Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Jasmine Crockett: Voted NO on abortion ban with no rape & incest exceptions.
Greg Abbott: Signed abortion ban; no exception for rape or incest.
Alan Keyes: Do everything to overthrow Roe vs. Wade to acknowledge God.
Andrew White: Firm proponent of women's right to make her own decisions.
Beto O`Rourke: Trust women to make their own decisions.
Brian Babin: Steadfast defender of the unborn.
Chad Prather: I vow to protect the sanctity of life in all my decisions.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Women, not politicians, should decide reproductive rights.
David Alameel: Always fight to protect Roe v. Wade.
David Dewhurst: Proud of defunding Planned Parenthood.
David Dewhurst: Pushed the sonogram bill with pro-life advocates.
Deirdre Gilbert: Life is life! We cannot choose!
Don Huffines: Favors restrictions of judicial bypass for minor's abortion.
Don Huffines: I will protect innocent life regardless of Supreme Court.
Donald Trump: Millions are helped by Planned Parenthood, but defund it.
Emily Sanchez: Supports abortion as a woman's right.
Greg Abbott: Protect unborn children and promote a culture of life.
Greg Abbott: Favors restrictions of judicial bypass for minor's abortion.
Greg Abbott: Abortions unnecessary except for woman's life or health.
Greg Abbott: Ensure every child is spared from ravages of abortion.
Greg Abbott: Bans mail-order abortion drugs.
Greg Abbott: No abortions for rape, claims he'll "eliminate all rapists".
Jake Ellzey: As a dad and Christian, 100% support for right to life.
Jodey Arrington: Unborn children have the constitutional right to life.
Jodey Arrington: All human life is a gift from God and begins at conception.
John Cornyn: Endorsed by Texas Right to Life.
Jon Roland: Let states regulate abortion, not feds.
Jon Roland: Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Lupe Valdez: Endorsed by Planned Parenthood.
MJ Hegar: Politicians shouldn't legislate a woman's intimate decisions.
MJ Hegar: NARAL endorsement: proud to fight for reproductive rights.
Paul Sadler: No funding; no second trimester; no partial-birth.
Randy Weber: No embryonic stem cell research.
Randy Weber: Require parental notification and parental consent.
Republican Party: Life begins at fertilization.
Rick Noriega: No limits on Roe vs. Wade.
Rick Noriega: I stand with science; fund embryonic stem cell research.
Rick Perry: Protect the unborn via sonogram requirement.
Royce West: Pro-choice, but voted for parental consent.
Royce West: A woman has the right to make decisions about her body.
Royce West: Opposes restrictions of judicial bypass for minor's abortion.
Sema Hernandez: Support Supreme Court nominees who will uphold Roe v. Wade.
Steve Stockman: AdWatch: If babies had guns, they wouldn't be aborted.
Sylvia Garcia: Opposes restrictions of judicial bypass for minor's abortion.
Sylvia Garcia: Women capable of making own decision with doctor's advice.
Ted Cruz: Companies can deny insuring birth control.
Ted Cruz: No exceptions for rape or incest; de-fund Planned Parenthood.
Tom Leppert: Companies can deny insuring birth control.
Van Taylor: Favors restrictions of judicial bypass for minor's abortion.
Vicente Gonzalez: Increase funding for family planning services.
Mayra Flores: South Texas is pro-life.
Budget & Economy
Al Gore: Bush avoids Texas budget woes.
Allen West: Was CEO of think tank that went bankrupt.
Barack Obama: Can’t do anything at home with $12 billion a month on Iraq.
Beto O`Rourke: Promote antitrust & regulations that promote competition.
David Alameel: Capitalism has become feudalistic and oppressive.
David Dewhurst: Cut $14B in state spending last year; cut 10.2% since 2003.
Emily Sanchez: Federal stimulus as better than market-led recovery.
George W. Bush: The Texas budget is balanced, despite Gore's attack.
Greg Abbott: Constitutional amendment to limits growth of state budget.
Jodey Arrington: I cut FDIC budgets by millions & shrunk bureaucracy.
John Cornyn: Voting for $700B bailout demonstrates leadership.
John Cornyn: Inaction on $700B bailout is unacceptable leadership.
John Cornyn: We've had 17 federal shutdowns since 1976; Obama is AWOL.
Lupe Valdez: Economy should provide security & opportunity.
Marco Rubio: Reduce debt to save key programs like Social Security.
Rick Noriega: Voting for $700B bailout demonstrates herd mentality.
Royce West: End predatory lending practices.
Ted Cruz: Choose individual liberty over more & more spending.
Civil Rights
Alan Keyes: The belief that you can’t legislate morality is nonsensical.
Allen West: Liberal women have been neutering American men.
Allen West: Denounced "new religion" of same-sex marriage.
Allen West: Gay marriage is an oxymoron.
Allen West: We should be censoring American news agencies.
Andrew White: No more political games; fight for all human rights.
Barack Obama: Hate crimes related to the immigration issue is unacceptable.
Ben Carson: Everyone gets the same rights; nobody gets extra rights.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Defend LGBTQ+ Rights, supports protective laws.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Combat White Supremacy and hate crimes.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Pass Voting Rights Advancement Act, make elections a holiday.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Real democracy a threat to people in power.
David Alameel: Demand equal pay for equal work between men and women.
David Alameel: Supports same-sex marriage.
Deirdre Gilbert: Include people from varied backgrounds for policy diversity.
Deirdre Gilbert: Consistent Justice for All.
Deirdre Gilbert: Diversity is not divisive: include different genders.
Emily Sanchez: Supports same-sex marriage.
Emily Sanchez: Supports affirmative action.
George P. Bush: Allow Muslims in leadership roles in state Republican Party.
George P. Bush: Redesign Alamo without statue of Mexican Pres. Santa Ana.
George W. Bush: Reject quotas, double standards & "group thought".
George W. Bush: Celebrate diversity but don't put people into boxes.
Greg Abbott: Wife is first Hispanic First Lady in Texas history.
Joaquin Castro: Supports affirmative action for all state decisions.
Jodey Arrington: Marriage is sacred union of one man and one woman.
John Kasich: Pray for customers with whom you disagree, but sell to them.
Jon Roland: Allow same-sex couples to marry.
Jon Roland: Discontinue affirmative action programs.
Lupe Valdez: Pledges to fight for equality for gay community.
MJ Hegar: Celebrated LGBT job protection decision as huge victory.
Paul Sadler: No affirmative action in state government decisions.
Paul Sadler: No same-sex marriage; no hate crime definition for gays.
Randy Weber: No affirmative action; no "gender identity".
Republican Party: Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice.
Rick Noriega: Government should adopt domestic partner benefit policies.
Royce West: Every person should have access to the voting booth.
Royce West: Pass Equality Act; end trans-phobic policies.
Sema Hernandez: End discrimination for sexual orientation & gender identity.
Sema Hernandez: End the exploitation of Native Americans.
Ted Cruz: Opposes gay pride parades and opposes gay marriage.
Ted Cruz: Allow Muslims in leadership roles in state Republican Party.
Tom Leppert: Marched in gay pride parade, but opposes gay marriage.
Beto O`Rourke: Protect consumers from predatory financial behavior.
Brian Babin: Government regulations stymie entrepreneurship.
Chad Prather: We don't need California empires relocating to Texas.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Increase funding for Small Business Administration.
David Alameel: Big corporations & executives should pay fair share in taxes.
David Alameel: Abandon Washington dependence on big money from Wall Street.
David Dewhurst: I formed a business from scratch; bring that to government.
David Dewhurst: I formed a business from scratch; bring that to government.
Elizabeth Warren: Companies can be umpires or team-owners, but cannot be both.
Emily Sanchez: The Occupy Movement woke me up and gave me hope.
Greg Abbott: $2 billion reduction in the business franchise tax.
MJ Hegar: Corporations & wealthy need to pay higher taxes.
Sema Hernandez: Entitled millionaires are free-loading from us.
Sema Hernandez: Break the oligarchy protecting Wall Street instead of people.
Ted Cruz: Free businesses from the CFPB's regulatory blockades.
Tom Leppert: I'm a career businessman; I've actually created jobs.
Vicente Gonzalez: Cut bureaucratic red-tape that burdens job-creators.
Beto O`Rourke: 1995 burglary arrest: charges dropped by U. Texas.
Brian Babin: Broaden death penalty; more truth-in-sentencing.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Abolish mandatory minimums & private for-profit prisons.
Deirdre Gilbert: WE THE PEOPLE have been stripped of constitutional rights.
Emily Sanchez: Opposes stricter punishment to reduce crime.
George W. Bush: Send juvenile criminals to "boot camp".
Greg Abbott: 2003 Fugitive unit resulted in 4,400 more arrests.
Greg Abbott: Make it a hate crime to target uniformed police officers.
Greg Abbott: Raise bail when past criminals are re-arrested.
Greg Abbott: Crack down on human trafficking.
Greg Abbott: Emergency laws to prevent cities from defunding the police.
Joaquin Castro: More community centers; more job assistance for inmates.
John Cornyn: Co-wrote bill for data-driven cooperation to fight crime.
Jon Roland: Supports death penalty for federal crimes.
Jon Roland: Repeal most federal criminal statutes as unconstitutional.
Lupe Valdez: Too many people are kept in jail simply because they're poor.
Lupe Valdez: End the era of mass incarceration, plus major reforms.
MJ Hegar: Police brutality is not just "a few poisoned apples".
MJ Hegar: We have a mass incarceration problem.
Paul Sadler: End parole for repeat violent felons.
Pete Gallego: No death penalty for the mentally retarded.
Randy Weber: Supports the death penalty.
Randy Weber: Alternative sentencing ok; trying minors sometimes ok.
Rick Perry: Vetoes ban on execution of mentally retarded inmates.
Rick Perry: Supports DNA testing; standards for capital defenders.
Rick Perry: Life without parole for certain repeat sex offenders.
Rick Perry: Amachi program: break up generational cycle of incarceration.
Rick Perry: Tough and smart: jail sexual offenders; release non-violent.
Royce West: Now for reform, in 1995 for 14- year-olds tried as adults.
Royce West: Total reform needed at all levels of the judiciary.
Royce West: Reexamine the use of deadly force by police.
Sema Hernandez: End the militarization of law enforcement.
Steve Stockman: Admits being jailed in 1970s, but suing group for saying so.
Vicente Gonzalez: Increase investments & resources for local law enforcement.
Jasmine Crockett: Expand medical marijuana use for cancer, PTSD .
Greg Abbott: Expand medical marijuana use for cancer, PTSD .
Ben Carson: Marijuana is a starter drug; keep barriers to hedonism.
Beto O`Rourke: Long-time advocate for marijuana legalization.
Beto O`Rourke: 1998 drunk driving: arresting officers say he tried to flee.
Brian Babin: Mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Supports the legalization of marijuana.
Deirdre Gilbert: Community-based alternatives instead of mandatory minimums.
Emily Sanchez: Legalize marijuana.
George Pataki: Let's see what happens in Colorado with legalization.
Greg Abbott: Respond to the evil threat posed by drug cartels.
Greg Abbott: More drug testing for unemployment insurance applicants.
Joaquin Castro: Strengthen sentences for drug-related crimes.
John Cornyn: Legal pot causes similar attitudes to other illegal drugs.
MJ Hegar: Absolutely for legalizing marijuana, expunging records.
Paul Sadler: Strengthen drug penalties; also strengthen rehabilitation.
Pete Gallego: Criminalize "doctor-shopping" to obtain prescription opiates.
Randy Weber: Keep marijuana possession criminalized.
Republican Party: No legalization of drugs, no decriminalization of pot.
Rick Perry: Fight cross-border violence as part of drug war.
Rick Perry: Protect the border from drug traffickers.
Rick Perry: Criminalize "doctor-shopping" to obtain prescription opiates.
Rick Santorum: Marijuana is a controlled substance for a reason.
Sema Hernandez: Legalize marijuana; would bring in tax revenue.
Steve Stockman: AdWatch: Arrested for drug possession in 1977.
Ted Cruz: Opposed to marijuana legalization, but let states choose.
Andrew White: Close $5 billion property tax loophole to aid schools.
Beto O`Rourke: Vouchers funnel public school $ into private schools.
Brian Babin: Amendment for moment of silence in schools.
Brian Babin: Vouchers for public, private or religious schools.
Chad Prather: Encourage strong support of 4-H and FFA programs.
Chad Prather: Reject Common Core; expand civics, US/Texas history programs.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Make Universal Childcare and Pre-K a guaranteed right.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Cancel student debt; make public universities tuition free.
David Alameel: Quality education for ALL children, not just privileged few.
Deirdre Gilbert: Invest in the state's education system.
Don Huffines: Vouchers decrease growth and help public schools in long run.
Don Huffines: Require evaluation of schools with A-F grades.
Don Huffines: Supports school choice and teaching creationism.
Emily Sanchez: Supports parents choosing schools via vouchers.
George W. Bush: Teach values and moral responsibility in schools.
George W. Bush: No-nonsense basic curriculum focusing on results.
George W. Bush: Set clear goals, use early tests.
Greg Abbott: Additional funding for schools to adopt high-quality Pre-K.
Greg Abbott: Ensure having the best teachers by saying NO to Common Core.
Greg Abbott: Fully fund GURI: Governor's University Research Initiative.
Greg Abbott: Increase teacher pay, with best earning six figures.
Greg Abbott: Focus on mental health for safer schools.
Greg Abbott: Require evaluation of schools with A-F grades.
Greg Abbott: Teach students what it means to be American & to be a Texan.
Jake Ellzey: Don't force teachers to comply with radical indoctrination.
Joaquin Castro: More funds for schools, teachers, and college.
Julian Castro: Take "Race to the Top" Funds despite governor's refusal.
Lupe Valdez: The right education starts with fixing school finance system.
MJ Hegar: Investment in public school is investment in nation's future.
MJ Hegar: Lower interest rates on student debt, ensure affordability.
MJ Hegar: Government should not profit off of student loan interest.
Republican Party: School choice: public, private, charter, or homeschool.
Sylvia Garcia: Oppose vouchers for students to leave public schools.
Rick Noriega: Scrap "No Child Left Behind".
Rick Perry: No "Race to the Top" funding; too many strings attached.
Ronny Jackson: K-12 education should have local and state control.
Royce West: Free community college, not sure about student debt.
Royce West: Offer debt relief & free tuition for low income students.
Royce West: Investing in public schools a top priority.
Royce West: Oppose evaluation of schools with A-F grades.
Sema Hernandez: Opposes government funding of charter schools.
Sema Hernandez: Trade schools & public colleges should be tuition-free.
Sylvia Garcia: Require evaluation of schools with A-F grades.
Ted Cruz: Private school vouchers is civil rights issue of our time.
Van Taylor: Vouchers decrease growth and help public schools in long run.
Van Taylor: Require evaluation of schools with A-F grades.
Vicente Gonzalez: Fight for pre-kindergarten and Head Start.
Energy & Oil
Allen West: Opposes Green New Deal; protect petrochemical industry.
Andrew White: Believes in climate change and will act to address it.
Beto O`Rourke: Incentivize renewable energy.
Beto O`Rourke: Unprecedented action to build clean energy economy.
Chad Prather: I oppose efforts to classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.
David Alameel: Energy independence is a national security priority.
Don Huffines: Ban local regulation of oil and gas operations.
Emily Sanchez: Supports prioritizing green energy.
Emily Sanchez: Fracking is running rampant & endangers our air & water.
Greg Abbott: Clean Power Plan is an EPA power grab.
Greg Abbott: Ban local regulation of oil and gas operations.
Joaquin Castro: Supports alternative fuel plus traditional sources.
Jodey Arrington: Repeal the 1970s Oil Export Ban.
Jon Roland: Alternative non-carbon, non-nuclear energy sources.
Lupe Valdez: Supporter of clean energy options in wind and solar.
Marco Rubio: Let ethanol program expire.
MJ Hegar: Texas can lead country on wind and solar energy.
MJ Hegar: Make sure carbon tax don't increase food costs.
MJ Hegar: Set aggressive goals for expanding clean, renewable energy.
MJ Hegar: Fracking not long-term solution, but against ban.
Royce West: Reengage in Paris Climate Accords.
Royce West: Allow local regulation of oil and gas operations.
Sema Hernandez: Green New Deal ends environmental racism.
Sylvia Garcia: Ban local regulation of oil and gas operations.
Ted Cruz: Paris Accord destroys $3 trillion in American GDP by 2040.
Van Taylor: Ban local regulation of oil and gas operations.
Beto O`Rourke: Ensure EPA's funding & independence.
Brian Babin: Limit endangered species list; sell pollution credits.
Don Huffines: Slash red tape to ensure water rights.
Emily Sanchez: Federal regulation for clean air and water.
Emily Sanchez: The Earth sustains all life processes.
Greg Abbott: EPA is a runaway federal agency that must be reined in.
Greg Abbott: Vetoed bill protecting dogs, then backtracked.
Jake Ellzey: No to government land grabs for rail projects.
Jodey Arrington: Rein in excessive EPA regulations.
Lupe Valdez: Protect the environment by taking proactive measures.
MJ Hegar: Fight for children's future: clean air and water.
Rick Noriega: Reports for National Guard duty for Hurricane Ike response.
Rick Perry: Flexible permitting to reduce ozone & NOx levels.
Rick Perry: Stop declaring wildlife sanctuaries on water reservoirs.
Rick Perry: Unsuccessfully had rural agency rebuild after Hurricane Ike.
Stephen Breyer: Look for alternatives to environmental regulations.
Sylvia Garcia: Keep administrative restrictions on water rights.
Ted Cruz: EPA ran amok under Obama.
Van Taylor: Slash red tape to ensure water rights.
Families & Children
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Paid Parental Leave keeps families healthy and happy.
Don Huffines: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
George W. Bush: Teach kids right (abstinence) and wrong (drugs & gangs).
George W. Bush: More daycare funds; caseworkers; "Second Chance" homes.
Greg Abbott: Reform Child Protective System or more children will die.
Greg Abbott: Conscience dictates if marriage is only one man & one woman.
Greg Abbott: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
John Cornyn: Supports using campaign funds for candidate child care.
John Cornyn: Respect the traditional institution of marriage.
Lance Gooden: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
Lupe Valdez: Pro paid sick leave; choosing job over sick family is wrong.
Marco Rubio: Hispanic values: Burning desire that kids have it better.
MJ Hegar: Asked FEC to allow campaign funds for candidate child care.
MJ Hegar: Paid family leave for both mothers and fathers.
Pat Fallon: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
Paul Sadler: Supports abstinence education in schools.
Republican Party: Pornography and pedophilia are public health hazards.
Rick Perry: Let foster teens act as their own medical consenters.
Ron Paul: Let parents decide on mental health screening for kids.
Royce West: Don't allow LGBT discrimination by adoption agencies.
Sylvia Garcia: Don't allow LGBT discrimination by adoption agencies.
Ted Cruz: Hispanic values: faith, family & patriotism.
Ted Cruz: Amendment to define marriage as between man & a woman.
Van Taylor: Adoption agencies ok to disallow LGBT adoptions.
Foreign Policy
Barack Obama: Meet with Cuban leaders only with agenda of US interests.
Barack Obama: Cuba: Loosen restrictions now; normalization later.
Barack Obama: Important to undo the damage of the last seven years.
Ben Carson: Every Israeli thinks we have turned our backs on them.
Ben Carson: North Korea's leader is unstable, but understands strength.
Ben Sasse: Unstinting advocate for American engagement in the world.
Beto O`Rourke: Invest in improving Northern Triangle of Central America.
Brian Babin: Foreign aid should reflect US interests.
Charlie Hardy: Rejuvenate the Peace Corps.
Donald Trump: Don't take sides with Israel, so we can lead negotiations.
Donald Trump: I could negotiate a deal with Israel and Palestinians.
Emily Sanchez: Supports maintaining U.S. sovereignty from the U.N.
Greg Abbott: Texas is exceptional; we'd be world's 10th largest economy.
Hillary Clinton: Meet with Cuban leaders only after evidence of change.
Hillary Clinton: Diplomacy with Iran & Cuba, but no presidential meetings.
Hillary Clinton: Would use very vigorous and bipartisan diplomacy.
Jodey Arrington: World is safer when America's military projects power.
MJ Hegar: Blaming China for COVID19 comes from "very racist place".
John Kasich: I have a longer track record with Israel than any candidate.
John Kasich: Chinese are best way to calm down North Korea.
Marco Rubio: No honest broker on Israel: we are on their side.
Marco Rubio: Stay with Japan & South Korea or they will be nuclear powers.
MJ Hegar: Withdrawal from world damages position as global superpower.
Rick Perry: Divest state funds from companies doing business in Sudan.
Ted Cruz: Neutrality on Israel is moral relativism.
Free Trade
Barack Obama: Strong labor, safety, and environmental standards on trade.
Beto O`Rourke: Tariffs on China will devastate our economy.
Brian Babin: Opposes NAFTA and GATT.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Smart trade policy protects workers, not just businesses.
David Alameel: Put America first; change unfair free-trade agreements.
Donald Trump: With a $58 billion trade deficit, Mexico will pay for wall.
Emily Sanchez: Opposes expanding free trade.
George W. Bush: Free & fair trade is key to economic future.
Greg Abbott: Expand Texas' robust trade relationship with Canada.
Greg Abbott: Expand Texas' long-standing trade partnership with Mexico.
Hillary Clinton: Have a trade prosecutor to enforce the trade agreements.
Jodey Arrington: Break down unfair trade barriers.
Jon Roland: Free trade ok as long as sovereignty considered.
Marco Rubio: Instead of trade war against Mexico, bring jobs home.
MJ Hegar: Supported USMCA; wish environmental groups more involved.
Ralph Nader: It's not free trade; it's corporate-managed trade.
Sema Hernandez: Move from free trade to fair trade.
Ted Cruz: Defended Chinese company on intellectual property theft.
Ted Cruz: Supports tariffs; opposes bailouts to those hurt by them.
Vicente Gonzalez: Strengthen trade ties along the Texas-Mexico border.
Government Reform
Andrew White: Fight to end the non-competitive gerrymandering system.
Barack Obama: Lobbyists & special interests have strangle-hold on agenda.
Barack Obama: Consistently in favor of more disclosure around earmarks.
Barack Obama: Created a publicly searchable database on earmarks spending.
Barack Obama: Need a government that listens to the people again.
Beto O`Rourke: Committed to personal term limit for serving in Congress.
Beto O`Rourke: End secret spending flooding American elections.
Beto O`Rourke: Empower communities by ending gerrymandering.
Chad Prather: Texas should govern itself, not 2.5 million bureaucrats.
Charlie Hardy: 2012 House race: Won't accept any campaign contributions.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: No corporate PAC money, but other PACs ok.
David Alameel: Money is not free speech; corporations are not people.
Deirdre Gilbert: Texas has a 150 year history of voter suppression.
Don Huffines: Texans rightfully don't have faith in our elections.
Emily Sanchez: Opposes stricter enforcement of voting rights.
George W. Bush: Restore individual potential by focusing govt.
George W. Bush: No lawsuits on good-faith acts.
George W. Bush: 1990s: $750,000 punitive damage cap in Texas tort reform.
Greg Abbott: Voter fraud is real; voter ID is nondiscriminatory.
Greg Abbott: Election integrity essential to our democracy.
Greg Abbott: No "heavy hand of regulation" attracts business to Texas.
Greg Abbott: Increased penalty for illegal voting & 2020 election audit.
Jake Ellzey: D.C. should cut wasteful tax and spend policies.
Joaquin Castro: Limit campaign donations, plus full disclosure.
Jodey Arrington: Limit the time a politician can stay in Washington.
John Cornyn: Create anti-Tea Party PACs to counter Super PACs.
John Cornyn: Supports Citizens United.
John Cornyn: COVID: Against mail-in voting.
John Kasich: My judicial appointments are solid conservatives.
Jon Roland: No constitutional authority to regulate campaign finances.
Lupe Valdez: Fight against discriminatory voter identification laws.
Marco Rubio: The Constitution is not a living and breathing document.
Mayra Flores: Cast doubt on Trump's 2020 reelection loss on social media.
MJ Hegar: Refuses corporate PAC money, endorsed by End Citizens United.
MJ Hegar: Overturn gerrymandering, fight voter suppression.
MJ Hegar: Day one: work on campaign finance, ethics reforms.
Paul Sadler: It's crazy to think Democrats want dependency.
Paul Sadler: Limit PAC and other contributions to legislative campaigns.
Randy Weber: No limits on campaign contributions nor campaign spending.
Rick Noriega: Legislative escape tp Okla. protected Voting Rights Act.
Rick Perry: Require voters to present photo ID at polling places.
Ron Paul: Signing statements erode constitutional balance.
Royce West: Government contracts raise issues of conflicts of interest.
Scott Jameson: Increase limits on contributions to federal campaigns.
Sema Hernandez: Create uniform requirements for voting.
Ted Cruz: Dems want to get as many Americans as possible dependent.
Ted Cruz: Need principled constitutionalist on high court.
Ted Cruz: Disclosing campaign spending violates free speech.
Ted Cruz: Political gerrymandering is legitimate, unless racial.
Greg Abbott: Congratulated Biden 2020 victory, but supported state audit.
Gun Control
Jasmine Crockett: Oppose concealed carry without training or permit.
Greg Abbott: Support concealed carry without training or permit.
Allen West: Supports permitless concealed carry of handguns.
Andrew White: Not anti-gun but we need universal background checks.
August Pfluger: Second amendment protects us against government tyranny.
Beto O`Rourke: Universal background checks; ban assault weapons.
Beto O`Rourke: Supports common sense gun laws.
Beto O`Rourke: We don't want extremism in our gun laws.
Brian Babin: Rock-solid defender of the 2nd Amendment.
Chad Prather: Make Texas a constitutional carry state.
Chris Bell: Universal background checks; buyback assault weapons.
Chris Bell: Ban assault weapons, with mandatory buyback.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Ban assault weapons, with mandatory buyback.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: We all want background checks & ban on weapons of war.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Advocates for gun legislation majority of Americans support.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Ban assault style weapons, pass background checks.
Don Huffines: Favor open carry of holstered handgun.
Emily Sanchez: Opposes an absolute right to gun ownership.
George W. Bush: Arrest for guns in school; track juvenile offenders.
George W. Bush: 1995: Concealed carry doesn't make TX more dangerous.
Greg Abbott: Individual right to keep and bear arms was settled in 1791.
Greg Abbott: Favor open carry of holstered handgun.
Greg Abbott: Texas must be a Second Amendment Sanctuary State.
Jake Ellzey: Opposes all federal regulations on the right to bear arms.
Jodey Arrington: Second Amendment is about individual right to bear arms.
John Cornyn: Focus on mental illness, not on background checks.
Jon Roland: Restore militia system--everyone trained in proper gun use.
Lupe Valdez: For common sense gun control measures; keep community safe.
MJ Hegar: Ban assault weapons, but no mandatory buyback.
MJ Hegar: For background checks, red flag laws; end open carry.
MJ Hegar: Endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety for gun-sense majority.
MJ Hegar: Supports policies that are pragmatic & enforceable.
MJ Hegar: Eager to finally put an end to senseless gun violence.
MJ Hegar: Reverse ban on gun violence research by CDC.
Paul Sadler: Maintain existing restrictions on firearms.
Republican Party: No red flag laws; no waiting periods; no age-21 limits.
Rick Perry: Welcomes NRA with a video of him using semi-automatic rifle.
Ron Paul: Opposes the DC Gun Ban; it's not just a "collective right".
Ronny Jackson: Supports gun ownership and public carry.
Royce West: We can legislate on guns when we turn Texas blue.
Royce West: We must regulate deadly weapons.
Royce West: Oppose open carry of holstered handgun.
Sema Hernandez: Use Commerce Clause to regulate gun sales & manufacturing.
Steve Stockman: Consider impeachment for Obama's unilateral gun controls.
Steve Stockman: AR-15 giveaway: the perfect Mother's Day gift.
Steve Stockman: The best gun lubricant around is Liberal Tears.
Steve Stockman: 1993: Opposed federal raid on the Branch Davidian compound.
Sylvia Garcia: Oppose open carry of holstered handgun.
Ted Cruz: Led fight not to ban assault weapons.
Ted Cruz: Purpose of Second Amendment is protection against tyranny.
Van Taylor: Favor open carry of holstered handgun.
Beto O`Rourke: Supports red-flag laws for situations like Uvalde.
Greg Abbott: No red-flag laws: they violate due process.
Health Care
Al Gore: Bush policies leave Texas with large Medicaid deficits.
Allen West: Protested Governor's pandemic-related business closures.
Allen West: Opposed TX governor for COVID restrictions & accommodations.
Amy Coney Barrett: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Andrew White: 4-step plan to reduce healthcare costs for everyone.
Barack Obama: My plan does more than anybody to reduce costs.
Barack Obama: My health plan does not leave 15 million people uncovered.
Barack Obama: Adults will get health care as they can afford it.
Barbara Radnofsky: Don’t criminalize Medicare negotiating for drug prices.
Ben Carson: Health empowerment accounts for families.
Beto O`Rourke: Improve ObamaCare, including public option.
Brian Babin: Work tirelessly to repeal ObamaCare.
Brett Kavanaugh: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Chad Prather: COVID: end mandates, contact tracing, & mask requirements.
Clarence Thomas: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Supports Medicare for All.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Every person should be able to go to a doctor.
Deirdre Gilbert: Should not punish people for refusing to get vaccinated.
Deirdre Gilbert: Attention in healthcare laws for the least of us.
Don Huffines: COVID: opposed mask mandate; Texas reopened too slowly.
Donald Trump: Keep pre-existing condition coverage; not individual mandate.
Donald Trump: Removing cross-state barriers solves many insurance issues.
Donald Trump: Chief Justice Roberts: a disaster who gave us ObamaCare.
Elena Kagan: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Emily Sanchez: Supports expanding ObamaCare.
George W. Bush: Health insurance for kids from tobacco settlement.
George W. Bush: Choose doctor for pay outside of HMOs.
Greg Abbott: ObamaCare was a bad law from the beginning.
Greg Abbott: We must focus on mental health challenges.
Greg Abbott: Ensure coverage without being forced into the ObamaCare.
Greg Abbott: Texas will hire fired unvaccinated Border Patrol officers.
Hillary Clinton: Make it illegal to discriminate against sick people.
Hillary Clinton: Tired of health insurance companies deciding who live or die.
Hillary Clinton: Universal health care will not work if it is voluntary.
Jodey Arrington: Work tirelessly for repeal of ObamaCare.
Joe Biden: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
John Cornyn: Don't expand CHIP nationally until all Texans are covered.
John Cornyn: End Congress' carve-out exemption from ObamaCare penalties.
John Kasich: Give financial incentive for low cost & good outcomes.
John Roberts: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Jon Roland: Universal health program for military; not general public.
Kay Bailey Hutchison: Rx Plan has private companies competing to lower drug prices.
Lupe Valdez: Must expand Medicaid; give access to rural communities.
Marco Rubio: Let people decide how to spend health care dollars.
MJ Hegar: Make high-quality care available to all Americans.
MJ Hegar: Provide Medicare-for-All as public option.
MJ Hegar: Skyrocketing healthcare costs are unsustainable.
Nancy Pelosi: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Neil Gorsuch: Individual mandate is unconstitutional even with $0 tax.
Paul Sadler: Keep ObamaCare benefits for young adults & elderly.
Rick Noriega: Every American has a right to healthcare.
Rick Noriega: Enroll all Texas kids in CHIP and other government plans.
Rick Perry: Repeal ObamaCare; simple message to Washington: "Enough".
Rick Perry: Medical liability reforms have reduced frivolous lawsuits.
Rick Perry: $50 million nursing initiative to address shortage of nurses.
Rick Perry: Healthier Texas: $200M funding pool for uncompensated care.
Royce West: Expand Medicaid in Texas to cover all uninsured.
Royce West: Not Medicare-for-All, but health care for all.
Royce West: Fought to expand Medicaid.
Royce West: Imperative that mental health services be included.
Samuel Alito: Individual mandate is unconstitutional even with $0 tax.
Scott Jameson: Supports universal mandatory health insurance.
Sema Hernandez: Supports Medicare for All; will re-introduce bill if needed.
Sonia Sotomayor: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Stephen Breyer: Individual mandate is constitutional even with $0 tax.
Steve Stockman: Challenge incumbent because he supported ObamaCare.
Steve Stockman: Supported Sen. Ted Cruz's fight to stop ObamaCare.
Ted Cruz: Throw my body in front of a train to stop ObamaCare.
Ted Cruz: Vow to repeal ObamaCare.
Ted Cruz: ObamaCare caused millions to lose their jobs.
Vicente Gonzalez: Treat healthcare as a basic human right.
Homeland Security
Allen West: Accused of torturing Iraqi informant; firing gun near head.
Andrew White: Help first responders with citizen-led response teams.
Barack Obama: Unacceptable to have veterans drive 250 miles to a hospital.
Brian Babin: Our military must be prepared and second to none.
David Dewhurst: No blanket cuts to military, but trim back some spending.
Donald Trump: Charge rich countries like Germany more to defend them.
Emily Sanchez: Opposes expanding the armed forces.
George W. Bush: US military is key to preserving world peace.
Greg Abbott: Exempt veterans from state business fees.
Jodey Arrington: Reinvest in our Armed Forces.
John Cornyn: Strengthen security at ports and chemical facilities.
John Kasich: $100B more to rebuild the military, with Pentagon reforms.
Jon Roland: Treat terrorists as pirates; military tribunals ok.
Jon Roland: More SDI funding & more state homeland security funding.
Lupe Valdez: Worked for Dept. of Homeland Security & then elected sheriff.
Lupe Valdez: Wants all veterans to receive the benefits they have earned.
Marco Rubio: US security is more important than Apple.
MJ Hegar: We must mobilize against epidemic of domestic terrorism.
MJ Hegar: Will stand against efforts to privatize the VA.
Rick Noriega: Warrantless phone-tapping abandons the Constitution.
Vicente Gonzalez: Fulfill our promise to veterans.
Allen West: Texas's sovereignty threatened by Mexico.
Andrew White: Weak borders are "Open for Business" for criminals.
Andrew White: Sanctuary City laws force police to do border patrol work.
Annise Parker: Report illegals to ICE, but don't look for illegals.
Barack Obama: Encourage every student to learn a second language.
Barack Obama: Need to look at different aspects of immigration reform.
Barack Obama: Have border patrolled, surveillance, and deploy technology.
Barack Obama: Increasing the legal fees on immigrants is not helping.
Barack Obama: Deporting 12 million people is ridiculous and impractical.
Ben Carson: Stop illegal immigration, then have a fair path to residency.
Beto O`Rourke: DREAMers are as American as my kids.
Beto O`Rourke: Not enough urgency in rewriting law, providing resources.
Brian Babin: We must secure the borders.
Chad Prather: Support border wall, ICE; no sanctuary cities in Texas.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Fight for the rights of immigrant families.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Legalize status of DREAMers, other hardworking immigrants.
David Alameel: Supports the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform.
David Dewhurst: No amnesty & no tuition for illegals; go home and re-apply.
David Dewhurst: Boots on the ground, plus a wall.
David Dewhurst: Limit police power to ask detainees about immigration status.
Deirdre Gilbert: No stance on border immigration.
Don Huffines: Require local cooperation enforcing immigration laws.
Don Huffines: Finish building the wall; completely shut down the border.
Donald Trump: Let the good ones come back in; that's not amnesty.
Emily Sanchez: Supports illegal immigrants earning citizenship.
Greg Abbott: 500 new state troopers plus Texas Rangers at the border.
Greg Abbott: Enforce against sanctuary cities or more Texans will die.
Greg Abbott: Require local cooperation enforcing immigration laws.
Greg Abbott: Texas must fortify its efforts to secure our border.
Hillary Clinton: No official English, but keep common unifying language.
Hillary Clinton: Introduce a path to earn citizenship in the first 100 days.
Hillary Clinton: Consider halting certain raids on illegal immigrant families.
Hillary Clinton: Border fence that cuts off a college campus is absurd.
Hillary Clinton: Deploy technology & personnel, not a border fence.
Jake Ellzey: Complete the wall, secure the border, stop illegal crossings.
Jodey Arrington: Mandatory jail for illegals who return after deportation.
John Cornyn: More secure documents needed to enforce immigration laws.
John Cornyn: First step is securing our porous border with Mexico.
Jon Roland: Secure border from illegal entry.
Lance Gooden: Require local cooperation enforcing immigration laws.
Lupe Valdez: Wants immigration reform that gives a pathway to citizenship.
Marco Rubio: 45% of the problem is visa over-stays.
Marco Rubio: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is unconstitutional.
MJ Hegar: Asylum seekers should not be treated as criminals.
MJ Hegar: Support DACA recipients, they represent the best of us.
MJ Hegar: Consider abolishing ICE; prefer better leadership & policies.
MJ Hegar: Don't waste billions on ineffective border wall.
Paul Sadler: Pathway to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants.
Paul Sadler: Path to citizenship for 1.65 million illegals in Texas.
Rick Noriega: Immigration system is broken; deport undocumented workers.
Rick Perry: $100 million investment in a more secure border.
Ronny Jackson: US needs border wall to protect us from illegal immigrants.
Royce West: Putting kids in cages makes "my blood boil".
Royce West: Must address humanitarian crisis at the border.
Royce West: We've got to find a way to keep DREAMers in the country.
Royce West: Oppose local cooperation enforcing immigration laws.
Sema Hernandez: Remain in Mexico Policy unlawful in US and international law.
Steve Stockman: Opposes comprehensive immigration bill, and no negotiation.
Sylvia Garcia: Oppose local cooperation enforcing immigration laws.
Ted Cruz: Children deported with parents can come back, if citizens.
Ted Cruz: Triple the size of the Border Patrol.
Ted Cruz: Boots on the ground, plus a wall.
Ted Cruz: Give police more power to ask about immigration status.
Ted Cruz: No path to citizenship for 1.65 million illegals in Texas.
Ted Cruz: No path to citizenship to DREAMers or anyone else.
Ted Cruz: Enforce the law but also keep families together.
Tom Leppert: No border wall.
Van Taylor: Break immigration issue into little pieces to find solutions.
Van Taylor: Require local cooperation enforcing immigration laws.
Vicente Gonzalez: Common-sense compassionate reform like DACA.
Beto O`Rourke: Orderly path for migrants, including guest worker program.
Beto O`Rourke: Busing migrants ok if we coordinate with destination cities.
Greg Abbott: $4 billion and 1000s of troops for border security.
Andrew White: Knows how to create jobs and make progress.
Beto O`Rourke: Raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $15.
Brian Babin: Opposes affirmative action programs.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Higher pay and safer conditions for workers.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Raise minimum wage to $15 and tie it to inflation.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Get equal pay for women through Paycheck Fairness Act.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Expand right to unionize; fully fund Labor agencies.
David Alameel: End tax breaks for sending jobs overseas.
David Alameel: Raise minimum wage so families can work with dignity.
Deirdre Gilbert: Served as union representative in Houston schools.
Donald Trump: I'm the only one on this stage who's hired people.
Greg Abbott: No state deductions of union dues on paychecks.
John Cornyn: Create jobs by reforming tax code & easing regulations.
John Cornyn: Co-sponsored National Right-to-Work Act.
John Cornyn: 2014: raising minimum wage would be a job killer.
Jon Roland: No constitutional authority to regulate private hiring.
Lizzie Pannill Fletcher: Attack by AFL-CIO in union case reflects misunderstanding.
Lupe Valdez: Supports increasing minimum wage, making college affordable.
MJ Hegar: Supports rights of workers to unionize, collectively bargain.
MJ Hegar: Raise wages instead of tax cuts for companies exporting jobs.
Royce West: Fully supports $15 minimum wage.
Ted Cruz: Raising minimum wage costs jobs for the most vulnerable.
Tom Leppert: I have created thousands of jobs; we need that in DC.
Vicente Gonzalez: Support equal pay for equal work for women.
Principles & Values
Allen West: I don't serve Trump; I serve God, country and Texas.
Allen West: Likened Democrats to Nazis, Socialists, Communists.
Allen West: Branded Texas GOP with motto used by QAnon.
Allen West: Religious coexistence "would give away our country".
Allen West: 2020 election: Only one view of Constitution (pro-Trump).
August Pfluger: Running to fight socialism and support rural voices.
Barack Obama: Go beyond the divisions so that the government can work.
Barack Obama: Life experiences taught me how to bring people together.
Barack Obama: Actions can be seen in 20 years of my public service.
Barack Obama: People understand we must bring the country together.
Barack Obama: Suggesting that I plagiarized Deval Patrick is silly.
Barack Obama: Wouldn’t be running if I didn’t think I was prepared.
Barack Obama: I have shown the right judgment to lead.
Ben Carson: Our nation is heading off the abyss of destruction.
Beto O`Rourke: Supports Congress term limits; leaving House after 6 years.
Chad Prather: Texas is no longer the Texas that most Texans think it is.
Chad Prather: COVID: Would prefer UFOs to masks and vaccines.
Chad Prather: I'm going to help Texas secede from socialism that's coming.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Every single family wants the best for their children.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Endorsed by Working Families Party.
David Alameel: Defeated LaRouche Democrat in primary.
David Dewhurst: PAC ad: "Shattered Vision" calls Cruz a false conservative.
Deirdre Gilbert: Suing to get on ballot after rejected by state officials.
Deirdre Gilbert: I believe that God has put me on the road for campaign.
Don Huffines: If we lose Texas, we are going to lose the free world.
Don Huffines: I have the courage to save our great state: TEXAS FIRST.
Don Huffines: Republican leaders can't be trusted; don't follow platform.
Donald Trump: Make America great again.
Donald Trump: Lost lawsuit in Supreme Court on overturning election.
Emily Sanchez: Opposes keeping God in the public sphere.
Emily Sanchez: Spicybrown for Senate: Top of Green Party ticket.
George W. Bush: Our guiding philosophy: Individual rights & responsibilties.
George W. Bush: Base "responsibility era" on Judeo-Christian values.
George W. Bush: De-emphasize economics; focus on compassion.
Greg Abbott: Defend "One Nation, Under God" in our Pledge of Allegiance.
Greg Abbott: Prevent government from shutting churches during pandemic.
Hillary Clinton: Called by my faith & upbringing to serve others at young age.
Hillary Clinton: I have the experience to be commander in chief.
Hillary Clinton: My own crises are nothing compared to what people often face.
Hillary Clinton: Words matter, but actions speak louder than words.
Hillary Clinton: Using passages from other's speeches is change you can Xerox.
Jake Ellzey: Lifelong Republican; voted Trump.
Jodey Arrington: Stop targeting citizens for their religious beliefs.
Jodey Arrington: The inerrant Bible is the source of all truth.
John Cornyn: Criticizes Noriega for campaigning during Hurricane Ike.
John Kasich: America's great, and you can shoot for the stars.
John Kasich: OpEd: Realism & anti-liberalism define #NeverTrump ideology.
Lupe Valdez: Supports Texas Bill of Rights, rooted in Democratic values.
Marco Rubio: Do we prey on anger & fears, or hopes & dreams?
MJ Hegar: Stop electing people whose lifelong dream is to be a senator.
MJ Hegar: Reasons for becoming combat pilot same as running for office.
Republican Party: Biden was not legitimately elected in 2020.
Rick Noriega: Served in Afghanistan as Lt. Colonel in Army National Guard.
Sema Hernandez: Member of Democratic Socialists of America.
Sema Hernandez: The time to break the Patriarchy is now.
Steve Stockman: Lost campaigns in 1990 and 1992 before winning in 1994.
Ted Cruz: OpEd: His law firm donated $200,000 to Obama's campaign.
Ted Cruz: I hear, "I didn't vote for you but you did what you said".
Ted Cruz: Pushed lawsuit to Supreme Court on overturning 2020 election.
Social Security
Allen West: Called Social Security "21st century slavery".
Barbara Radnofsky: Privatization is a terrible idea.
Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez: Supports Social Security 2100 Act.
David Alameel: Vows to NEVER cut Social Security and Medicare.
David Alameel: Vows to NEVER cut or privatize Social Security and Medicare.
Emily Sanchez: Opposes privatizing Social Security.
John Cornyn: Biggest driver of national debt is entitlement spending.
Jon Roland: Eliminate social security as unconstitutional.
Kay Bailey Hutchison: Reform Social Security now, while it's still easy.
MJ Hegar: Medicare & Social Security not entitlements, but promises.
Republican Party: Privatize Social Security; eliminate ESOP limits.
Ron Paul: Federal government won't keep its entitlement promises.
Scott Jameson: Replace entitlements with market alternatives.
Ted Cruz: Raise retirement age; cap increases to inflation rate.
Vicente Gonzalez: Oppose privatization of safety nets.
Tax Reform
Allen West: Claims Texas tax system based on principles of Karl Marx.
Andrew White: Unfair tax burden at state level on homeowners.
Barack Obama: Tax cut for seniors and those making $75,000 a year or less.
Ben Carson: The IRS is not honest and we need to get rid of them.
Beto O`Rourke: GOP tax plan helps rich & hurts middle class.
Brian Babin: Oppose ANY tax increase.
Chad Prather: Provide lower rates for farmers and ranchers.
Chad Prather: No state income tax, reduce property tax.
David Alameel: Repeal individual income tax and lower corporate taxes.
David Dewhurst: I favor a fairer and flatter tax.
David Dewhurst: State income tax would pass over my dead, cold body.
Deirdre Gilbert: One-sided power makes tax cuts for the wealthy permanent.
Don Huffines: I will phase out the property tax system entirely.
Emily Sanchez: Supports higher taxes on the wealthy.
Greg Abbott: The only good tax is a dead tax.
Greg Abbott: Rein in property taxes; they punish families.
Hillary Clinton: Rescind tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 a year.
Jodey Arrington: Fairer, more sensible tax system.
Jon Roland: Permanently repeal the federal estate tax.
Lupe Valdez: Open to increasing taxes but not a state income tax.
MJ Hegar: Use tax credits, incentives to support small business.
MJ Hegar: Opposed 2017 tax cuts for corporations, extremely wealthy.
Paul Sadler: Allow tax cuts to expire for nation's wealthiest residents.
Paul Sadler: No state sales tax; decrease property tax.
Paul Sadler: Allow tax cuts to expire for nation's wealthiest residents.
Republican Party: Eliminate death tax & sales tax; make income tax a flat tax.
Rick Perry: Balance our budget without raising taxes.
Rick Perry: Tax rebates & tax relief instead of government spending.
Ted Cruz: Permanent Washington elite protects the tax code.
Tom Leppert: Flat tax is an opportunity to expand the base.
Beto O`Rourke: Stimulus spending invests in areas like infrastructure.
Beto O`Rourke: Rolling back net neutrality hurts democracy.
Greg Abbott: Broadband not a luxury; it's an essential tool.
Greg Abbott: Proposition 1: the people have demanded $4B for roads.
Greg Abbott: Innovation renaissance: biotech, wearable tech, clean tech.
John Cornyn: Curb abusive patent litigation that stifles innovation.
Lupe Valdez: Invest in expanded transportation infrastructure.
Republican Party: Oppose net-neutrality & social media censorship.
Rick Perry: $40M for 5,500 students in Texas Technology Grants.
Steve Stockman: Accepts Bitcoin donations as an alternative to fiat currency.
Ted Cruz: Net neutrality puts government in charge of internet.
Ted Cruz: Require Apple to unlock iPhones used by terrorists.
Tony Sanchez: Create incentives to keep technology workers in state.
War & Peace
Barack Obama: $2.7 billion each week of Iraq spending is unsustainable.
Barbara Radnofsky: US presence destabilizes Iraq; leaving causes stability.
Barbara Radnofsky: Partition of Iraq will increase terrorism.
Barbara Radnofsky: Secret CIA papers at time of war vote skeptical of WMD info.
Beto O`Rourke: We need to think before acting in Mideast.
Beto O`Rourke: Nuclear treaty was best path to prevent Iranian nukes.
David Alameel: time for us to bring the troops & funding home.
David Dewhurst: More combat troops were needed in Iraq, and for longer.
Donald Trump: We would be better off if Gadhafi were in charge right now.
Donald Trump: Cease-fire in Syria only if all parties involved.
Emily Sanchez: Supports staying out of Iran.
Greg Abbott: Help veterans get benefits they've earned.
Hillary Clinton: Up to the Iraqis to decide the future they will have.
Hillary Clinton: The purpose of the surge has not been fulfilled.
John Cornyn: No ransom to North Korea on nukes; we've tried that before.
John Cornyn: Get US away from ethnic cleansing of Kurds by Turks.
John Kasich: Arm the Ukrainians and fight ISIS in Syria, Libya.
Jon Roland: One more year of the surge, then withdraw.
Kay Bailey Hutchison: I can't think of anything worse than cut-and-run.
Kay Bailey Hutchison: Need ideas like option for semi-autonomous regions.
Kay Bailey Hutchison: Would have voted against war if current WMD info were known.
MJ Hegar: Reserve deployment of American troops as a last resort.
Rick Noriega: Safely remove 2 brigades per month from Iraq, for 10 months.
Scott Jameson: No immediate withdrawal from Iraq.
Scott Jameson: Iraq war should not be funded as an emergency.
Sema Hernandez: Overdue for plan to end the wars & bring troops home.
Ted Cruz: Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan went on too long.
Ted Cruz: Russia too strong for Syria cease-fire to hold.
Ted Cruz: SWIFT: commit to maintain ongoing sanctions against Iran.
Ted Cruz: Nuke treaty didn't sufficiently rein in Iran's nuke program.
Ted Cruz: Turkey's incursion into Syria is totally unacceptable.
Welfare & Poverty
David Alameel: I started out very very poor, and I don't forget it.
David Alameel: I don't see upward mobility for the middle class.
Deirdre Gilbert: Responsibility to serve the citizenry: "ALL" and not "SOME".
Joaquin Castro: Job training & childcare subsidies for welfare recipients.
John Cornyn: Hand-up for citizens, not merely a hand-out.
Steve Stockman: 1990s: Homeless in Fort Worth's Water Gardens park.
The above quotations are from State of Texas Politicians: Archives.
Debates and books for Texas:
- 2022-11: 2022 TX Governor's race
- 2020-11: 2020 TX Senate race
- 2020-11: 2020 House TX elections
- 2019-11: Past and present Governor candidates from Texas
- 2019-03: South-by-Southwest political conference
- 2018-11: TX Congressional representatives, past and present
- 2018-11: 2018 TX Senate race
- 2018-11: 2018 TX Governor's race
- 2018-11: 2018 House TX elections
- 2018-10: Unlikely Journey
- 2017-11: Past and present Senate candidates from Texas
- 2016-12: State of Texas secondary Archives
- 2016-02: CNN-Telemundo debate in Texas
- 2015-06: A Time for Truth, by Ted Cruz
- 2015-01: The Houston Chronicle
- 2015-01: The Dallas Morning News
- 2014-11: 2014 TX Senate debate
- 2014-03: Cruzing Republicans, by Broes & Gibson
- 2013-12: President Ted Cruz, by W. Lawrence Lipton
- 2012-05: Passage of Power, by Robert Caro
- 2012-03: 2012 Texas Senate Debates
- 2011-11: TX legislative records
- 2011-11: Dealing Death and Drugs
- 2011-04: Spoken from the Heart, by Laura Bush
- 2011-04: Liberty Defined, by Ron Paul
- 2010-11: Decision Points, by Pres. George W. Bush
- 2010-10: Fed Up!, by Rick Perry
- 2010-08: Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto, by Rep. Dick Armey
- 2010-01: State of Texas Archives
- 2009-09: End the Fed, by Rep. Ron Paul (R, TX)
- 2008-09: 2008 TX Senate Debates
- 2006-10: Texas 2006 Senate Debate
- 2004-09: American Dynasty, by Kevin Phillips
- 2000-10: Shrub, by Molly Ivins
- 1998-09: Taking Charge, by Michael Beschloss
- 1996-08: Citizen Perot
- 1996-01: My Life & The Principles for Success
- 1987-11: Freedom Under Siege
- 1982-07: The Case for Gold, by Rep. Ron Paul and Lewis Lehrman
- 1976-12: A Very Human President, by Jack Valenti
- 1970-01: My Brother Lyndon, by Sam Houston Johnson
- 1969-01: Pres. Johnson's State of the Union speeches
- 1956-06: The Lyndon Johnson Story, by Booth Mooney