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Rick Santorum
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Republican Jr Senator (PA); 2012 presidential frontrunner
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 PolitiFact fact-checking on 2016 campaigns
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 Fox Business/Wall Street Journal Two-Tier 2015 GOP primary debate
 Fact-check analysis of 2015 races and primaries
 CNBC Two-Tier 2015 GOP primary debate
 CNN Two-Tier 2015 GOP primary debate
 Fox News/Facebook Two-Tier 2015 GOP primary debate
 Meet the Press interviews, throughout 2015
 PBS News Hour: 2016 Candidate Stands
 Forbes Magazine: Candidates Want You to Know
 "Road to Majority" Policy Conference
 CNN "State of the Union" interviews, throughout 2015
 CBS "Face the Nation" interviews, thoughout 2015
 Bella's Gift, by Rick and Karen Santorum
 National Journal 2016 presidential series
 MA newspaper: The Boston Globe
 IA newspaper: The Des Moines Register
 The Washington Post
 The 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit, Ag Summit, and other Iowa events
 Sunday Political Talk Show interviews throughout 2015
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 Sunday Political Talk Show interviews throughout 2014
 CNN "State of the Union" interviews, throughout 2014
 ABC This Week interviews, throughout 2014
 Blue Collar Conservatives, by Senator Rick Santorum (R. PA)
 2012 RNC speeches
 Fact-checking on the 2012 Presidential and Senatorial races
 Paperback: Romney/Paul/Santorum/Gingrich side-by-side, by Jesse Gordon of OnTheIssues.org
 Speeches at 2012 CPAC conference
 Arizona 2012 GOP debate hosted by CNN's John King
 Santorum vs. Gingrich On the Issues, by Jesse Gordon of OnTheIssues.org
 Survey of 2012 Presidential contenders' campaign websites
 WMUR 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate
 Fox News debate in Myrtle Beach, preceding South Carolina Primary
 Meet the Press 2012 GOP New Hampshire debate
 South Carolina 2012 Republican primary debate
 CNN 2012 GOP primary debate on the eve of Florida primary
 Yahoo's "Your Voice Your Vote" debate in Iowa, Dec. 10, 2011
 Club for Growth 2012 Presidential White Papers
 2011 CNBC GOP Primary debate, at Oakland University in Rochester, MI,
 2011 CNN National Security GOP primary debate
 CBS News primary debate in South Carolina on Foreign Policy
 GOP 2011 primary debate in Las Vegas
 2011 GOP debate at Dartmouth College, NH
 2011 GOP Google debate in Orlando FL
 2011 Tea Party Express Republican Primary debate in Tampa, Florida
 2011 GOP debate in Simi Valley CA at the Reagan Library, Sept. 7, 2011
 2011 Republican primary debate at the Iowa State Fair, Aug. 11, 2011, prior to the Iowa Straw Poll
 PolitiFact on the 2011 Presidential Primary
 2011 Republican primary debate on Twitter.com, July 21, 2011
 GOP primary debate in Manchester NH, June 13, 2011, at Saint Anselm College
 GOP primary debate in South Carolina, at the Peace Concert Hall, May 5, 2011
 OnTheIssues Fact Checking
 2011 FactCheck
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 Pennsylvania newspaper: The Philadelphia Inquirer
 NY newspaper: The New York Times
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 Meet the Press: 2006-2007 "Meet the Candidates" series
 Senate candidate questionnaire by the American Association of Retired Persons
 PA 2006 Senate Debate
 It Takes a Family, by Rick Santorum (April 30, 2006)
 A Senator Speaks Out, by Rick Santorum (June 8, 2005)
(click a picture above for excerpts or other books and debates by or about Rick_Santorum)
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Rick Santorum on Abortion
Click here for 28 full quotes on Abortion
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OR background on Abortion.
- I've been to the March For Life for 25 years. (Jan 2016)
- Roe v. Wade was a rogue decision, not settled law. (Aug 2015)
- Pushed legislation to protect the unborn. (May 2015)
- In partial birth abortion, doctor kills baby after delivery. (Feb 2015)
- Gingrich's abortion stances compared to Santorum's. (Jan 2012)
- States have the right to ban contraception, but shouldn't. (Jan 2012)
- No abortions even in cases of rape; one violence is enough. (Aug 2011)
- I've not only taken the pledge; I've taken the bullets. (Jun 2011)
- FactCheck: Under 1/4 of pregnancies end in abortion, not 1/3. (May 2011)
- FactCheck: No, female suicide & crime not worse under Roe. (Feb 2011)
- Plan B morning-after pill is abortion, and dangerous. (Sep 2006)
- Exception for rape & incest ok, even though they take a life. (Sep 2006)
- Partial birth abortion is not used only for abnormalities. (Apr 2006)
- Scientifically, an embryo is human from moment of conception. (Apr 2006)
- 93% of abortions are post-conception birth control. (Apr 2006)
- Partial birth abortion allows killing baby if only toe is in. (Apr 2006)
- There is no federal right to privacy. (Apr 2003)
- Responsible stem cell research doesn't destroy embryos. (Aug 2001)
- Protect any child born alive from botched abortion. (Jun 2001)
- Partial birth abortion should shock your conscience. (Dec 1995)
- Voted YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)
- Voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
- Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life. (Mar 2003)
- Voted YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
- Voted YES on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
- Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Supports the Pro-life Presidential Leadership Pledge. (Jan 2012)
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Rick Santorum on Budget & Economy
Click here for 19 full quotes on Budget & Economy
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OR background on Budget & Economy.
- We need to focus on hard workers who struggle the most. (Jan 2016)
- Over-taxation and over-regulation shut down our economy. (Nov 2015)
- 2020 Clear Vision: grow economy without adding to deficit. (Oct 2015)
- I can deliver shrinking the federal government. (Oct 2015)
- Spend-o-meter: publicize costs of spending amendments. (May 2015)
- Cap size of government budget at 18% of GDP. (May 2015)
- Great Recession knocked away last struts of American Dream. (Apr 2014)
- I opposed the Wall Street bailouts and the auto bailout. (Feb 2012)
- 2005: Fannie & Freddie should create housing affordability. (Jan 2012)
- Newt Gingrich's economic stances compared to Santorum's. (Jan 2012)
- Spend-o-meter: track spending on all Senate amendments. (Jan 2012)
- TARP was biggest government intrusion into private sector. (Oct 2011)
- Govt has averaged 18% of GDP and we're now at 25%. (Aug 2011)
- Audit the Fed; but no gold standard. (Aug 2011)
- Stopping debt ceiling increase is showmanship not leadership. (Aug 2011)
- Voted YES on $40B in reduced federal overall spending. (Dec 2005)
- Voted YES on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts. (Apr 2000)
- Voted YES on 1998 GOP budget. (May 1997)
- Voted YES on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (Mar 1997)
Rick Santorum on Civil Rights
Click here for 32 full quotes on Civil Rights
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OR background on Civil Rights.
- Freedom of conscience includes right to deny service to gays. (Sep 2015)
- Stop harassing and persecuting people of faith. (Aug 2015)
- Fight gay marriage ruling, but not with civil disobedience. (May 2015)
- I would never attend a same-sex wedding. (Apr 2015)
- Push for religious liberty in workplace, but not anti-gay. (Apr 2015)
- Diversity is a challenge, not necessarily a virtue. (Apr 2014)
- Santorum side-by-side against Gingrich, Paul & Romney. (Mar 2012)
- I agree with hearing gay ideas but disagree with some. (Jan 2012)
- Marriage is a federal issue; we need one definition, not 50. (Jan 2012)
- Right to gay sex implies right to bigamy, incest, & adultery. (Jan 2012)
- No polygamy; no gay marriage. (Aug 2011)
- Repeal Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell; punish behavior. (Jun 2011)
- Same-sex marriage is unprecedented social revolution. (Apr 2006)
- Marriage Protection Amendment is last resort, but needed. (Apr 2006)
- Affirmative program for minority business-building. (Apr 2006)
- Leave marriage definition to state legislatures & the people. (Jul 2004)
- Same-sex marriage takes us away from purpose of marriage. (Jul 2004)
- Homosexual orientation ok; but homosexual act are sodomy. (Apr 2003)
- Voted YES on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jun 2006)
- Voted YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. (Jun 2002)
- Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping. (Oct 2001)
- Voted NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. (Jun 2000)
- Voted NO on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women. (Mar 1998)
- Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. (Oct 1997)
- Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sep 1996)
- Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation. (Sep 1996)
- Voted YES on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
- Voted NO on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds. (Jul 1995)
- Supports anti-flag desecration amendment. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 25% by the ACLU, indicating an anti-civil rights voting record. (Dec 2002)
- Issue a commemorative postage stamp of Rosa Parks. (Dec 2005)
Rick Santorum on Corporations
Click here for 15 full quotes on Corporations
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OR background on Corporations.
- No bailouts: I'm a capitalist, not a corporatist. (Nov 2015)
- Make America #1 in manufacturing, to being back jobs. (Oct 2015)
- Pro-worker Republican; only 10% of Americans own businesses. (Jan 2015)
- People at the bottom get only a trickle from trickle-down. (Apr 2014)
- Congressional attention curbed outrageous corporate abuses. (Apr 2014)
- Reduce corporate tax to flat rate of 20%. (Apr 2014)
- Small business pays more tax because big guys have loopholes. (Jan 2012)
- Companies run into a stiff headwind called government. (Jan 2012)
- Cut all corporate tax rates to zero. (Sep 2011)
- Cut the corporate tax to zero, to create jobs. (Sep 2011)
- Cut corporate tax rate to zero & jobs will come back. (Aug 2011)
- Voted NO on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on reforming bankruptcy to include means-testing & restrictions. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on restricting rules on personal bankruptcy. (Jul 2001)
- Rated 100% by the US COC, indicating a pro-business voting record. (Dec 2003)
Rick Santorum on Crime
Click here for 11 full quotes on Crime
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OR background on Crime.
- Three-strike laws put too many people in jail. (Apr 2014)
- Broken homes increase delinquency, crime, and jail. (Apr 2006)
- Allow felons to vote again after 5 years crime-free. (Apr 2006)
- Support Prison Fellowship InnerChange Freedom Initiative. (Apr 2006)
- Voted NO on $1.15 billion per year to continue the COPS program. (May 1999)
- Voted YES on limiting death penalty appeals. (Apr 1996)
- Voted YES on limiting product liability punitive damage awards. (Mar 1996)
- Voted YES on restricting class-action lawsuits. (Dec 1995)
- Voted YES on repealing federal speed limits. (Jun 1995)
- Voted NO on replacing death penalty with life imprisonment. (Apr 1994)
- Rated 25% by CURE, indicating anti-rehabilitation crime votes. (Dec 2000)
Rick Santorum on Drugs
Click here for 7 full quotes on Drugs
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OR background on Drugs.
- Marijuana is a controlled substance for a reason. (Oct 2015)
- Colorado has no right to violate federal drug laws. (Apr 2015)
- Smoked pot in college, but knew it was wrong. (Mar 2011)
- Kids living with married parents less likely to use drugs. (Apr 2006)
- Bigger drug problem since welfare state started. (Jul 1996)
- Voted YES on increasing penalties for drug offenses. (Nov 1999)
- Voted YES on spending international development funds on drug control. (Jul 1996)
Rick Santorum on Education
Click here for 35 full quotes on Education
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OR background on Education.
- Common sense instead of Common Core. (May 2015)
- Reform education; only 30% get college degrees. (Jan 2015)
- Governments running our local schools is a bad idea. (Apr 2014)
- Schools with collective bargaining are worse for students. (Apr 2014)
- The Bible is at the heart of Western civilization. (Apr 2014)
- Common Core is another version of mass-produced education. (Apr 2014)
- 2006: college for all; 2012: college for all is snobbish. (Feb 2012)
- I should not have voted for No Child Left Behind. (Jan 2012)
- Our education system doesn't serve the customer. (Sep 2011)
- 2001: Keep Department of Education; 2012: it's unnecessary. (Jun 2011)
- One-time $500 contribution to every low-income child. (Apr 2006)
- Rich people already have school choice; give it to the poor. (Apr 2006)
- 1990s: School uniforms happen to be a good idea. (Apr 2006)
- Family, religion, and schools: most fundamental institutions. (Apr 2006)
- Comprehensive sex ed has no impact on pregnancy or STD rates. (Apr 2006)
- Home-schooled six children with wife Karen. (Apr 2006)
- Multiculturalism insists we teach about comic books. (Apr 2006)
- Expose kids to legitimate debate of evolution & creationism. (Mar 2005)
- Teach about disagreements in biological evolution theories. (Jun 2001)
- Kids are trapped without choice in the public schools. (Jun 2001)
- More teachers & more funding just means more of the same. (Apr 1998)
- Voted NO on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on funding student testing instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction. (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on Educational Savings Accounts. (Mar 2000)
- Voted YES on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules. (Mar 1999)
- Voted YES on education savings accounts. (Jun 1998)
- Voted YES on school vouchers in DC. (Sep 1997)
- Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
- Voted YES on giving federal aid only to schools allowing voluntary prayer. (Mar 1994)
- Rated 27% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes. (Dec 2003)
- Make employee educational assistance tax-deductible. (Jan 1993)
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Rick Santorum on Energy & Oil
Click here for 19 full quotes on Energy & Oil
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OR background on Energy & Oil.
- Nothing the US could do will affect global warming. (Jan 2015)
- Fracking gives us enough natural gas for 100 years. (Apr 2014)
- Construct the Keystone pipeline: for jobs & energy. (Apr 2014)
- Out of office, I stayed in the fray to defeat cap-and-trade. (Jan 2012)
- No federal energy help needed; we did it on Marcellus Shale. (Nov 2011)
- Sagging economy caused by stop sign on oil drilling. (Jun 2011)
- Voted NO on disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaska's ANWR. (Nov 2005)
- Voted YES on $3.1B for emergency oil assistance for hurricane-hit areas. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on reducing oil usage by 40% by 2025 (instead of 5%). (Jun 2005)
- Voted NO on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on Bush Administration Energy Policy. (Jul 2003)
- Voted YES on targeting 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2010. (Jun 2003)
- Voted NO on removing consideration of drilling ANWR from budget bill. (Mar 2003)
- Voted YES on drilling ANWR on national security grounds. (Apr 2002)
- Voted YES on terminating CAFE standards within 15 months. (Mar 2002)
- Voted YES on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling. (Apr 2000)
- Voted NO on ending discussion of CAFE fuel efficiency standards. (Sep 1999)
- Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy. (Jun 1999)
- Voted YES on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)
Rick Santorum on Environment
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OR background on Environment.
- Taking manufacturing back to US will reduce global warming. (Jan 2016)
- Remove Obama regulations on mercury & waters. (Jan 2016)
- China creates 5 times US pollution levels; bring jobs here. (Jan 2016)
- Ethanol mandate brings jobs & energy independence. (Mar 2015)
- Nature is a subtle web of intricate connections. (Apr 2006)
- Voted NO on including oil & gas smokestacks in mercury regulations. (Sep 2005)
- Voted YES on confirming Gale Norton as Secretary of Interior. (Jan 2001)
- Voted YES on more funding for forest roads and fish habitat. (Sep 1999)
- Voted NO on transportation demo projects. (Mar 1998)
- Voted NO on reducing funds for road-building in National Forests. (Sep 1997)
- Rated 0% by the LCV, indicating anti-environment votes. (Dec 2003)
Rick Santorum on Families & Children
Click here for 25 full quotes on Families & Children
OR other candidates on Families & Children
OR background on Families & Children.
- More nuclear families will improve the economy. (Jan 2016)
- FactCheck: Yes, ISIS declared fatwa to kill disabled kids. (Dec 2015)
- This campaign is all about two words: "Working Families". (Nov 2015)
- Family means economy; make both strong. (Oct 2015)
- Book "Bella's Gift" about their special-needs youngest child. (May 2015)
- Patriot Voices: online community to restore American dream. (May 2015)
- Strong families help produce a strong economy. (May 2015)
- Marriage at historical low; illegitimacy at historical high. (Apr 2014)
- Government policy facilitates breakdown of family. (Apr 2014)
- Double child tax credit to $6,000 per child. (Apr 2014)
- Marriage disappears where government dependency is highest. (Aug 2012)
- Severely disabled daughter is still life worth living. (Aug 2012)
- Contraception for teens helps fix fracturing families. (Feb 2012)
- Address breakdown of American family from bully pulpit. (Jan 2012)
- Gay adoption is a state issue; no federal ban. (Jan 2012)
- Promote the family as economic anchor point. (Dec 2011)
- Poverty rate 5% with two parents; 30% with one parent. (Oct 2011)
- No-Fault Freedom: doing whatever we want damages society. (Apr 2006)
- Shotgun marriage wasn't all that bad in some cases. (Apr 2006)
- Pre-marital cohabitation makes 50% more chance of divorce. (Apr 2006)
- Covenant Marriage: do whatever it takes to keep together. (Apr 2006)
- Automatically awarding custody to moms celebrates sexism. (Jul 2005)
- Church scandals caused by "right to privacy lifestyle". (Apr 2003)
- Voted YES on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors. (May 1999)
- Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record. (Dec 2003)
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Rick Santorum on Foreign Policy
Click here for 17 full quotes on Foreign Policy
OR other candidates on Foreign Policy
OR background on Foreign Policy.
- Enemy is a theocracy; so understand their ideology. (Dec 2015)
- Successfully pushed bipartisan national security legislation. (Jan 2015)
- Stand up for our friends in Latin America, not leftists. (Jan 2012)
- Keep embargo on Cuba--the heart of cancer in Latin America. (Jan 2012)
- Self-determination on statehood for Puerto Rico. (Jan 2012)
- Iran's theocracy encourages use of nuclear weapons. (Jan 2012)
- JFK-Khrushchev negotiations failed; Obama's will fail too. (Nov 2011)
- Assassinate Iranian & North Korean nuclear scientists. (Oct 2011)
- Deal with Musharraf in Pakistan in advance of trouble. (Sep 2011)
- No apologies for past American interventions in Iran. (Aug 2011)
- Voted YES on enlarging NATO to include Eastern Europe. (May 2002)
- Voted NO on killing a bill for trade sanctions if China sells weapons. (Sep 2000)
- Voted YES on capping foreign aid at only $12.7 billion. (Oct 1999)
- Voted NO on limiting the President's power to impose economic sanctions. (Jul 1998)
- Voted NO on limiting NATO expansion to only Poland, Hungary & Czech. (Apr 1998)
- Voted YES on $17.9 billion to IMF. (Mar 1998)
- Voted YES on Strengthening of the trade embargo against Cuba. (Mar 1996)
Rick Santorum on Free Trade
Click here for 19 full quotes on Free Trade
OR other candidates on Free Trade
OR background on Free Trade.
- FactCheck: Several other candidates support EXIM Bank too. (Nov 2015)
- Export financing to level playing field for US manufacturers. (Nov 2015)
- Tariffs only hurt working men and women. (Oct 2015)
- Level the playing field by having an Ex-Im Bank like others. (Oct 2015)
- Think about the people that free trade effects. (Apr 2014)
- I'm for making US more competitive than China. (Oct 2011)
- 1993: Voted against NAFTA because it hurt PA industries. (Jun 2011)
- Voted YES on free trade agreement with Oman. (Jun 2006)
- Voted YES on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. (Jul 2005)
- Voted YES on establishing free trade between US & Singapore. (Jul 2003)
- Voted YES on establishing free trade between the US and Chile. (Jul 2003)
- Voted YES on extending free trade to Andean nations. (May 2002)
- Voted YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam. (Oct 2001)
- Voted YES on removing common goods from national security export rules. (Sep 2001)
- Voted YES on permanent normal trade relations with China. (Sep 2000)
- Voted YES on expanding trade to the third world. (May 2000)
- Voted YES on renewing 'fast track' presidential trade authority. (Nov 1997)
- Voted YES on imposing trade sanctions on Japan for closed market. (May 1995)
- Rated 100% by CATO, indicating a pro-free trade voting record. (Dec 2002)
Rick Santorum on Government Reform
Click here for 19 full quotes on Government Reform
OR other candidates on Government Reform
OR background on Government Reform.
- Oppose Supreme Court when exceeding constitutional authority. (Sep 2015)
- I fought for conservative judges & filibustered liberal ones. (Sep 2015)
- 1990s "Gang of Seven": exposed congressional scandals. (May 2015)
- Censure & lawsuit for too many executive actions. (Nov 2014)
- Line-item veto needed; spending transparency until then. (Feb 2012)
- Endorsed Arlen Specter to assure conservative Supreme Court. (Feb 2012)
- Overturn & freeze all Obama regulations in process. (Jul 2011)
- DC doesn't work; ratify the Balanced Budget Amendment. (Jul 2011)
- 1997: In-state campaign donation cap $4K; out-of-state $1K. (Jun 2011)
- Campaign finance should be purely voluntary. (Oct 1997)
- Voted YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted NO on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity. (Mar 2006)
- Voted NO on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads. (Mar 2002)
- Voted YES on require photo ID (not just signature) for voter registration. (Feb 2002)
- Voted NO on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations. (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on funding for National Endowment for the Arts. (Aug 1999)
- Voted NO on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (Oct 1997)
- Voted YES on Approving the presidential line-item veto. (Mar 1996)
- Voted NO on banning more types of Congressional gifts. (Jul 1995)
Rick Santorum on Gun Control
Click here for 7 full quotes on Gun Control
OR other candidates on Gun Control
OR background on Gun Control.
- Lifetime A+ rating with the NRA; despite trigger lock vote. (Jan 2012)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
- Voted NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)
- Voted NO on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
- Voted YES on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
- Voted YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
- Voted YES on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)
Rick Santorum on Health Care
Click here for 33 full quotes on Health Care
OR other candidates on Health Care
OR background on Health Care.
- Let veterans go to private hospitals instead of VA hospitals. (Nov 2015)
- ObamaCare causes anti-competitive consolidation of insurers. (Oct 2015)
- I introduced Health Savings Accounts in Congress. (Sep 2015)
- ObamaCare wasted $500M setting up 4 failed state exchanges. (May 2014)
- Change Medicaid to block-grant system. (Apr 2014)
- Allow individuals to buy pre-tax insurance like companies do. (Apr 2014)
- ObamaCare is biggest threat facing the American Dream. (Apr 2014)
- The Tea Party revolution was all about opposing ObamaCare. (Mar 2014)
- Obamacare will crush economic freedom. (Feb 2012)
- Give Medicare same options and opt-out as Congress. (Jan 2012)
- Promote Health Savings Accounts as market-based solution. (Jan 2012)
- Liberal states won't waive ObamaCare; we must repeal it. (Oct 2011)
- Private sector insurance works, even for Medicare. (Sep 2011)
- Mandatory inoculations of children is wrong. (Sep 2011)
- If we let states mandate insurance, sterilization is ok too. (Aug 2011)
- First Executive Order: suspend ObamaCare. (Jul 2011)
- 2006: Targeted by trial lawyers for his malpractice reform. (Jun 2011)
- Little or no benefit from negotiating Medicare Rx prices. (Sep 2006)
- Sex outside of monogamy has consequences of STDs & abortion. (Jul 2005)
- Voted YES on limiting medical liability lawsuits to $250,000. (May 2006)
- Voted NO on expanding enrollment period for Medicare Part D. (Feb 2006)
- Voted NO on increasing Medicaid rebate for producing generics. (Nov 2005)
- Voted NO on negotiating bulk purchases for Medicare prescription drug. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on $40 billion per year for limited Medicare prescription drug benefit. (Jun 2003)
- Voted NO on allowing reimportation of Rx drugs from Canada. (Jul 2002)
- Voted NO on allowing patients to sue HMOs & collect punitive damages. (Jun 2001)
- Voted YES on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit. (Apr 2001)
- Voted NO on including prescription drugs under Medicare. (Jun 2000)
- Voted YES on limiting self-employment health deduction. (Jul 1999)
- Voted NO on increasing tobacco restrictions. (Jun 1998)
- Voted YES on Medicare means-testing. (Jun 1997)
- Voted NO on blocking medical savings acounts. (Apr 1996)
- Rated 0% by APHA, indicating a anti-public health voting record. (Dec 2003)
Rick Santorum on Homeland Security
Click here for 38 full quotes on Homeland Security
OR other candidates on Homeland Security
OR background on Homeland Security.
- Political correctness hinders us from fighting terrorism. (Dec 2015)
- Iranian nuclear deal was worst treaty in US history. (Dec 2015)
- Reverse policy on women in military combat roles. (Dec 2015)
- Make terror watchlist transparent so we know how to get off. (Dec 2015)
- Commander-in-chief is not an entry-level position. (Nov 2015)
- If you're a scientist & work on Iran nukes, you're not safe. (Sep 2015)
- The Patriot Act did not cause any invasions of privacy. (May 2015)
- Getting out facts about Benghazi makes hearings successful. (May 2014)
- Privacy is in 4th amendment, but Patriot Act is ok. (Jan 2012)
- Confront virulent threat of radical Islam. (Jan 2012)
- Giving money to Iran rebels is not enough. (Nov 2011)
- Removing Don't-Ask injects social experiment into military. (Sep 2011)
- Department of Homeland Security fixed an internal mess. (Sep 2011)
- Terrorism is an asymmetric threat; we need worldwide bases. (Jun 2011)
- Waterboarding gets useful info, like on Osama bin Laden. (May 2011)
- War against Islamic fascism will be won or lost in America. (Sep 2006)
Defense Spending
- There are good earmarks, like Osprey military program. (Feb 2012)
- Don't cut one penny out of defense spending. (Oct 2011)
- Cut waste in DOD, but don't cut defense budget. (Jul 2011)
- We need to spend money to study the EMP threat. (Aug 2009)
- Invest in our armed services' fundamental mission. (Aug 1995)
- Voted NO on preserving habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on requiring CIA reports on detainees & interrogation methods. (Sep 2006)
- Voted YES on reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision. (Dec 2005)
- Voted NO on restricting business with entities linked to terrorism. (Jul 2005)
- Voted NO on restoring $565M for states' and ports' first responders. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on adopting the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. (Oct 1999)
- Voted YES on allowing another round of military base closures. (May 1999)
- Voted YES on cutting nuclear weapons below START levels. (May 1999)
- Voted YES on deploying National Missile Defense ASAP. (Mar 1999)
- Voted YES on military pay raise of 4.8%. (Feb 1999)
- Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex basic training. (Jun 1998)
- Voted YES on favoring 36 vetoed military projects. (Oct 1997)
- Voted YES on banning chemical weapons. (Apr 1997)
- Voted YES on considering deploying NMD, and amending ABM Treaty. (Jun 1996)
- Voted YES on 1996 Defense Appropriations. (Sep 1995)
- Rated 0% by SANE, indicating a pro-military voting record. (Dec 2003)
Rick Santorum on Immigration
Click here for 29 full quotes on Immigration
OR other candidates on Immigration
OR background on Immigration.
- Jobs and good wages scarce due to illegals. (Jan 2016)
- Send six million illegals back to their countries. (Jan 2016)
- Our policy is magnet that says "amnesty"; that has to change. (Dec 2015)
- We're flooding the job market with low-wage workers. (Oct 2015)
- 35M immigrants over past 20 years hold down American wages. (Sep 2015)
- All new American job growth has gone to immigrants. (Sep 2015)
- I had a comprehensive plan in 2006. (Sep 2015)
- America is worth the wait, even if families are split up. (Aug 2015)
- Reduce the level of legal immigration by 25%. (Aug 2015)
- Follow the rule of law; veto the DREAM Act. (Feb 2015)
- Focus on skilled immigrants; now most are unskilled. (Jan 2015)
- Amnesty to unskilled illegals makes worker wages stagnate. (Nov 2014)
- Comprehensive bill is easier than consensus on components. (Jan 2014)
- My grandfather immigrated for American Dream, not benefits. (Aug 2012)
- We need immigration; but we need respect of the law. (Jan 2012)
- Welcome legal immigrants as part of made-in-America plan. (Nov 2011)
- No in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. (Sep 2011)
- Finish the border fence; make English the official language. (Sep 2011)
- No tricks like 1986; secure the border first. (Sep 2011)
- No promises & no government benefits to immigrants. (Sep 2011)
- No benefits for illegal immigrants. (Jun 2011)
- Border is not yet secure; existing laws are not yet enforced. ()
- Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on establishing a Guest Worker program. (May 2006)
- Voted NO on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. (May 2006)
- Voted NO on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship. (May 2006)
- Voted YES on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work. (Jul 1998)
- Voted YES on visas for skilled workers. (May 1998)
- Voted YES on limit welfare for immigrants. (Jun 1997)
Rick Santorum on Jobs
Click here for 24 full quotes on Jobs
OR other candidates on Jobs
OR background on Jobs.
- Take jobs back from China so US is #1 in manufacturing. (Jan 2016)
- Jobs are open in manufacturing but no skilled workers. (Nov 2015)
- I can get American workers on the side of Republican Party. (Oct 2015)
- Focus on improving life for average American workers. (Sep 2015)
- Fewer than 1% of Americans earn minimum wage; let it go up. (Sep 2015)
- Look out for American workers, not for profits or votes. (Aug 2015)
- Create a manufacturing job juggernaut by a 20% flat tax rate. (Aug 2015)
- GOP must focus on opportunities for middle and lower class. (Jul 2014)
- Raising the minimum wage a little is ok, if phased in slowly. (May 2014)
- Focus on jobholders as well as job creators. (Apr 2014)
- Workers should have secret-ballot elections for unions. (Feb 2012)
- National right-to-work law yes; Pennsylvania law no. (Jan 2012)
- Not doing any favors by keeping unemployment for 99 weeks. (Jan 2012)
- Unions are good community members but we need right-to-work. (Jan 2012)
- Offshore jobs return if you repeal manufacturing regulations. (Oct 2011)
- Public employee unions have bankrupted states. (Sep 2011)
- Focus the Fed on sound money, rather than job creation. (Sep 2011)
- The federal government kills jobs!. (Jul 2011)
- Voted NO on raising the minimum wage to $7.25 rather than $6.25. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on repealing Clinton's ergonomic rules on repetitive stress. (Mar 2001)
- Voted YES on killing an increase in the minimum wage. (Nov 1999)
- Voted YES on allowing workers to choose between overtime & comp-time. (May 1997)
- Voted NO on replacing farm price supports. (Feb 1996)
- Rated 0% by the AFL-CIO, indicating an anti-union voting record. (Dec 2003)
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Rick Santorum on Principles & Values
Click here for 25 full quotes on Principles & Values
OR other candidates on Principles & Values
OR background on Principles & Values.
- Vote for leader of free world; not for who entertains you. (Jan 2016)
- Obama is divisive & untrustworthy; I am respectful. (Jan 2016)
- Trust Iowans to pick best leader rather than follow polls. (Jan 2016)
- I'm a real conservative who won in a blue state. (Nov 2015)
- Pass a 1st Amendment Defense Act. (Sep 2015)
- Won 11 state primaries in 2012 presidential race. (May 2015)
- Obama's worldview: secular socialistic culture like Europe. (Feb 2012)
- Vital to put a conservative crusader into the White House. (Feb 2012)
- We need command leadership; not business experience. (Jan 2012)
- I'm a conservative but not a libertarian; some government OK. (Jan 2012)
- I appeal to blue-collar voters, not Wall Street. (Jan 2012)
- I ran & won as a conservative in a swing state. (Oct 2011)
- Obama is the new King George III, dictating from on high. (Sep 2011)
- The soul of America is God-given liberty. (Jul 2011)
- Tea Party is now the backbone of the conservative movement. (Jul 2011)
- Govern via both faith & reason. (Jun 2011)
- I agree with Bush 98% of the time, but I say when I don’t. (Sep 2006)
- Accused of taking home-school money while residing out of PA. (Sep 2006)
- Liberalism is an ideology; conservatism is common sense. (Apr 2006)
- Church-state "neutrality" is not in US Constitution. (Apr 2006)
- We're plagued by tragedies when we turn our back on God. (May 2000)
- Voted YES on confirming Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice. (Jan 2006)
- Voted YES on confirming John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Sep 2005)
- Religious affiliation: Catholic. (Nov 2000)
- Fund the 50 States Commemorative Coin Program. (Dec 1997)
Rick Santorum on Social Security
Click here for 17 full quotes on Social Security
OR other candidates on Social Security
OR background on Social Security.
- Consider cost-of-living cus, but not private accounts. (May 2015)
- 401(k) approach would provide better benefits. (Apr 2014)
- Increase eligibility age for Medicare & Social Security. (Apr 2014)
- Means testing: reduce benefits for wealthy seniors. (Jan 2012)
- 1994: Proposed raising retirement age, despite unpopularity. (Sep 2011)
- Supports privatization if voluntary. (Sep 2006)
- Switched from raising retirement age to personal accounts. (Sep 2006)
- Guaranteed benefit if over 50; personal account if younger. (Sep 2006)
- No privatization; but voluntary personal retirement accounts. (Sep 2003)
- Raise retirement age? Maybe. Private investment? Yes. (May 2000)
- Social Security needs reform sooner rather than later. (May 2000)
- Let's grow the pie using private market system. (Apr 1998)
- Voted YES on Social Security Lockbox & limiting national debt. (Apr 1999)
- Voted YES on allowing Roth IRAs for retirees. (May 1998)
- Voted YES on allowing personal retirement accounts. (Apr 1998)
- Voted YES on deducting Social Security payments on income taxes. (May 1996)
- Rated 10% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record. (Dec 2003)
Rick Santorum on Tax Reform
Click here for 24 full quotes on Tax Reform
OR other candidates on Tax Reform
OR background on Tax Reform.
- My 10% flat tax brings 3.5M jobs back to America. (Jan 2016)
- 20% flat tax on all income of all types. (Nov 2015)
- My tax plan reduces taxes for every income bracket. (Oct 2015)
- 20/20 tax plan: all income treated the same. (Sep 2015)
- Just two income tax rates: 10% and 28%. (Jan 2012)
- Simplify tax code: just 5 deductions; everything else goes. (Jan 2012)
- 84% of Americans pay more tax if we have national sales tax. (Oct 2011)
- Changing estate tax would cost $100B, not save $730B. (Sep 2006)
- More child credit for larger families earning over $110,000. (Apr 2006)
- Death should not be a taxable event. (Feb 2001)
- Tax burden increases inequities & decreases savings. (Apr 1996)
- Tax credits are for families who pay taxes. (Nov 1995)
- Voted YES on supporting permanence of estate tax cuts. (Aug 2006)
- Voted YES on permanently repealing the `death tax`. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on $47B for military by repealing capital gains tax cut. (Feb 2006)
- Voted YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends. (Feb 2006)
- Voted YES on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends. (Nov 2005)
- Voted YES on $350 billion in tax breaks over 11 years. (May 2003)
- Voted NO on reducing marriage penalty instead of cutting top tax rates. (May 2001)
- Voted NO on increasing tax deductions for college tuition. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on eliminating the 'marriage penalty'. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on across-the-board spending cut. (Oct 1999)
- Voted YES on requiring super-majority for raising taxes. (Apr 1998)
- Rated 81% by NTU, indicating a "Taxpayer's Friend" on tax votes. (Dec 2003)
Rick Santorum on Technology
Click here for 19 full quotes on Technology
OR other candidates on Technology
OR background on Technology.
- DoD plays defense on technology; we need to go after them. (Jan 2016)
- Harden electric grid against electromagnetic pulse attack. (Jan 2016)
- Bulk metadata collection doesn't violate privacy. (Dec 2015)
- Get federal government out of the infrastructure business. (Nov 2015)
- CEO of EchoLight Studios, making faith & family movies. (Apr 2014)
- Moon base is fiscal insanity. (Feb 2012)
- Moon colony is fiscal insanity during debt crisis. (Feb 2012)
- NASA programs sound good, but we need to cut programs. (Jan 2012)
- Make R&D tax credit permanent. (Jun 2011)
- Prosecute WikiLeaks on terrorism charges. (Nov 2010)
- Scale of potential destruction from EMP demands action. (Aug 2009)
- $90M to study effects of media violence on kids. (Apr 2006)
- Fund reverse-commuting for distressed suburbs. (Apr 2006)
- Good culture tells the truth, even if not G-Rated. (Apr 2006)
- Make "airplane" edited movie versions with advisory labels. (Apr 2006)
- Voted YES on restoring $550M in funding for Amtrak for 2007. (Mar 2006)
- Voted NO on disallowing FCC approval of larger media conglomerates. (Sep 2003)
- Voted YES on Internet sales tax moratorium. (Oct 1998)
- Voted YES on telecomm deregulation. (Feb 1996)
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Rick Santorum on War & Peace
Click here for 39 full quotes on War & Peace
OR other candidates on War & Peace
OR background on War & Peace.
- ISIS caliphate is like a kingdom based on religious law. (Jan 2016)
- Will tear up agreement with Iran first day in office. (Jan 2016)
- Stay in Afghanistan until security of our country is secure. (Jan 2012)
- Afghanistan victory means Taliban is neutered, not wiped out. (Nov 2011)
- We're tying one hand behind our backs; change Afghan rules. (Sep 2011)
- No isolationism on Libya; but Obama did it wrong. (Sep 2011)
- We should withdraw from Afghanistan more slowly. (Aug 2011)
- Needed exit strategy & objective in Kosovo, but not in Iraq. (Sep 2006)
- No national security at stake in Libya. (Jul 2011)
- We must take land from ISIS Caliphate, under their own law. (Dec 2015)
- World War III has begun; let's identify it. (Dec 2015)
- Iranians believe in bringing about the end of the world. (Sep 2015)
- ISIL's caliphate changes the game: send US troops. (Sep 2015)
- We cannot allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon. (May 2015)
- Obama left Iraq because it was politically popular to do so. (Jan 2014)
- Unclear which side in Syria used chemical weapons. (Aug 2013)
- Iranian people admire us; Iranian leaders are evil. (Jan 2012)
- Work with Israel to take out Iranian nukes by force. (Nov 2011)
- We need 20,000 troops to stay in Iraq to achieve victory. (Sep 2011)
- Jihadists want to kill us for what we are. (Sep 2011)
- Iran has been at war with us since 1979. (Aug 2011)
- Iran must be confronted to stop them from getting nukes. (Aug 2011)
- Iraq: We have a great game plan, and Rumsfeld does fine job. (Sep 2006)
- War in Iraq is one front in war on Islamic fascism. (Sep 2006)
- Iran is at the heart of the Iraq war. (Sep 2006)
- Saddam had no new WMDs, but did have old WMDs. (Sep 2006)
- Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, but still a necessary war. (Sep 2006)
- My Iraq plan, and my opponent’s plan, is same as Bush’s. (Sep 2006)
- Threat posed by Saddam is like drunk driver's threat to all. (Oct 2002)
Voting Record
- Sanctions against Iran, despite Administration disagreement. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on investigating contract awards in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Nov 2005)
- Voted NO on requiring on-budget funding for Iraq, not emergency funding. (Apr 2005)
- Voted YES on $86 billion for military operations in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Oct 2003)
- Voted YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct 2002)
- Voted YES on allowing all necessary force in Kosovo. (May 1999)
- Voted NO on authorizing air strikes in Kosovo. (Mar 1999)
- Voted YES on ending the Bosnian arms embargo. (Jul 1995)
- Move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. (Nov 1995)
Rick Santorum on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for 29 full quotes on Welfare & Poverty
OR other candidates on Welfare & Poverty
OR background on Welfare & Poverty.
- Going to work while on welfare loses money. (Nov 2015)
- I led the fight to end welfare as we know it. (Sep 2015)
- I ended a federal entitlement; never done before or since. (Aug 2015)
- Parents generation never wanted nor spoke about state help. (Apr 2014)
- Extreme individualists don't look out for our fellow man. (Apr 2014)
- Tough love to end welfare as entitlement. (Apr 2014)
- FactCheck: Obama waived workfare? No, he leaves it to states. (Aug 2012)
- Promote marriage & abstinence as a way to avoid poverty. (Jan 2012)
- Block grant Medicaid, housing, & food stamps to states. (Jan 2012)
- Poverty is not a disability; believe in ability to work. (Jan 2012)
- I authored the only bill to remove an entitlement. (Jan 2012)
- No compromise on core principles; compromise on all else. (Aug 2011)
- Send Food Stamps & means-tested entitlements to the states. (Jul 2011)
- FactCheck: No, church attendance in Europe is above 10%. (Jul 2011)
- Drafted & managed 1994 Contract with America Welfare Reform. (Jun 2011)
- Support time-limits for able-bodied welfare recipients. (Apr 2006)
- Great Society barely budged poverty but fractured families. (Apr 2006)
- One Percent Solution: increase charitable giving to 2.5%. (Apr 2006)
- AmeriCorps "volunteers" do build social capital. (Apr 2006)
- Discriminatory to NOT give money to faith-based groups. (Apr 2006)
- Promotes Individual Development Accounts set up by churches. (Apr 2006)
- Black entrepreneurship vanished with liberal welfare policy. (Apr 2006)
- You don't help people by making them dependent on you. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on welfare block grants. (Aug 1996)
- Voted NO on eliminating block grants for food stamps. (Jul 1996)
- Voted YES on allowing state welfare waivers. (Jul 1996)
- Voted YES on welfare overhaul. (Sep 1995)
- Tax credits to promote home ownership in distressed areas. (Apr 2003)
- Increase the earned income tax credit. (Jan 1993)
VoteMatch Responses
(Click here for VoteMatch quiz) |
VoteMatch Question & Answer (Click on question for explanation and background) |
Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
Strongly Opposes
topic 1:Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(-5 points on Social scale)
| I've been to the March For Life for 25 years: Strongly Opposes topic 1 In partial birth abortion, doctor kills baby after delivery: Strongly Opposes topic 1 No abortions even in cases of rape; one violence is enough: Strongly Opposes topic 1 I've not only taken the pledge; I've taken the bullets: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Plan B morning-after pill is abortion, and dangerous: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Scientifically, an embryo is human from moment of conception: Strongly Opposes topic 1 93% of abortions are post-conception birth control: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Partial birth abortion allows killing baby if only toe is in: Opposes topic 1 There is no federal right to privacy: Opposes topic 1 Responsible stem cell research doesn't destroy embryos: Opposes topic 1 Protect any child born alive from botched abortion: Opposes topic 1 Partial birth abortion should shock your conscience: Opposes topic 1 Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Supports the Pro-life Presidential Leadership Pledge: Strongly Opposes topic 1 YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions: Opposes topic 1 YES on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life: Strongly Opposes topic 1 YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime: Opposes topic 1 NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives: Opposes topic 1 YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions: Opposes topic 1 |
topic 2:Legally require hiring women & minorities
(-3 points on Economic scale)
| Reverse policy on women in military combat roles: Opposes topic 2 Diversity is a challenge, not necessarily a virtue: Opposes topic 2 Affirmative program for minority business-building: Favors topic 2 Automatically awarding custody to moms celebrates sexism: Favors topic 2 Issue a commemorative postage stamp of Rosa Parks: Favors topic 2 NO on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds: Strongly Favors topic 2 NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business: Strongly Favors topic 2 YES on prohibiting same-sex basic training: Opposes topic 2 NO on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women: Opposes topic 2 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 3:Comfortable with same-sex marriage
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Freedom of conscience includes right to deny service to gays: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Fight gay marriage ruling, but not with civil disobedience: Opposes topic 3 I would never attend a same-sex wedding: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Marriage is a federal issue; we need one definition, not 50: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Removing Don't-Ask injects social experiment into military: Opposes topic 3 No polygamy; no gay marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Same-sex marriage is unprecedented social revolution: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Marriage Protection Amendment is last resort, but needed: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Leave marriage definition to state legislatures & the people: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Same-sex marriage takes us away from purpose of marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Homosexual orientation ok; but homosexual act are sodomy: Strongly Opposes topic 3 YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3 NO on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation: Strongly Opposes topic 3 NO on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation: Opposes topic 3 NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes: Strongly Opposes topic 3 YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3 |
Strongly Favors
topic 4:Keep God in the public sphere
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Pass a 1st Amendment Defense Act: Strongly Favors topic 4 Stop harassing and persecuting people of faith: Favors topic 4 Drafted & managed 1994 Contract with America Welfare Reform: Favors topic 4 Church-state "neutrality" is not in US Constitution: Strongly Favors topic 4 One Percent Solution: increase charitable giving to 2.5%: Favors topic 4 Discriminatory to NOT give money to faith-based groups: Strongly Favors topic 4 We're plagued by tragedies when we turn our back on God: Strongly Favors topic 4 Supports anti-flag desecration amendment: Favors topic 4 Rated 100% by the Christian Coalition: a pro-Family-Value voting record: Strongly Favors topic 4 YES on giving federal aid only to schools allowing voluntary prayer: Strongly Favors topic 4 YES on $75M for abstinence education: Strongly Favors topic 4 YES on killing restrictions on violent videos to minors: Opposes topic 4 YES on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration: Favors topic 4 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 5:Expand ObamaCare
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| ObamaCare causes anti-competitive consolidation of insurers: Strongly Opposes topic 5 I introduced Health Savings Accounts in Congress: Opposes topic 5 ObamaCare wasted $500M setting up 4 failed state exchanges: Strongly Opposes topic 5 ObamaCare is biggest threat facing the American Dream: Strongly Opposes topic 5 The Tea Party revolution was all about opposing ObamaCare: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Obamacare will crush economic freedom: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Promote Health Savings Accounts as market-based solution: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Private sector insurance works, even for Medicare: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Little or no benefit from negotiating Medicare Rx prices: Strongly Opposes topic 5 Rated 0% by APHA, indicating a anti-public health voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 5 NO on blocking medical savings acounts: Opposes topic 5 YES on Medicare means-testing: Opposes topic 5 YES on limiting self-employment health deduction: Opposes topic 5 NO on including prescription drugs under Medicare: Opposes topic 5 YES on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit: Opposes topic 5 NO on $40 billion per year for limited Medicare prescription drug benefit: Opposes topic 5 NO on increasing Medicaid rebate for producing generics: Opposes topic 5 NO on negotiating bulk purchases for Medicare prescription drug: Strongly Opposes topic 5 NO on expanding enrollment period for Medicare Part D: Opposes topic 5 YES on limiting medical liability lawsuits to $250,000: Favors topic 5 |
Strongly Favors
topic 6:Privatize Social Security
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Consider cost-of-living cus, but not private accounts: Opposes topic 6 401(k) approach would provide better benefits: Favors topic 6 Increase eligibility age for Medicare & Social Security: Favors topic 6 Supports privatization if voluntary: Favors topic 6 Switched from raising retirement age to personal accounts: Strongly Favors topic 6 Promotes Individual Development Accounts set up by churches: Favors topic 6 No privatization; but voluntary personal retirement accounts: Favors topic 6 Let's grow the pie using private market system: Strongly Favors topic 6 Rated 10% by the ARA, indicating an anti-senior voting record: Strongly Favors topic 6 YES on deducting Social Security payments on income taxes: Favors topic 6 YES on allowing Roth IRAs for retirees: Favors topic 6 YES on allowing personal retirement accounts: Favors topic 6 |
Strongly Favors
topic 7:Vouchers for school choice
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Common sense instead of Common Core: Favors topic 7 Common Core is another version of mass-produced education: Strongly Favors topic 7 2001: Keep Department of Education; 2012: it's unnecessary: Strongly Favors topic 7 Rich people already have school choice; give it to the poor: Strongly Favors topic 7 Kids are trapped without choice in the public schools: Strongly Favors topic 7 Rated 27% by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes: Strongly Favors topic 7 YES on school vouchers in DC: Strongly Favors topic 7 YES on education savings accounts: Favors topic 7 YES on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules: Strongly Favors topic 7 YES on Educational Savings Accounts: Favors topic 7 NO on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors: Favors topic 7 NO on funding student testing instead of private tutors: Favors topic 7 NO on $5B for grants to local educational agencies: Favors topic 7 |
Strongly Favors
topic 8:EPA regulations are too restrictive
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Remove Obama regulations on mercury & waters: Strongly Favors topic 8 No federal energy help needed; we did it on Marcellus Shale: Strongly Favors topic 8 Sagging economy caused by stop sign on oil drilling: Strongly Favors topic 8 Rated 0% by the LCV, indicating anti-environment votes: Strongly Favors topic 8 NO on reducing funds for road-building in National Forests: Opposes topic 8 |
topic 9:Stricter punishment reduces crime
(-3 points on Social scale)
| Three-strike laws put too many people in jail: Opposes topic 9 Allow felons to vote again after 5 years crime-free: Opposes topic 9 Rated 25% by CURE, indicating anti-rehabilitation crime votes: Strongly Favors topic 9 NO on replacing death penalty with life imprisonment: Strongly Favors topic 9 YES on limiting death penalty appeals: Favors topic 9 YES on more penalties for gun & drug violations: Favors topic 9 NO on $1.15 billion per year to continue the COPS program: Favors topic 9 |
topic 10:Absolute right to gun ownership
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| YES on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks: Strongly Favors topic 10 YES on loosening license & background checks at gun shows: Favors topic 10 NO on background checks at gun shows: Strongly Favors topic 10 NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence: Strongly Opposes topic 10 YES on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers: Strongly Favors topic 10 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 11:Higher taxes on the wealthy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| My 10% flat tax brings 3.5M jobs back to America: Opposes topic 11 20% flat tax on all income of all types: Strongly Opposes topic 11 My tax plan reduces taxes for every income bracket: Opposes topic 11 20/20 tax plan: all income treated the same: Strongly Opposes topic 11 People at the bottom get only a trickle from trickle-down: Favors topic 11 Changing estate tax would cost $100B, not save $730B: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Death should not be a taxable event: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Rated 81% by NTU, indicating a "Taxpayer's Friend" on tax votes: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Make employee educational assistance tax-deductible: Favors topic 11 YES on Internet sales tax moratorium: Opposes topic 11 YES on requiring super-majority for raising taxes: Opposes topic 11 YES on eliminating the 'marriage penalty': Opposes topic 11 YES on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts: Opposes topic 11 NO on reducing marriage penalty instead of cutting top tax rates: Opposes topic 11 NO on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction: Opposes topic 11 YES on $350 billion in tax breaks over 11 years: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends: Strongly Opposes topic 11 NO on $47B for military by repealing capital gains tax cut: Opposes topic 11 YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on permanently repealing the `death tax`: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on supporting permanence of estate tax cuts: Strongly Opposes topic 11 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 12:Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Jobs and good wages scarce due to illegals: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Send six million illegals back to their countries: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Our policy is magnet that says "amnesty"; that has to change: Strongly Opposes topic 12 We're flooding the job market with low-wage workers: Opposes topic 12 America is worth the wait, even if families are split up: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Reduce the level of legal immigration by 25%: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Follow the rule of law; veto the DREAM Act: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Focus on skilled immigrants; now most are unskilled: Opposes topic 12 Amnesty to unskilled illegals makes worker wages stagnate: Opposes topic 12 Comprehensive bill is easier than consensus on components: Favors topic 12 No promises & no government benefits to immigrants: Strongly Opposes topic 12 No benefits for illegal immigrants: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Border is not yet secure; existing laws are not yet enforced: Strongly Opposes topic 12 YES on limit welfare for immigrants: Strongly Opposes topic 12 YES on visas for skilled workers: Favors topic 12 YES on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work: Favors topic 12 NO on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security: Strongly Opposes topic 12 NO on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship: Strongly Opposes topic 12 NO on establishing a Guest Worker program: Opposes topic 12 YES on building a fence along the Mexican border: Strongly Opposes topic 12 |
Strongly Favors
topic 13:Support & expand free trade
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Take jobs back from China so US is #1 in manufacturing: Opposes topic 13 Export financing to level playing field for US manufacturers: Favors topic 13 Tariffs only hurt working men and women: Strongly Favors topic 13 Level the playing field by having an Ex-Im Bank like others: Favors topic 13 Think about the people that free trade effects: Opposes topic 13 Rated 100% by CATO, indicating a pro-free trade voting record: Strongly Favors topic 13 YES on renewing 'fast track' presidential trade authority: Favors topic 13 YES on permanent normal trade relations with China: Strongly Favors topic 13 YES on expanding trade to the third world: Favors topic 13 YES on removing common goods from national security export rules: Favors topic 13 YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam: Favors topic 13 YES on extending free trade to Andean nations: Strongly Favors topic 13 YES on establishing free trade between US & Singapore: Favors topic 13 YES on establishing free trade between the US and Chile: Favors topic 13 YES on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade: Strongly Favors topic 13 YES on free trade agreement with Oman: Strongly Favors topic 13 |
Strongly Favors
topic 14:Support American Exceptionalism
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Will tear up agreement with Iran first day in office: Strongly Favors topic 14 YES on $17.9 billion to IMF: Opposes topic 14 YES on capping foreign aid at only $12.7 billion: Strongly Favors topic 14 NO on preserving habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees: Strongly Favors topic 14 NO on requiring CIA reports on detainees & interrogation methods: Strongly Favors topic 14 |
Strongly Favors
topic 15:Expand the military
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Harden electric grid against electromagnetic pulse attack: Favors topic 15 Terrorism is an asymmetric threat; we need worldwide bases: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Don't cut one penny out of defense spending: Strongly Favors topic 15 Cut waste in DOD, but don't cut defense budget: Strongly Favors topic 15 Invest in our armed services' fundamental mission: Strongly Favors topic 15 Rated 0% by SANE, indicating a pro-military voting record: Strongly Favors topic 15 YES on 1996 Defense Appropriations: Favors topic 15 YES on considering deploying NMD, and amending ABM Treaty: Favors topic 15 YES on favoring 36 vetoed military projects: Strongly Favors topic 15 YES on allowing another round of military base closures: Opposes topic 15 YES on military pay raise of 4.8%: Strongly Favors topic 15 YES on deploying National Missile Defense ASAP: Strongly Favors topic 15 NO on requiring on-budget funding for Iraq, not emergency funding: Favors topic 15 |
topic 16:Make voter registration easier
(-3 points on Social scale)
| 1997: In-state campaign donation cap $4K; out-of-state $1K: Favors topic 16 Campaign finance should be purely voluntary: Strongly Opposes topic 16 NO on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance: Opposes topic 16 NO on banning campaign donations from unions & corporations: Opposes topic 16 NO on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads: Opposes topic 16 NO on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity: Opposes topic 16 YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress: Strongly Opposes topic 16 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 17:Avoid foreign entanglements
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Stay in Afghanistan until security of our country is secure: Opposes topic 17 We should withdraw from Afghanistan more slowly: Strongly Opposes topic 17 We must take land from ISIS Caliphate, under their own law: Strongly Opposes topic 17 World War III has begun; let's identify it: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Obama left Iraq because it was politically popular to do so: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Iran must be confronted to stop them from getting nukes: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Iraq: We have a great game plan, and Rumsfeld does fine job: Strongly Opposes topic 17 War in Iraq is one front in war on Islamic fascism: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Threat posed by Saddam is like drunk driver's threat to all: Strongly Opposes topic 17 YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17 NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007: Strongly Opposes topic 17 |
topic 18:Prioritize green energy
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| Taking manufacturing back to US will reduce global warming: Favors topic 18 Ethanol mandate brings jobs & energy independence: Favors topic 18 Nothing the US could do will affect global warming: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Fracking gives us enough natural gas for 100 years: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Construct the Keystone pipeline: for jobs & energy: Opposes topic 18 Out of office, I stayed in the fray to defeat cap-and-trade: Strongly Opposes topic 18 YES on defunding renewable and solar energy: Strongly Opposes topic 18 NO on ending discussion of CAFE fuel efficiency standards: Favors topic 18 YES on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling: Opposes topic 18 YES on terminating CAFE standards within 15 months: Strongly Opposes topic 18 YES on targeting 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2010: Strongly Favors topic 18 NO on removing consideration of drilling ANWR from budget bill: Opposes topic 18 NO on reducing oil usage by 40% by 2025 (instead of 5%): Strongly Opposes topic 18 NO on disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaska's ANWR: Strongly Opposes topic 18 NO on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Opposes topic 18 |
Strongly Favors
topic 19:Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Marijuana is a controlled substance for a reason: Strongly Favors topic 19 Colorado has no right to violate federal drug laws: Strongly Favors topic 19 YES on spending international development funds on drug control: Strongly Favors topic 19 YES on more penalties for gun & drug violations: Favors topic 19 YES on increasing penalties for drug offenses: Favors topic 19 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 20:Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Over-taxation and over-regulation shut down our economy: Opposes topic 20 2020 Clear Vision: grow economy without adding to deficit: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Cap size of government budget at 18% of GDP: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Raising the minimum wage a little is ok, if phased in slowly: Favors topic 20 I opposed the Wall Street bailouts and the auto bailout: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Just two income tax rates: 10% and 28%: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Cut the corporate tax to zero, to create jobs: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Cut corporate tax rate to zero & jobs will come back: Strongly Opposes topic 20 |
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