Require federal fundees to adopt Complete Street principles
Q: In the course of fixing our roads and bridges, do you support policies to improve roadway design to make sure that streets are safe for all persons regardless of age, physical ability and mode of transportation?
SUPPORTS Create a Complete
Streets safe design policy for users of all abilities.
SUPPORTS Fund roadway safety guidelines for older drivers.
A: Because both men and women are now outliving their driving abilities, we need to start making major changes in our country's
transportation options to avoid trapping older Americans in their homes. And all Americans can benefit from adopting the design principles of Complete Streets: streets that are designed to be safe for everyone using them--kids on bikes, bus riders,
pedestrians, and motorists. Congress should push states to use Complete Streets principles on highway projects using the stimulus funds. I support S.584, which will require all states and municipalities receiving funds to adopt Complete Street principles
I supported the stimulus package designed to help our economy get back on track. I will fight for Massachusetts job growth. The way to achieve this growth is through strategic investment in our state's leading industries: life sciences, "green"
technology, hi-tech, tourism, manufacturing, and education. Massachusetts has the capability to be a leader in each of these areas. Private and public investment, labor, and educational institutions [must] work together to capitalize our strengths.
Source: Campaign website,, "Issues"
Oct 1, 2009