Click on Resolutions & Bills below for members of Congress who co-sponsored....
Resolutions / Bill Sponsorships>>
2020 Voting records: 116th Congress
2020 Surveys & Ratings: CC/PVS/AFA
2018 Surveys & Ratings: CC/PVS
Excerpts from Trump Impeachment reports (December 2019)
Bill sponsorships, 2018-2020 (116th Congress major legislation)
Bill sponsorships, 2016-2018 (115th Congress major legislation)
Ratings on members of 114th and 115th Congress (Non-profit groups' candidate evaluations)
Bill sponsorships, 2015-2016 (114th Congress major legislation)
Bill sponsorships, 2013-2014 (113th Congress major legislation)
Ratings on members of 112th and 113th Congress (Non-profit groups' evaluations of voting records 2011-2014)
Early bills from 113th Congress. Bill sponsorships and letters from early in 2013 in the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and Governors.
2013 incoming House Freshmen surveys. Newly elected U.S. House members from the 2012 elections, rated by numerous organizations. (Same without older survey comparisons)
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide. Newly elected candidates from the 2012 House, Senate, and Gubernatorial elections.
Bills and ratings from 111th Congress and earlier (Bills 2009-2010 and earlier)
Surveys 2011: Latest survey update through 2011.
Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide. From the 2010 Congressional and Gubernatorial elections.
2010 Faith2Action.org voter guide. From "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups."
2010 Project Vote Smart: Congressional Political Courage Test.
Contract From America: 2010 House candidates' set of campaign pledges.
Contract With America: 1994 House candidates' set of campaign pledges.some
Additional Surveys and Notebooks.
Older Notebook archives:
2008 Presidential contenders
2008 Senate Signature Issues
2001-2012 Caucus Memberships / Affiliations
2000-2006 Group Ratings
1999-2007 Congressional Member Surveys
1999-2004 Public Letters
1998-2001 Resolutions
1994-2005 Policy Reports
1992-2000 Court Rulings
1990s-2008 Bill Sponsorships
Bill Sponsorships by 2008 Presidential Contenders:
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. John McCain
Sen. Barack Obama
Rep. Ron Paul
Former Gov. Mitt Romney (R, MA)
No Apology
Rep. Paul Ryan (R, WI)
Young Guns
Pres. Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope
V.P. Joe Biden
Promises to Keep
Former Rep. Ron Paul
End the Fed
Former Pres. George W. Bush
Decision Points
Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R, AK)
America By Heart
Secy. of State Hillary Clinton
Living History
Former Pres. Bill Clinton
My Life
Gov. Jesse Ventura
American Conspiracies
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Following are bills in Congress sponsored by presidential candidates.
Bill sponsorships indicate what the candidates most care about --
because a sponsorship means real work to write the bill, gather co-sponsors, and push the bill through committee.
John McCain Bill Sponsorships
Sen. McCain, the Republican nominee for President, sponsored the following bills:
- Drugs: 06-S4113 on Dec 8, 2006:
Federal grants to Indian tribes to fight methamphetamine
- Drugs: 05-S1114 on May 24, 2005:
Establish drug testing standards for major league sports
- Energy & Oil: 05-S0342 on Feb 10, 2005:
Establish greenhouse gas tradeable allowances
- Foreign Policy: 07-S2257 on Oct 29, 2007:
Impose sanctions and an import ban on Burma
- Foreign Policy: 05-SC14 on Feb 17, 2005:
Suspend Russia's participation in the G-8
- Free Trade: 05-SP267 on Apr 5, 2005:
Free trade with post-Orange Revolution Ukraine
- Government Reform: 06-S2265 on Feb 9, 2006:
Allow individual votes on each earmark
- Government Reform: 05-S2128 on Dec 16, 2005:
Restrict lobbyist gifts & disclose lobbyist info on Internet
- Government Reform: 05-S0271 on Feb 2, 2005:
Subject independent 527s to rules for political committees
- Homeland Security: 06-SP4242 on Jun 14, 2006:
Require Iraq War budget be part of regular defense budget
- Homeland Security: 05-SP1556 on Jul 25, 2005:
Prohibit torture of terrorists in US custody
- Homeland Security: 05-S1379 on Jul 11, 2005:
Give higher priority to rail security
- Immigration: 05-S1033 on May 12, 2005:
Comprehensive immigration reform without amnesty
- Technology: 05-S0900 on Apr 26, 2005:
Require text on TV for visually-impaired viewers
Joe Biden Bill Sponsorships
Hillary Clinton Bill Sponsorships
Sen. Clinton, the contender for the Democratic nomination for President, sponsored the following bills:
- Abortion: 07-HR2064 on Apr 26, 2007:
Provide emergency contraception at military facilities
- Abortion: 06-S3945 on Sep 26, 2006:
Emergency contraception for rape victims at all hospitals
- Abortion: 06-S2916 on May 19, 2006:
Expand contraceptive services for low-income women
- Environment: 05-S2053 on Nov 18, 2005:
Tax credit to remove lead-based housepaint
- Environment: 05-SP1660 on Sep 8, 2005:
Establish commission to examine Katrina response
- Families & Children: 05-S2126 on Dec 16, 2005:
Disallow renting violent-rated video games to children
- Government Reform: 07-HR1671 on Mar 23, 2007:
Establish the United States Public Service Academy
- Health Care: 07-HR1881 on Apr 17, 2007:
Improve services for people with autism & their families
- Health Care: 05-S1116 on May 25, 2005:
Provide mental health services for older Americans
- Homeland Security: 05-S1134 on May 26, 2005:
Maintain role of women in armed forces in Iraq
- Homeland Security: 05-S1150 on May 26, 2005:
Prevent "dirty bombs" via security of radiation sources
- Immigration: 06-SP4072 on May 18, 2006:
Provide funding for social services for noncitizens
- Immigration: 05-S1104 on May 23, 2005:
Cover child resident aliens under Medicaid and SCHIP
- Jobs: 06-S2725 on May 4, 2006:
Match minimum wage increases to Congressional pay raises
- Technology: 07-HR211 on Jan 9, 2007:
Facilitate nationwide 2-1-1 phone line for human services
Ron Paul Bill Sponsorships
Rep. Paul, the former Libertarian nominee for President and Republican contender for president in 2008, sponsored the following bills:
- Budget & Economy: 07-HR4892 on Mar 7, 2006:
Maintain public information about M3 money supply
- Education: 03-HR0611 on Feb 5, 2003:
Tax deductions for private scholarships to public schools
- Foreign Policy: 04-HCR443 on Jun 3, 2004:
Withdraw from UNESCO
- Foreign Policy: 03-HR1154 on Mar 6, 2003:
International Criminal Court decisions not valid for US
- Gun Control: 03-HR3125 on Sep 17, 2003:
No United Nations taxation on firearms
- Health Care: 07-HR2387 on May 17, 2007:
Prohibit mandatory mental health screen for students
- Homeland Security: 07-HR424 on Jan 11, 2007:
Terminate Selective Service
- Immigration: 03-HR0488 on Jan 29, 2003:
No student visas from countries that support terrorism
- Social Security: 03-HR0219 on Jan 7, 2003:
Invest surplus Trust Fund in market certificates
Barack Obama Bill Sponsorships
Sen. Obama, the Democratic nominee for President, sponsored the following bills:
- Civil Rights: 05-S2154 on Dec 20, 2005:
Issue a commemorative postage stamp of Rosa Parks
- Civil Rights: 05-S1685 on Sep 12, 2005:
Include special-needs people in emergency evacuation plans
- Energy & Oil: 06-S3694 on Jul 19, 2006:
Raise CAFE by a 4% per year until 2018
- Energy & Oil: 06-S2348 on Mar 1, 2006:
Require public notification when nuclear releases occur
- Energy & Oil: 05-S0918 on Apr 27, 2005:
Tax credit for gas stations providing 85% ethanol fuel
- Environment: 06-S2506 on Apr 4, 2006:
Health impact assessments for environmental health
- Families & Children: 05-S2048 on Nov 17, 2005:
Ban high lead levels in children's toys
- Foreign Policy: 05-S2125 on Dec 16, 2005:
Increase aid to avert humanitarian crisis in Congo
- Government Reform: 07-S453 on Mar 1, 2007:
Prohibit voter intimidation in federal elections
- Government Reform: 06-S2179 on Jan 18, 2006:
Post earmarks on the Internet before voting on them
- Government Reform: 05-S1975 on Nov 8, 2005:
Criminalize false or deceptive info about elections
- Immigration: 06-SP3971 on May 15, 2006:
Pay fair prevailing wage to guest workers
- Jobs: 06-S2201 on Jan 26, 2006:
Allow an Air Traffic Controller's Union
Mark Sanford Bill Sponsorships
Gov. Sanford, the Republican governor of South Carolina and former contender for Vice Presidential nomination, sponsored the following bills while in Congress:
- Budget & Economy: 00-HR5349 on Sep 29, 2000:
Allow $3 on 1040 form to pay off National Debt
- Foreign Policy: 00-HR4471 on May 16, 2000:
Allow Americans to travel to Cuba
- Social Security: 00-HR4839 on Jul 12, 2000:
Create personal retirement accounts within Social Security
Cynthia McKinney Bill Sponsorships
Rep. McKinney, the former Democratic member of Congress and Green Party nominee for President, sponsored the following bills:
- Corporations: 01-HR2782 on Aug 2, 2001:
Require Code of Conduct for US corporations abroad
- Environment: 01-HR1494 on Apr 4, 2001:
Prohibits commercial logging on Federal public lands
- Government Reform: 01-HR1189 on Mar 22, 2001:
Proportional IRV voting for Electoral College
- Jobs: 01-HR0460 on Feb 6, 2001:
Require full disclosure of outsourced employees
Bob Barr Bill Sponsorships
Rep. Bob Barr, the former Republican member of Congress and now Libertarian Party nominee for President, sponsored the following bills:
- Civil Rights: 02-HR4561 on Apr 24, 2002:
Require "Privacy Impact Statement" on new federal rules
- Gun Control: 01-HR0123 on Jan 3, 2001:
No lawsuits against gun manufacturers
- Health Care: 02-HR3897 on Mar 7, 2002:
Limit anti-trust lawsuits on health plans and insurers
- Homeland Security: 01-HR0019 on Jan 3, 2001:
Allow assassination of terrorist leaders
- Immigration: 99-HR0123 on Jan 6, 1999:
Declared English the official language of the US
Mike Gravel Bill Sponsorships
Sen. Gravel, the former Democratic Senator and former Libertarian Party contender for President, sponsored the following bills:
- Energy & Oil: 79-S1641 on Aug 2, 1979:
Let states decide on federal dam decisions
- Environment: 79-S2547 on Apr 3, 1980:
Allow tax deduction for businesses that recycle
- Environment: 79-S1741 on Sep 12, 1979:
Congress should decide land use, not DOI
- Jobs: 79-S1058 on May 2, 1979:
Help employees buy businesses that are closing or moving