Darryl Glenn on Drugs | |
A: Not at this time. Marijuana is still an illegal drug under federal law. The Department of Justice still maintains the ability to arbitrarily challenge Colorado's legalization of marijuana if it determines that Colorado's regulatory system is inadequate. Further, banks are subject to federal law, so the overall legalization of marijuana needs to be addressed before granting access to banks.
A: Congress does not have a direct role under the Constitution in addressing the crisis of opioid addiction and overdose. Congress should direct its focus on policies that provides States with the flexibility to empower local communities and families on identifying solutions to this growing problem.
The American Family Association Action Voter Guide asked if candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Marijuana should be legalized and regulated like tobacco and alcohol.' American Family Association Action (AFA Action) produces the online "iVoterGuide" for selected state and federal races. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.