Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
iSideWith.org political website
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Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from iSideWith.com political website (number of quotes indicated):
- Albert Olszewski (8) Republican candidate for Montana U.S. Senator Montana
- Darrell Castle (5) Consitution Party candidate for President
- Donald Trump (2) Republican Presidential candidate
- Evan McMullin (29) Independent candidate for President
- Foster Campbell (3) Democratic candidate for Senate Louisiana
- Gary Johnson (11) New Mexico Libertarian Gubernatorial Challenger
- Hillary Clinton (3) Democratic Presidential candidate
- Jill Stein (15) Green Challenger
- Mike Pence (4) Indiana Republican nominee for Vice President
- Mike Workman (6) Democratic candidate for Senate Oklahoma
- Scott Milne (6) Democratic Challenger for VT Senator Vermont
- Tim Kaine (14) Virginia Democratic Nominee for Vice President
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
Articles on iSideWith.com:
- Note: iSideWith.com compares people with similar opinions and infers matching opinions.
OnTheIssues only cites iSideWith excerpts that are direct citations, not inferences.
- (On Albert Olszewski): iSideWith.com on 2018 Montana Senate race, 1/1/2018
- (On Mike Pence, Evan McMullin & Tim Kaine): iSideWith.com analysis of 2016 presidential hopefuls, 11/1/2016
- (On Evan McMullin): iSideWith.org Voter Guide on 2016 Presidential hopefuls, 10/1/2016
- (On Foster Campbell): iSideWith.com Voter Guide on 2016 Louisiana Senate race, 10/1/2016
- (On Scott Milne): iSideWith.com Voter Guide on 2016 Vermont Senate race, 9/9/2016
- (On Mike Workman): iSideWith.com voter guide on 2016 Oklahoma Senate race, 8/31/2016
- (On Darrell Castle): iSideWith.com comparisons of 2016 presidential hopefuls, 8/31/2016
- (On Gary Johnson): iSideWith analysis of Common Core & "North Korea Military Strikes", 5/2/2016
- (On Jill Stein): iSideWith analysis of Mandatory Vaccinations, 5/2/2016
- (On Jill Stein): iSideWith.com interview of Jill Stein, 11/1/2012
- (On Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton & Gary Johnson): 2016 presidential hopefuls: iSideWith.com "Confederate flag" & "Gender identity", 6/17/2016
- (On Hillary Clinton & Gary Johnson): 2016 presidential hopefuls on iSideWith.com, "Euthanasia", 6/17/2016
- (On Jill Stein & Gary Johnson): Presidential comparison website www.iSideWith.com, 5/16/2012
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Evan McMullin: Discontinue funding Planned Parenthood.
Tim Kaine: Continue to fund Planned Parenthood.
Evan McMullin: Pro-life.
Scott Milne: Pro-life; and no free birth control.
Jill Stein: Healthcare is a right, including women's reproductive rights.
Gary Johnson: Don't require insurers to provide birth control.
Jill Stein: Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Jill Stein: Maintain abortion rights & provide free birth control.
Budget & Economy
Jill Stein: Obama stimulus was ok, but only made slight dent in crisis.
Gary Johnson: No bank bailout; no farm subsidies; no stimulus.
Jill Stein: Stimulus plan was not big enough.
Civil Rights
Albert Olszewski: No same-sex marriage.
Albert Olszewski: Don't require pay equity between men & women.
Albert Olszewski: No Confederate flags on government property.
Evan McMullin: My faith believes in traditional marriage.
Tim Kaine: Supports the legalization of same sex marriage.
Evan McMullin: I believe in traditional marriage; but not everyone does.
Scott Milne: Opposes affirmative action.
Donald Trump: Put the Confederate flag in a museum, not on statehouses.
Donald Trump: Sexual orientation is invalid reason for firing workers.
Gary Johnson: States have the right to display the Confederate flag.
Gary Johnson: Workplace discrimination against gays is like race in 1960s.
Hillary Clinton: Don't fly Confederate flag; it's a symbol of racism.
Hillary Clinton: Include gender identity in anti-discrimination laws.
Gary Johnson: Each state has right to display Confederate flag.
Mike Workman: Don't reduce corporate tax; do prosecute Wall Street crimes.
Jill Stein: Transaction tax of .03% on every Wall Street transaction.
Albert Olszewski: Supports death penalty.
Evan McMullin: Require police to wear body cameras.
Mike Pence: Require police to wear body cameras.
Tim Kaine: Require police to wear body cameras.
Evan McMullin: Opposes death penalty.
Scott Milne: Supports the death penalty.
Darrell Castle: No police body cameras; yes juvenile solitary confinement.
Mike Workman: Supports the death penalty, but only for horrific crimes.
Evan McMullin: Opposes legalization of marijuana.
Scott Milne: Pass tougher drug laws instead of decriminalizing.
Jill Stein: Transform from criminal drug system to public health system.
Evan McMullin: Don't tax the rich to reduce student loan interest.
Evan McMullin: Opposes Common Core national standards.
Gary Johnson: No Common Core; state and local education instead.
Gary Johnson: I support evolution; but no federal involvement.
Jill Stein: Supports evolution; supports sex education.
Energy & Oil
Albert Olszewski: Supports fracking and offshore oil drilling.
Evan McMullin: Yes to nuclear power, but no wind power subsidy.
Evan McMullin: Supports fracking & offshore drilling.
Evan McMullin: Opposes federal regulation to prevent climate change.
Mike Pence: Support wind, nuclear, fracking, and offshore drilling.
Tim Kaine: Support wind, nuclear, fracking, and offshore drilling.
Evan McMullin: Expand offshore oil drilling.
Darrell Castle: No government action on climate change, and fracking ok.
Evan McMullin: Don't require GMO labels for genetically-engineered food.
Tim Kaine: Don't require GMO labels for genetically-engineered food.
Mike Workman: Preserve and protect national parks.
Jill Stein: Current food subsidies drive system towards FrankenFood.
Foreign Policy
Evan McMullin: The U.S. should remain in the United Nations.
Foster Campbell: U.S. should remain in the United Nations.
Scott Milne: US out of the UN, and UN out of the US.
Mike Workman: Use U.N. peacekeeping forces; don't spy on our allies.
Gary Johnson: Stay in the U.N., but stay out of foreign interventions.
Jill Stein: End trade embargo and travel ban on Cuba.
Government Reform
Albert Olszewski: Term limits set for members of Congress.
Albert Olszewski: Require photo ID to vote.
Evan McMullin: Term limits for members of Congress prevents corruption.
Evan McMullin: Photo ID requirement for voting.
Tim Kaine: Term limits for members of Congress.
Tim Kaine: No photo ID requirement for voting.
Darrell Castle: Require photo ID, to prevent voter fraud.
Gun Control
Evan McMullin: Don't ban people on "no-fly list" from purchasing guns.
Tim Kaine: More restrictions gun purchases, including no-fly list.
Evan McMullin: Opposes further restrictions on gun purchases.
Health Care
Evan McMullin: No increase of Medicaid funding for low-income individuals.
Evan McMullin: Don't regulate the prices of life-saving drugs.
Evan McMullin: Supports federal requirement that children get vaccinated.
Mike Pence: Don't regulate the prices of life-saving drugs.
Tim Kaine: Increase Medicaid funding for low-income individuals.
Tim Kaine: Regulate the prices of life-saving drugs.
Tim Kaine: Supports federal requirement that children get vaccinated.
Evan McMullin: Opposes ObamaCare.
Darrell Castle: Government should not be involved in healthcare.
Gary Johnson: Assisted suicide acceptable after psychological examination.
Hillary Clinton: Assisted suicide acceptable with appropriate safeguards.
Jill Stein: Require vaccines to protect other children.
Homeland Security
Evan McMullin: Supports PATRIOT Act, but with limited scope.
Evan McMullin: No ban on Muslim immigrants, but ban Syrian refugees.
Evan McMullin: No subsidized healthcare nor tuition for illegal immigrants.
Mike Pence: No subsidized healthcare nor tuition for illegal immigrants.
Tim Kaine: No ban on Muslim immigrants; no ban on Syrian refugees.
Tim Kaine: Subsidized healthcare and tuition ok for illegal immigrants.
Evan McMullin: Anchor babies ok, but no benefits & no amnesty.
Foster Campbell: Grant citizenship to children of illegal immigrants.
Scott Milne: No immigrant benefits; no DREAMers; no amnesty.
Evan McMullin: Opposes raising federal minimum wage.
Foster Campbell: Raise the federal minimum wage.
Darrell Castle: Let private business decide pay equity & family leave.
Principles & Values
Albert Olszewski: References to God on federal buildings is ok.
Social Security
Mike Workman: Don't transition pensions into privately managed accounts.
Evan McMullin: Supports government funding for space travel.
Tim Kaine: Supports government funding for space travel.
Jill Stein: No government policing of the internet.
War & Peace
Gary Johnson: North Korea not capable of long-range nuclear missiles.
Jill Stein: Stop economic sanctions and cyber-attacks against Iran.
Jill Stein: National conversation before we go to war.
Gary Johnson: Cut all support and aid to Israel.
Jill Stein: Iran does not threaten our national security.
Welfare & Poverty
Mike Workman: Create more affirmative action programs to address poverty.
The above quotations are from iSideWith.org political website.