Darryl Glenn on Homeland Security
CBRNE represents greatest threat for a mass casualty event
Q: What legislation would you be willing to support in order to curb the infliction of mass casualties on citizens? Darryl Glenn: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) represent the greatest threat for a mass casualty
event in the US--especially in the hands of a terrorist group or a lone wolf. The best safeguards against such an attack are robust, well trained, and properly equipped military, police, and intelligence groups. We must also work diligently to keep
dangerous weapons out of the hands of hostile nations, rogue actors, and terrorist groups. This means that nations like Iran and North Korea cannot be permitted to attain nuclear capabilities and I would support legislation that tightens restrictions
on those nations, including the reimposition of sanctions on Iran and the freezing of their assets. We must also ensure that CBRNE weapons do not make their way into the hands of nonstate actors including terrorist groups like ISIS.
Source: LWV's Vote411.org on 2016 Colorado Senate Race
, Sep 19, 2016
Defense budget that provides needed tools and training
Freeing our Future by defending our homeland and strengthening our national defense: Here's how:- Secure our national borders.
Push for immigration reform that benefits the economy and respects the value of family unity without abusing a sacred tenet of freedom--the separation of powers.
Promote policies that recognize the importance of Colorado in homeland defense.
- Support a defense budget that provides service members with the tools and training they need to accomplish objectives.
Direct money to veterans by eliminating inefficiencies and policies that stand between them and the benefits they have earned.
Source: 2016 Colorado Senate campaign website ElectDarrylGlenn.com
, Apr 14, 2016
Strengthen our national defense budget
As your next U.S. Senator I am committed to freeing our future by defending our homeland and strengthening our national defense.Here's how:- Secure our national borders.
Push for immigration reform that benefits the economy and respects the value of family unity without abusing a sacred tenet of freedom--the separation of powers.
- Promote policies that recognize the importance of Colorado in homeland defense.
Support a defense budget that provides service members with the tools and training they need to accomplish objectives.
Direct money to veterans by eliminating inefficiencies and policies that stand between them and the benefits they have earned.
Source: 2016 Senate campaign website, ElectDarrylGlenn.com
, Apr 1, 2015
Strengthen our nation's security & international defense.
Glenn, a retired Air Force officer, has been elected twice to the Colorado Springs City Council and twice to the El Paso Board of County Commissioners. An attorney, he also has private practice.
He bills himself as a "Christian constitutional conservative" and said he will support policy that enables
everyone to "pursue their American dream by ensuring economic freedom, restoring the traditional balance of power among federal branches of government, mandating that government
live within it's means, strengthening our nation's security and providing for international defense.
Source: Denver Post on 2016 Colorado Senate race
, Jan 15, 2015
Supports maintaining our nuclear arsenal.
Glenn supports the AFA survey question on defense superiority
The American Family Association Action Voter Guide asked if candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'The United States must maintain a nuclear arsenal that is safe, reliable, modern and numerically superior to those of potential adversaries.'
American Family Association Action (AFA Action) produces the online "iVoterGuide" for selected state and federal races. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.
Source: American Family Association survey 16AFA_Q17A on Nov 8, 2016
Page last updated: Aug 25, 2017