Communities are stymied in their attempts to plan new business development, open space projects and housing because contaminated sites cannot be redeveloped. A McCall administration will:
Develop and pass a Brownfields bill to help local
governments redevelop contaminated areas.
Provide planning incentives to local governments who are working to cleanup Brownfields.
Refinance Superfund without weakening cleanup standards.
Source: Campaign web site,, "Issues"
Sep 9, 2002
Replace MTA board; reform transportation in NYC
Mass transportation is at the core of the downstate region's recovery. A McCall Administration will:
Make major improvements to build a downtown transportation hub
Improve pedestrian traffic throughout downtown
Replace the current board of the MTA with a group who serve as a business, labor, government and citizen coalition to press the mass transit issue
Create a new capital plan, and help raise the finances to pay for it.
Source: Campaign web site,, "Issues"
Sep 9, 2002
Decertify Indian Point nuclear power plant
Urged Gov. Pataki to immediately withdraw Certification of the Indian Point Evacuation Plan.
Called for the decommissioning of the plant and a plan that secures the spent fuel rods, addresses energy issues, protects the workers
at the plant and taxpayers in surrounding communities
Called for a viable plan that would protect residents in surrounding counties, address the problem of spent fuel rods, and convert the plant to another energy source.
Source: Campaign web site,, "Issues"
Sep 9, 2002