
Christine Gregoire on Energy & Oil

Democratic WA Governor

Clean energy: limit global warming; be energy independent

With one of the richest, most diverse and beautiful landscapes in the world, we have an important legacy to protect. The health of our environment must be protected as it is essential to our quality of life and to the strength of our economy.

We need to lead development of a clean energy economy. We need to adopt comprehensive limits on global warming pollution, moving towards energy independence, and developing alternatives to driving.

Source: 2011 Wash. gubernatorial press release, "Initiatives" , Nov 19, 2011

Reduce foreign oil dependence, utilize WA options

Source: 2011 Wash. gubernatorial press release, "Initiatives" , Nov 19, 2011

Transition Washington state off of coal power

Legislation was signed to phase out coal-fired energy production at the TransAlta power plant in Centralia. Senate Bill 5769 solidifies into law a collaborative agreement to close the state's two coal boilers--the first in 2020 and the second in 2025. The agreement provides a path to cleaner power while allowing the necessary time to provide stability to the electrical grid and to the community in Lewis County.
Source: 2011 Wash. gubernatorial press release #1699 , Apr 29, 2011

Develop clean energy; promote 2% biofuels

An abundant, affordable, environmentally responsible and diverse energy supply underlies Washington’s economic and environmental health.
  • Renewable Energy Production: spur the development of clean energy businesses--wind power, biomass & biofuels are particularly valuable to the agricultural economy as another “crop” that our farmers can harvest.
  • The Future of Biofuels: provide a new market for energy crops like canola by requiring 2% of Washington’s fuel supply come from renewable fuel sources.
    Source: Gubernatorial website, www.governor.wa.gov/ , Nov 11, 2006

    Letter to Congress supporting renewable energy tax credit.

    Gregoire signed American Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit Extension

    Congressional Summary:Amends the Internal Revenue Code to extend through 2016 the tax credit for electricity produced from wind, biomass, geothermal or solar energy, landfill gas, trash, hydropower, and marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy facilities.

    Proponent's Comments (Governor's Wind Energy Coalition letter of Nov. 15, 2011 signed by 23 governors):Although the tax credit for wind energy has long enjoyed bipartisan support, it is scheduled to expire on Dec. 31, 2012. Wind-related manufacturing is beginning to slow in our states because the credit has not yet been extended. If Congress pursues a last minute approach to the extension, the anticipated interruption of the credit's benefits will result in a significant loss of high-paying jobs in a growing sector of the economy. We strongly urge Congress to adopt a more consistent and longer-term federal tax policy to support wind energy development, such as H.R. 3307.

    The leading wind project developers and manufacturers are slowing their plans for 2013 and beyond due to the current uncertainty. The ripple effect of this slow down means reduced orders for turbines and decreased business for the hundreds of manufacturers who have entered the wind industry in our states. When Congress allowed the tax credit to expire in 1999, 2001, and 2003, the development of new wind installations dropped significantly, between 73% and 93%, and thousands of jobs were lost. Providing renewable energy tax credits in order to provide consistency with conventional energy tax credits is the right policy to move the nation forward in an energy sector that offers global export opportunities and the ability to modernize a segment of our electric production infrastructure.

    Source: H.R.3307 11-H3307 on Nov 2, 2011

    Other governors on Energy & Oil: Christine Gregoire on other issues:
    WA Gubernatorial:
    Howard Schultz
    Jay Inslee
    WA Senatorial:
    Maria Cantwell
    Patty Murray

    Newly elected Nov. 2012:
    IN: Mike Pence (R)
    NC: Pat McCrory (R)
    NH: Maggie Hassan (D)
    MT: Steve Bullock (D)
    WA: Jay Inslee (D)

    Re-elected 2012:
    DE: Jack Markell (D)
    MO: Jay Nixon (D)
    ND: Jack Dalrymple (R)
    UT: Gary Herbert (R)
    VT: Peter Shumlin (D)
    WI: Scott Walker (R)
    WV: Earl Ray Tomblin (D)

    Up for re-election 2013:
    NJ: Chris Christie
    VA: Bob McDonnell
    Up for re-election 2014:
    AK: Sean Parnell
    AL: Robert Bentley
    AR: Mike Beebe
    AZ: Jan Brewer
    CA: Jerry Brown
    CO: John Hickenlooper
    CT: Dan Malloy
    FL: Rick Scott
    GA: Nathan Deal
    HI: Neil Abercrombie
    IA: Terry Branstad
    ID: Butch Otter
    IL: Pat Quinn
    KS: Sam Brownback
    MA: Deval Patrick
    MD: Martin O'Malley
    ME: Paul LePage
    MI: Rick Snyder
    MN: Mark Dayton
    NH: Maggie Hassan
    NM: Susana Martinez
    NV: Brian Sandoval
    NY: Andrew Cuomo
    OH: John Kasich
    OK: Mary Fallin
    OR: John Kitzhaber
    PA: Tom Corbett
    RI: Linc Chafee
    SC: Nikki Haley
    SD: Dennis Daugaard
    TN: Bill Haslam
    TX: Rick Perry
    VT: Peter Shumlin
    WI: Scott Walker
    WY: Matt Mead
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    Page last updated: Apr 25, 2013