasio. "New York City will not allow that continue. We are taking action to protect workers against sexual harassment and saying loudly & clearly that anyone who harasses a co-worker will face justice." "When women step forward with a grievance, it is the employer's responsibility to listen and take appropriate action," said First Lady Chirlane McCray.
Source: NYC.gov mayoral press release for 2020 presidential hopefuls , May 9, 2018

Launched universal free lunch in NYC schools

De Blasio first began advocating for universal free lunch in 2014, when he launched a pilot program in middle schools. Although other school districts already offer free lunch to every student, New York City's will be the largest program of its kind. According to Chalkbeat.org, more than two thirds of the city's students were eligible to receive a free lunch, though an estimated 250,000 didn't participate in the program due to a stigma associated with it or complicated paperwork.
Source: Mother Jones magazine on 2020 Democratic primary , Sep 6, 2017

  • Click here for definitions & background information on Families & Children.
  • Click here for a profile of Bill de Blasio.
  • Click here for VoteMatch responses by Bill de Blasio.
  • Click here for AmericansElect.org quiz by Bill de Blasio.
Other big-city mayors on Families & Children: Bill de Blasio on other issues:

Tom Barrett (D,Milwaukee)
Bill de Blasio (D,NYC)
Rahm Emanuel (D,Chicago)
Bob Filner (D,San Diego)
Steven Fulop (D,Jersey City)
Eric Garcetti (D,Los Angeles)
Mike Rawlings (D,Dallas)
Marty Walsh (D,Boston)

Former Mayors:
Rocky Anderson (I,Salt Lake City)
Tom Barrett (D,Milwaukee,WI)
Mike Bloomberg (I,New York City)
Cory Booker (D,Newark,NJ)
Jerry Brown (D,Oakland,CA)
Julian Castro (D,San Antonio,TX)
Rudy Giuliani (R,New York City)
Phil Gordon (D,Phoenix)
Tom Menino (D,Boston)
Dennis Kucinch (D,Cleveland,OH)
Michael Nutter (D,Philadelphia)
Sarah Palin (R,Wasilla,AK)
Annise Parker (D,Houston)
Jerry Sanders (R,San Diego)
Antonio Villaraigosa (D,Los Angeles)
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Page last updated: Mar 07, 2022