Misty Snow on Immigration | |
There are currently an estimated 11 million people in the USA that are undocumented. The vast majority of these people are hard working individuals that are trying to provide for their families. They came here to find better opportunities, or to escape war and conflict zones. They shouldn't have to live in constant fear of being deported, and they shouldn't have to struggle to find decent housing or employment. They are human beings, and it's time that our country treated them as such.
Our country needs to streamline immigration. It shouldn't take years for an immigration application to be approved; if it took less than a year to get approved to immigrate to our country, then people would be much less likely to attempt entering the country illegally.
The American Family Association Action Voter Guide asked if candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'I am in favor of construction of a wall and other necessary infrastructure on our border that gives complete control over entering and exiting the United States.' American Family Association Action (AFA Action) produces the online "iVoterGuide" for selected state and federal races. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.
The American Family Association Action Voter Guide asked if candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'I oppose the resettlement of Syrian refugees into the U.S. without proper vetting.' American Family Association Action (AFA Action) produces the online "iVoterGuide" for selected state and federal races. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America.